A Sleep Apnea Cure through Dental Treatment - VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 13, 2012

There is a dental treatment to common snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnea. For those of you using CPAP, that unattractive tight mask and bulky, loud machine, there is an alternative.
For mild-to-moderate sleep apnea patients fed up with their CPAP, there is a solution. Dentally treat snoring and cure sleep apnea. Oral appliances are placed in the mouth when sleeping and are worn much like an orthodontic appliance or sports mouth protector.

Rather than CPAP, moderate sleep apnea can be treated using a much more comfortable alternative.  

At Oyster Point Dentistry, our sleep apnea oral appliance is a clinically proven treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea. This appliance treats cases of sleep apnea by preventing the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat so that the airway stays open during sleep. This customized night guard actually opens up your airway during sleep allowing more oxygen to enter your body and preventing or minimizing symptoms of sleep apnea.
For those who are self-conscious or whose snoring disrupts a loved one....we have a solution for you, contact us.