Cosmetic dentistry veneers address common dental aesthetic issues such as discoloration, misalignment, chipped, or irregularly-shaped teeth. Getting a dental veneer treatment can dramatically improve your smile as it can precisely restore the look of your teeth. Find out why they are worth the cost.
1. Instantly restore the whiteness of your Teeth
Porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates are paper-thin shells that are custom-molded in order to cover the surface of discolored or defective teeth. While professional teeth whitening is fast and effective as well, some patients opt for veneers because they are more resistant to stain than the natural teeth. Thus, they can maintain the whiteness of their teeth for a long time without spending much on teeth whitening treatments yearly. In addition, veneers protect the delicate tooth enamel from stains.
2. Lets you customize your smile
Since dental veneers are custom-made, the patient can choose the color and form of the veneer that best matches their natural teeth. Depending on their budget, they can request a complete set or just a few veneers to correct only those poorly defective teeth.
3. It can mend the shape, size, and staining of teeth
Whether your teeth look unattractive due to stain and form defects, your dentist in Newport News, VA can swiftly correct these issues so you can have a better smile.
4. It can bridge the gaps between teeth
Cosmetic porcelain veneers can close the gap between these teeth by filling it.
5. It can last for several years
Like I mentioned above, dental veneers are can last for more than 14 years. Although they are a bit pricey than other treatment options they present a wiser investment. Besides, your dentist will offer you different payment options to make the treatment more affordable for you.
Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to learn more about cosmetic dental veneers.