Dental Crowns vs Bridges – What’s Best for You?

- Saturday, September 19, 2020
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Bridges, Newport, News, VA

Dental crowns and bridges are both functional and aesthetic dental restoration procedures. Crowns and bridges are used to restore damaged or missing teeth. We are all concerned about our appearance, and our appearance affects our self-esteem, crowns and bridges will make your smile healthy and beautiful again.

While appearance is important, there is more to fixing a missing tooth than just appearance. Just one missing tooth can cause your other teeth to move and become crooked which can affect your affect your ability to eat and speak. Dental crowns are used for aesthetics and to restore tooth function. When teeth have broken-down fillings, a dental crown can protect and preserve the remaining natural tooth. Crowns are placed over a tooth when fillings are not able to restore the tooth. Dental Bridges are perfect when there are missing teeth. Bridges may also provide a permanent, non-removable alternative to removable partial dentures.

We’re here to help you get back to safe, healthy, and confident dental health. For more information on dental bridges and crowns here in Newport News, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.