Dental Implants or Keep the Tooth? Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Many people call us when they have tooth problems. When they are advised to have their tooth extracted and replaced with a dental implant they often wonder if this is necessary, or if they should keep their natural original tooth.  Well, that depends on the problem. There are scenarios where dental implants are a better option.

Dental implants are great for tooth-replacement. As far as tooth replacement, you have lots of options, but dental implants best mimic a natural tooth as far as look and functionality. They also help the jawbone and the jawline to maintain its density and volume.

The key thing to understand when discussing dental implants is the word replacement, not substitution. Dental implants have a ‘root’ and they have been in use for about 30 years. Over time they have been developed and perfected. However, nothing can totally replace your natural tooth. But, dental implants are the best, most natural looking option.

If you have a tooth that is broken down and cannot be saved, the best choice for tooth replacement is a dental implant. If you had periodontal disease which is compromising your jawbone, then the best avenue  would be to extract the teeth, preserve the jaw, and use implants as tooth substitutions. Dental implants can use the remaining jawbone and are healthier and safer than the natural teeth.

If your teeth are salvageable with no further damage to your jaw, teeth and mouth, get the natural teeth fixed. If your teeth and jaw are compromised it would be best to replace those teeth with dental implants.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.