Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea can Improve One’s Health and Sleep - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 03, 2016

If after a thorough check-up and diagnosis your sleep doctor decides that oral appliance therapy is the best option to treat your sleep apnea, then your doctor will write a prescription for you to receive a custom-made and FDA-approved oral appliance. You will also be referred to no one but a qualified dentist who can provide such therapy.

The dentist will work closely with your physician to treat your snoring and sleep apnea. The dental solutions to treat sleep apnea come in the form of on oral appliance therapy. Your dentist will first conduct a complete clinical evaluation that includes an examination of your teeth, jaw, tongue and airway, and possibly a new X-ray of your mouth. Such step is needed in order to customize an oral appliance that fits right to your mouth so it becomes easier to wear.

Sleep apnea treatments in Newport News, VA using non-invasive but effective oral appliances should only be done by a qualified dentist. Your sleep doctor will still be involved by scheduling you for a sleep study in order to verify the success or progress of your oral appliance treatment. And when you remain committed to your treatment and use it nightly, you yourself will then find that your quality of life has improved dramatically.

With your sleep doctor’s and dentist’s help, you can improve your sleep and health. To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.