Dentists Now Work Closely with Sleep Doctors to Make Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea

Darren Kincaid - Friday, October 14, 2016

Sleep apnea is a deadly disease but is treatable by multiple means. The most common treatment involves continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), but doctors and patients alike are increasingly choosing dental solutions over CPAP. Dental treatment of sleep apnea involves using a mouthpiece that is very similar to an athletic mouth guard. Unlike CPAP, dental apnea solutions are comfortable, easily maintained, and inconspicuous treatment option. Anyone who suffers from sleep apnea owes it to themselves to discuss dental treatment options with their medical doctor.

Our dentists, upon written order from your medical doctor, will build you a custom dental sleep apnea solution for you. We will conduct a complete clinical evaluation at your first visit. Such examination will include your teeth, jaw, tongue, and airway. You will then be told about the benefits of sleep apnea treatments as well as the potential side effects and cost of therapy.

Sleep apnea treatments in Hampton, VA also include making and fitting oral appliances that are customized using digital or physical impressions of your teeth. They will then be sent to a dental lab where the oral appliance is custom-made just for your case in order to maximize comfort and effectiveness.

To find out more about the dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.