Halloween Teeth Care Tips – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 30, 2013

OK, Halloween is tomorrow, but don’t panic, and you don’t have to hide all the candy just to take care of your teeth. Actually, candy is really no worse for your teeth than any other food, you just have to take care of your teeth. But, there are some types of candy that is worse than others. The trick is how you treat your teeth after you eat sweet treats.

Oyster Point Dental understands that avoiding the candy can be challenging during Halloween. It’s hard enough to keep stay away from the treats yourself, but it is nearly impossible to keep the kids away. That means you may be worrying about more than one set of teeth. Too much sugar and too little dental hygiene can cause cavities. So here are some tips on how to avoid cavities at Halloween.

Top Halloween dental care tips:

  1. Avoid sticky, chewy candy, like gummy bears, taffy, caramels and sugar-infused gum. These stick to the teeth, and they stick between the teeth and can cause issues if you don’t properly brush and floss.
  2. Avoid hard candy and lollipops that stay in the mouth for a long time because they bathe the teeth in sugar for an extended period of time.
  3. Just eat one or two pieces at a time and always eat it with a full meal that includes plenty of water to drink. Eating a small amount of candy as dessert is important because saliva production increases when you eat a full meal, which helps neutralize acids and rinse away food particles. Drink plenty of water with your meals, which also will help rinse food (and candy) from your mouth.
  4. Stock up on packets of sugarless gum to hand out to trick-or-treaters, or hand out scary stickers, coins, temporary tattoos, spider rings or colorful pencils.
  5. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice per day.
  6. Remember, a small amount of candy is fine, you won’t instantly get cavities. Eat treats with a meal, water and brush well afterward.

Concerns about your teeth or interested in an appointment? Contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

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