How to Maintain Pearly White Teeth Between Dentist's Cleanings – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 17, 2016

While we offer professional teeth whitening in Newport News, VA there are things you can do to prolong (or even eliminate) the need for professional teeth whitening.

Consider a "white-teeth diet". If you are fond of drinking red wine or black tea, eating reddish berries, or smoking cigarettes, well, we understand fully and those of us who enjoy these things may need occasional professional teeth whitening help. Common things that we just can't give up (sodas, dark juices, did we mention coffee?) will do their harm to teeth whiteness regardless of how quick you go to the toothbrush. With that said, aside from going on a white-teeth diet, the best preventative dental care measure you could do is to brush your teeth as soon as possible after eating and/or drinking such things.

So, if a white-teeth diet just isn't going to happen for you, then simply plan for simple and affordable in-office whitening treatments here at Oyster Pointe Dentistry! Like-new pearly white teeth in as little as a single sitting.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment as well as other dental tips to keep your teeth white and healthy, visit your dentist atOyster Point Dentistry.