Importance of Preventative Dental Care on Children’s Baby Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Monday, January 15, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Preventative Dental Care in Newport News, VA

Children’s permanent teeth come in around age 7 or 8. As a result, many parents tend to delay preventative dental care dentist appointments until this time, and too often by then kids are already complaining of toothache or suffering from tooth decay. Although kids have baby teeth which will fall out at a young age, parents should take care because these temporary teeth serve as a guide track for the emerging adult teeth. Your child’s permanent teeth can end up crooked, overlapping, and unattractive.

A minor cavity in baby teeth can quickly develop into larger cavities because of the thin enamel. Cavities are signs of infection and always come with gum swelling and pain. If left untreated, infection can spread to blood circulation causing illnesses.

It is advisable to start caring for your child’s teeth as soon as solid foods are introduced, usually as early as 6 months. Also, do not put babies to sleep with bottles in their mouth and you should clean their teeth with a wet cloth every after feeding. When they reach 1 year you can start using a soft-bristled brush to remove excess food particles. Limit sugary foods and drinks since most bacteria that thrives in the mouth love a sweet environment. It is also necessary to bring your child to the dentist in Newport News, VA at least twice a year for dental check-us.

Don’t neglect your child’s dental health. Their temporary teeth set the path for sprouting adult teeth helping them emerge straight and healthy. Moreover, your child’s dental wellness impacts their nutrition, speech development, appearance and self-esteem. For more dental health care tips for baby teeth, call Oyster Point Dentistry.