Invisalign Aligners: Affordable and Safe Smile Enhancing Dental Treatment

- Thursday, April 07, 2022
Oyster Point Dentistry - Invisalign Aligners

This smile improvement tool is a safe, convenient, affordable, and most aesthetically enhancing orthodontic dental treatment option. It will transform you because it is more about treating your whole smile. With Invisalign Aligners, you get great results without braces.

The Invisalign treatment is done with your doctor who will map out the movement of every tooth to your unique requirements. This treatment also resolves crowding and closing of the space in between your teeth. With the latest optical technology, it helps digitally capture the structure of your teeth and gums. This provides the patients more accurate, comfort and quicker turn-around time compared to traditional impressions. It also speeds up the production of your Invisalign aligners. With the attachments which are small bumps that are placed on your teeth before or during the treatment, it serves as a handle to help your aligners gently move your teeth into the right place. Placing the Invisalign attachments on your teeth simply bonded to the surface of your teeth and after the Invisalign treatment is completed, these attachments are polished off and removed by the dentist. It shows how discreet Invisalign aligners really are and hardly anyone will notice that you are wearing them.

Creating a healthy bite and smile is crucial for delivering long term dental health. Invisalign aligners which are invisible will allow you to enjoy all types of food and drinks. It will give you a confident smile and feel high because you will avoid wearing regular braces and opt for the Invisalign aligners which are invisible.

For more tips on Invisalign aligners, contact Oyster Point Dental.