INVISALIGN Clear Aligners Actually Prevent Dental Problems Hampton,VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, October 16, 2015

Having a crooked or misaligned teeth is not only unsightly, it can also be unhealthy. Misaligned teeth can be difficult to clean which invites plaque and other unhealthy buildups. You may eventually lose perfectly good teeth due to plague, gum loss, and other issues. Wearing Invisalign clear aligners is one way to properly align your teeth and therefore keep you from the risk of having these dental problems.

Metal braces are less attractive and can be uncomfortable and painful when worn. Adults can be especially embarrassed to wear them because of how those metal wires and brackets can make the teeth or smile unappealing. Worse is, they can get food caught in them without you even being aware of it. The metal braces are also inconvenient to clean because they are not removable. They can also make it hard for you to speak or even smile because your gums or tongue can be caught in the metal wires. You will not have to go through these things if you avail the Invisalign offering by Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA.

The invisible teeth straightening technology that is unique in Invisalign is what makes it a great alternative to traditional teeth braces to align the teeth. You will be wearing custom-colored braces that are barely noticeable as if you are not wearing braces at all. Aside from being more attractive than metal braces, they can also be removed when needed making them easier to clean.

To find out more about the INVISALIGN clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.