Invisalign Clear Aligners Offer Comfort and Convenience to Patients – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 16, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Hampton, VA

The aesthetic advantage of the Invisalign clear aligner teeth straightening treatment here at Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA is clear. Literally. But there are actually numerous advantages and/or benefits aside from that.

There are several treatment and health advantages to these Invisalign clear aligners. When you use Invisalign instead of metal braces, most people will not even notice you are in orthodontic treatment. That is because these aligners are virtually invisible which makes them an excellent option for patients who would like to have no braces in photos, for performances, or during social events. The Invisalign clear aligners can be custom-colored to mimic the natural shade of your tooth enamel. So that once you wear them, they will instantly blend and look as if you were not really wearing aligners.

The invisible teeth straightening technology of Invisalign lets you achieve that aesthetically pleasing dental arch without causing you much inconvenience during the entire treatment. The Invisalign clear aligners are so comfortable to wear because they are custom for every patient alone. They are made of a comfortable clear plastic. You will be changing your sets of aligners as you progress in your treatment.

Aside from the comfort, you will also be benefiting from the convenience that these aligners can offer. You can take them out to eat which means you can eat everything you like even while you are on a treatment. You can even remove these aligners while brushing and flossing your teeth as you normally would.

To find out more about Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.