Invisalign: Invisible Braces for Those who Cannot Commit to Wear Metal Braces - Virginia Beach, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, September 08, 2014

Everyone wants a great smile, but most of us need a little help in getting there. Nowadays, a lot of people are benefiting from the wonders of Invisalign in Virgnia Beach, VA . This orthodontic appliance is not just used for aesthetic purposes of having a picture-perfect smile but to help keep the teeth healthy as well.

Invisalign is a series of tight-fitting retainers that are custom-made to slip over the teeth that are mildly to moderately crowded or have some minor spacing issues. These clear aligners are best for teens and adults who have their mouth already fully-developed. Invisalign also provide an effective alternative for those who find the idea of a mouthful of metal braces and brackets too unattractuve to commit to.

Make sure you consult your dentist to know more about the other options. Not all dental issues have Invisalign as the solution because others may require a more complex dental treatment. Your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry will help you decide if using clear aligners is the dental treatment that is best suited for your case.

Compared to the traditional braces, the clear aligners fit tightly over the teeth but can still be removed for eating and cleaning. You will be fitted for several versions, getting a new aligner every few weeks. In every scheduled replacement, this orthodontic appliance is first slightly adjusted to ensure the movement of your teeth in the desired or proper position over the treatment time.

Dental care is a partnership between you and your dentist. So make sure you do not miss any appointment with your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.