Invisalign Treatment: Change Your Life

- Monday, September 25, 2023
Oyster Point Dental - Invisalign Treatment

As Invisalign works to realign the teeth and jaw into a proper, straight alignment, functions like eating, chewing, and breathing become easier. It greatly improves functionality with no obstructions in your airways, which hinders you from easeful breathing.

Invisalign treatment will change your life especially if your image is your main concern. The problem of fixing your crooked teeth is when many people are looking for it. Crooked teeth, overbites, underbites, and other dental issues will affect your self-esteem and make you feel bad about your appearance. Crooked teeth will cause major dental issues if left unstraightened. Invisalign is a newer way to straighten teeth. With new scanning technology, it is non-invasive and is being used by dentists in scanning your teeth and creating a set of aligners that will slowly adjust your teeth to the optimal position. Every aligner is a custom fit which is exactly made for your teeth to slowly shift them into place. It is standard that invisible aligners will be worn for 22 hours in a day to have the maximum effect. Removable aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces. They have smooth edges made with high-quality resin so you will not have any jagged metal digging into your mouth.

Because Invisalign is a custom fit, it has more precise control over straightening your teeth. Your removable aligners will fix dental issues and prevent worse ones. You will grow in confidence with your teeth and smile as you slowly straighten your teeth in a way hardly noticeable. If you are ready for a happier, healthier smile, contact OPD for consultation now.

For more tips on Invisalign treatment, contact Oyster Point Dental.