Invisible Dental Fillings Help Save A Tooth Structure – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 01, 2016
Invisible Dental Filling Procedure

The newest dental filling offerings at Oyster Point Dentistry maximizes the amount of viable tooth structure saved. By doing this, the resultant dental condition is maximized for health and efficiency while simultaneously delivering at the lowest possible cost. This is important even though your insurance covers the cost of the procedure, it does not unnecessarily tax your cap.

Aside from allowing the teeth to become fully functional again, the invisible dental fillings also allow the teeth to become aesthetically pleasing. Unlike the metal amalgams, these fillings can mimic the natural shade of the tooth structure thereby allowing the former to blend with the latter. As a result, the fillings become less visible to the naked eyes, so you can just flaunt your smile all the way without feeling conscious that your dental fillings might look obvious.

The invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA offer many different benefits to a qualified patient. Just like other dental treatment options, it is important that you consult your dentist if this is the best option for your case.

To find out more about the benefits and advantages of invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.