Live Healthy Via Dental Sleep Apnea Treatment - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sleep apnea is a chronic disease, often diagnosed, but far too often goes untreated by choice of the patient. Studies conclude that as many as 4 in 10 people diagnosed sleep apnea patients go untreated because they simply cannot tolerate or refuse to engage in doctor-prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Of those former CPAP users who turn to dental treatment of sleep apnea, 90% of those patients discover a simple, comfortable, and completely effective treatment option. Yes, your dentist can save your life.

If you live in or around Newport News Virginia (or the surrounding areas), there is one dentistry clinic that stands above all others in experience and quality of custom dental treatment of sleep apnea. Dr. Eric Smith and his associates at Oyster Point Dentistry put their specialized training and equipment to work in what amounts to a guaranteed return to treating your apnea, to protect your heart, to return you (and your partner) to sound sleep, and to renew your energy.

If your CPAP machine sits idly at your bedside while your health deteriorates, do yourself and all who love you a huge favor and level with your doctor that you no longer use his or her prescribed CPAP treatment. You can expect your doctor to discuss dental treatment as an alternative and put you on the path to recovery. Whereas dental solutions for sleep apnea start with your medical doctor’s order, please know that you can contact Dr. Smith and his associates at Oyster Point Dentistry anytime to discuss the process.