No More Dental Anxiety or Fear

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 11, 2013

Many people suffer from dental anxiety. As a result their oral health suffers, as does their physical health. Dental issues that would have been minor turn into larger problems because those with dental anxiety put off going to the dentist.

Total sleep dentistry is the answer to this problem. Moving dental surgery out of the dental office and into the medical operating room allows for patients to be completely put to sleep during their dental procedures. Anyone with serious dental fear is a candidate for sleep sedation dentistry.

For dental anxiety that is concerning but not paralyzing, there is sedation dentistry where patients are awake during the procedure, but calm and often unaware of the procedure itself. and audio visual relaxation.  

At Oyster Point Dentistry we talk our “atmosphere seriously. To enhance and ensure a relaxing and rewarding dental experience, Oyster Point Dentistry offers soothing audio and visual technology services to our patients with general anxiety about dental care.

For more information on how we treat patients with dental anxiety or fear, contact us.