Save Money with Regular Dental Checkups – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Sometimes more is less. Spending $100 on your teeth can actually save you thousands in the long run. The average cost of a dental exam and cleaning, without insurance, is $50 - $135. However, if you have dental insurance, your out-of-pocket expense could range from paying nothing to nominal, for basic dental care services including X-rays.

This can save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

If you have dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease or something more severe, regular dental visits will give you a chance to catch a dental problem early.  With any dental issue, this is key. Early detection with any dental problem means that you will fix it faster, and spend less. The earlier you get a dental problem diagnosed the easier it is to treat. Gum disease left untreated for too long may result in the need for extensive and expensive treatment. Regular dental checkups allow you to stay ahead of dental problems, which means thousands of dollars eventually saved.

A dental cleaning is the only way to effectively remove tartar or hardened plaque. While you should brush and floss regularly, it is still  not enough and a professional cleaning is a must. Besides tartar causing a brown or yellowish tint to your teeth, it also contains cavity-causing bacteria. Preventing cavities and paying for multiple fillings will save you thousands in the long run.

Dental health is also related to your physical health. Therefore, the most important reason to invest in regular dental exams is because you will also be investing in your overall health. Recent studies have shown that there’s a link between periodontal disease and heart disease; when the former is present, the latter is twice as likely.

Gum disease can have a domino effect on your health. The bacteria caused by periodontal disease can enter your bloodstream and attach to your heart's blood vessels, causing dangerous blood clots. Also, plaque buildup caused by periodontal disease can cause the heart's blood vessels to swell.

Regular checkups and cleanings are not only money-saving but life-saving. To schedule a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.