Sedation Dentistry for Dental Anxiety – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Many patients have certain fears, and even dental anxiety, about dental treatment. That's why Oyster Point Dentistry has implemented the latest in sedation dentistry techniques. With sedation dentistry, any patient can have dental procedures available to them. Procedures like:  dental implants, porcelain veneers, and bridges.  Sleep and sedation dentistry combats dental fears and anxiety. This is a multi-faceted approach to making nervous or fearful patients feel as comfortable as possible at the dental office.

Dental anxiety management actually begins during the consultation process. Asking questions about dental fears as well as looking for visual queues from patients helps diagnose dental anxiety.

Oyster Point Dentistry has perfected sedation dentistry techniques, and tends to see a large number of patients that experience dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry is a three-step process: the identification of fear or anxiety in a patient, discussing with the patient possible causes for that fear or anxiety, and providing the patient with a variety of options for how to treat the condition.

One of the most common methods of treatment for patients with dental anxiety is oral conscious sedation, which does not induce full sleep and still allows patients to communicate with the dentist. During this treatment, a short-acting pill is administered in a dosage that lasts throughout the course of the dental work being performed, allowing the patient to feel immensely relaxed during the procedure but also to return to a state of full consciousness soon afterward. Oral conscious sedation is designed to help patients experience virtually no pain during the procedure.

For more information on sedation dentistry, contact Oyster Point Dental.

Excerpts – Market Wired