Solutions to Improve your Teeth and Smile - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 30, 2013

With appearance becoming more and more important and cosmetic dental procedures are gaining in popularity. In fact, a straight and attractive smile can do much for your self-confidence. In fact, a crooked smile is one of the biggest reasons that people contact cosmetic dentists.
For the following teeth problems, you may want to seek orthodontic straightening.

Overcrowded teeth – this can happen when there is not enough room on your jaw for teeth to fit. This can be fixed with braces, and in many cases, overcrowding can be fixed with Invisalign clear aligners.

Spaces between teeth -  usually this is caused by genetics, there are several options that can correct spaces between teeth such as Invisalign and dental veneers.

Crossbite – When the lower tooth grows on the wrong side of the corresponding upper tooth. This can happen with one or more teeth and is most often fixed with braces.

Overbite  - Usually caused by genetics, an overbite results in upper teeth that fall over the lower teeth. This can most often be fixed with Invisalign braces.

Stained, yellow or discolored teeth - This is often a result of life habits. In-office teeth whitening is often the fastest and most effective solution. However, in the event that you are not a candidate for teeth whitening, porcelain veneers are a perfect solution.

When people are not happy with their smile, their lives are affected. Self confidence wanes and many are uncomfortable in social situations. Luckily though there are so many alternatives that can give you a straighter smile. Ask Oyster Point Dentistry if Invisalign, braces or dental veneers are appropriate for you.