The Celebrated Success of the Invisalign Aligner

Joseph Coupal - Sunday, September 29, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Invisalign might very well be the greatest advancement in dental industry in the past decade. . If you have been discussing Invisalign with your dentist, or even just researching it on your own, you likely have a lot of questions. This blog post will explore what you need to know about Invisalign—from whether it is actually invisible to how well it works to get the results successfully.

Invisalign is a method of straightening teeth that, unlike braces, has made its name in the industry for being invisible. Invisalign is not completely invisible, though. It is, however, a functional and aesthetic option that uses incremental transparent aligners to straighten and realign teeth without the obvious physical appearance of braces. It is, in many cases, an aesthetic improvement over conventional braces.

Choosing Invisalign is primarily a lifestyle choice due to the advantages of aesthetics and hygiene. With aesthetics, you get clear liners that are nearly invisible compared to conventional braces. Some Invisalign cases will be quicker than conventional braces by nature of the design since they will move many teeth at once. The comfort is great. There are no wires and sharp corners like with conventional braces. As such Invisalign will move teeth in ways braces cannot. Another advantage with Invisalign, there is less risk of shrinking of teeth roots due to the excessive force that can be applied with conventional braces.

Another factor is also time-saving. There are fewer dental visits than conventional braces. With Invisalign, you will remove your aligners completely to floss and brush normally. There is also less risk of gingivitis and hyperplasia (gums growing up over the brackets) because you are able to clean your teeth better.

They will be Aligners to keep for life. Your Invisalign aligners will double as whitening trays or a mouth guard during and after treatment.

For more information on Invisalign aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.
