The Most Paranoid Dental Patient Ever

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - Scared Dental Patient

Every workplace experiences head shaking humor at one time or another. One of the most intense experiences in our industry is dealing with patients who suffer true paranoia about sitting in a dentist’s chair. Here at Oyster Point Dentistry we specialize in settling those with dental treatment anxiety. Our treatment services range from pre-treatment counselling (relaxation methodologies and pre-treatment medication) to teaming here on site with medical doctors (Board Certified Anesthesiologists) to deliver sedation and total sleep dentistry treatment here in Newport News Virginia.

What drove us to write today regarding dental patient paranoia? We read the story recently (in one of our dental journals) about a loving husband who no longer could stand idly by why his beloved wife suffered from chronic tooth and gum disease. For her own health and wellbeing, he scheduled her for dental treatment, scheduled annual leave for the day of the appointment, and steadily reassured her in the days leading up to the appointment that everything would be OK.

On the morning of the appointment, the wife appeared incensed about being forced to go to the dentist. She did not say a word that morning and remained silent all the way into the dentist’s chair. What those dentists discovered was truly a unique dental case. She had super-glued her teeth together! A long story short here, the treatment involved two phases. First, a staff member went to the local grocer and brought back a bottle of olive oil. In time, the oil broke down the glue’s bond and freed her mouth. Second, they used what we offer, heavy dental sedation to calm her and successfully completed the treatment.

They wouldn’t print it if it wasn’t true. All of this to say, your caring friends here at Oyster Pointe Dentistry (Newport News, Va) know how to get even the most paranoid of patients through their critical dental health care treatments. It’s a half-hour to a grocer from here, so don’t glue your mouth shut. Call us. We have better ideas.

Many people are afraid of going to the dentist, but most will muster the bravery to go in when their teeth start falling out. However, most people are not Angie Barlow of England.