'True or False' Dental Care – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 26, 2014

True or False: I can’t see any problems with my teeth, so I don't need to go to the dentist.

False: There are dental problems that aren’t visible to the naked eye, like gum disease, cracks and root canal disease. Dentists use digital X-rays and other technology to detect problems on and beneath your teeth. Visits to the dentist should not be used only emergency care; they should absolutely be treated as preventive care.

True or False: I don’t need to worry about my teeth because my parents never had problems.

False: Though genetics may play a small role in predicting your oral health, taking care of your teeth will be the most important factor in oral health.

True or False: Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal is just as effective as brushing.

False:  Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can help clean your teeth, stimulate saliva flow and freshen your breath after you eat. But gum chewing is not a replacement for brushing and flossing, which actually removes dental plaque and food debris.

True or False: I shouldn't brush my teeth if my gums are bleeding.

False: Bleeding gums may mean that you are brushing too hard or too vigorously or it could be a sign of gum disease. Continue to brush, but use a toothbrush with medium-soft bristles and brush in a circular motion. If the bleeding continues after a few days, see your dentist.

True or False: If I have a toothache, placing an aspirin tablet next to the tooth will relieve pain.

Fact: This can lead to painful chemical burns, so don’t do this. Putting an aspirin tablet in direct contact with the soft tissues of your mouth will not help relieve a toothache. See your dentist for relief instead.

True or False: All dental procedures must be avoided during pregnancy.

Fact: Dental X-rays or dental surgery should be avoided during pregnancy, but regular dental treatments should continue as usual.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.