What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A bridge is also known as a fixed partial denture. It is a dental restoration that is used to replace a missing tooth. A dental bridge is joined permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants.

A bridge is made up of two crowns on either side of your missing tooth.  The two anchoring teeth support the bridge, and the false tooth is put in between. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.

Bridges can:

  • Restore your smile
  • Restore the ability to properly chew and speak
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position

If you have a missing tooth as a result of genetics or an accident, you understand the importance of having a smile that you are confident in. For too long you have hidden that smile, contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more information on Dental Bridges. See how life can be with a beautiful smile.