The Link Between Gum Diseases and Stroke

- Thursday, September 10, 2020

Unknown to many, gum diseases can predispose one to stroke. Stroke is a deadly disease that takes place when there's a poor supply of oxygen to a part of the brain resulting in irreversible damage to tissues and brain cells. A person with poor oral health is at greater risk for developing gum diseases that could potentially trigger a stroke in the long run.

The major connection between gum diseases and stroke is inflammation. The infection due to the accumulation of bacteria can enter the bloodstream, resulting in inflammation. The inflammation can lead to blood clotting that could result in a stroke.

Although it is still uncertain whether inflammation from gum disease can lead to vascular inflammation associated with stroke and other heart diseases, studies are certain there is a connection. As a matter of fact, inflammation related to gum disease has also been connected to other conditions particularly diabetes, some cancers, and Alzheimer's disease.

Maintaining good oral care habits can prevent gum diseases and thus, can lower the risk for stroke. Regular dental check-ups should be part of your preventative dental care. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry, let us help you take care of your oral and overall health.