Oyster Point Dental Blog

Dental Bridges: Their Benefits to Bridging Tooth Gaps – Virginia Beach, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dental Bridges are made up of two crowns on either side of the pontics or false teeth. They can be supported by either natural teeth or implants. The types of dental bridge include Traditional bridges, Cantilever bridges, and Maryland bonded bridges.

Dental bridges can last up to 10 years or more, depending on how you take care of them. Good oral hygiene and preventative care, like brushing and flossing, keep the remaining teeth healthy and strong, enough to provide a solid foundation for the bridge. Also, regular dental checkup with your Oyster Point Dentist is recommended to detect dental problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease, at such an early stage. This way, you can be given immediate treatment.

Dental Bridges in Virginia Beach, VA solve the problems brought by tooth gaps. With a bridge in place, your smile will look brilliant as it was before. Plus, you can speak properly and clearly again. Dental bridges restore the size and shape of the affected tooth, thereby restoring your natural bite, as if you haven't lost one. They also facilitate proper chewing of food as they distribute the forces in your bite properly, making it easier to eat again. Dental bridges also keep the remaining teeth from drifting out of position. They can even maintain the natural shape of the face, so that it will not seem sunken or sad.

Dental Bridges are not your only option. Discuss with your dentist the pros and cons of alternative treatments such as dental implants. Both dental bridges and dental implants not only look natural but also feel, fits, and function like natural teeth.

How Oral Appliances Treat Mild-to-Moderate Sleep Apnea Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 15, 2014

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder more common to males as they tend to have larger necks than females. It temporarily blocks the inflow of air when tissues in the upper airways come too close to each other while one is asleep. It can develop at any age to anyone. But those who are overweight, smokers, or 40 years old are at risk.

A change in lifestyle can help patients with this sleep disorder. Quitting from vices, making efforts to lose weight, and sleeping on one side are helpful. There are also specific treatments for mild-to-moderate cases and one is the use of oral appliances for sleep apnea.

Oral appliances are dental devices for mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea. These are custom-made mouthpieces that help the lower jaw and tongue maintain their proper position during sleep. Trained dental professionals such as the dentists in Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA Virginia are the only ones allowed to carry out obstructive sleep apnea treatments.

Oral appliances are federally approved alternatives opted by those patients who do not prefer continuous positive airway pressure to treat their obstructive sleep apnea. These comfortable and portable plastic devices are worn to keep the airway stay open as you sleep, providing adequate air intake and promoting normal sleep. Oral appliance therapy is reversible and non-invasive, which brings it more advantage compared to other dental treatments.

For more details on general and cosmetic dentistry, read more at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign For Your Teen Instead of Metal Braces – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, May 02, 2014

Does your teen need braces? For many kids there is nothing worse than the news that they need metal braces for their teeth. But now there is a popular alternative.  Invisalign clear braces are a clear and more comfortable alternative that straighten teeth while being invisible. Your teeth can smile with confidence with clear braces that no one can see.

Invisalign braces allows your teen to more easily care for and clean their teeth because they are removable. So even though you can remove them to eat, brush and floss, they are as effective as metal braces. Invisalign makes dental care easy and more effective than traditional braces.

You don’t want your teen to lose confidence while they are wearing metal braces. There is no reason anymore for them to be embarrassed by their smile. The removable clear plastic aligners may just be the perfect solution to help straighten your child’s teeth.

Did you know that crooked teeth can lead to other dental health issues? Healthy teeth are important to your dental and overall health. This is why Oyster Point Dentistry is happy to provide you with an option other than traditional metal braces.

No longer does your teen need to stress out about getting braces. With Invisalign, they don't have to hide their smile while straightening their teeth.

In fact, often, Invisalign can straighten teeth in less time, and with fewer dental visits than regular braces. For more information on Invisalign clear aligners, or to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Implants Restore Confidence – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, April 23, 2014

To replace damaged or missing teeth, dental implants of often used. They can also be used to support dental restorations such as dentures, bridges, or crowns. Because dental implants have a “root” they are used to give a foundation for replacement teeth that will look, feel, and function like your natural teeth.  Dental implants are a natural looking and a natural feeling tooth.

The implant, or root, is made of titanium and implanted in your jaw. This creates a strong foundation for artificial teeth. The porcelain tooth is then attached to the root to take the place of your natural tooth.  If you have a missing tooth a dental implant will allow you to smile with confidence. They also allow you to eat anything you like. Your dental implant will look just like a natural tooth when you smile.

Your face can look hollowed out when you have missing teeth but dental implants will restore the shape and contours of your face.  This is the main reason that dental implants have become one of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry.  They can change your life, adding confidence and functionality to your smile.

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They are used in dentistry to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth and to replace missing teeth.

If you want to renew self-confidence and restore your ability to smile confidently, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Allergy Season and Your Dental Health – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The winter is over and now allergy season is starting up. Are you, or will you be, taking medication for your seasonal allergies? You allergy medication may affect your dental health. In fact, there are many medications that can affect your oral health. The purpose of taking medications is to improve your physical health, but there are a variety of prescribed medications can actually affect your teeth.

Antihistamines are taken for allergies to treat stuffy nose and runny eyes. But they can cause dry mouth syndrome. Dry mouth syndrome can lead to sore gums and make your mouth more prone to infection. There are other medications that can change your oral health.

  • Contraceptives and blood pressure medications can cause mouth sores and gum inflammation and discoloration.
  • Blood thinners can interfere with your ability to form blood clots or cause heavy bleeding after you have a tooth pulled.
  • Anti-seizure medications can cause an overgrowth of gum tissue which can make it hard to maintain good oral hygiene.

When you're taking more than one medication, whether it is prescribed or over-the-counter, the effect of both medications can change. If you have a dental appointment coming up or need if you need to schedule a dentist appointment, let the dentist know about all the medication you are taking.

For an appointment at Oyster Point Dentistry, contact us.

Chocolate (in Moderation) is Good for Your Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easter is coming up, which means plenty of chocolate bunnies. Who doesn’t love chocolate? Now, you can even feel less guilty when you eat it because studies show that chocolate is actually good for your teeth and for your overall health.

Regarding oral health, chocolate contains antioxidants called polyphenols and flavanols. Polyphenols prevent bacteria from turning the sugar and starches in chocolate into acids that cause tooth decay. As far as your overall health, polyphenols and flavanols help reduce the chance of hypertension and stroke and may even help protect the heart. Dark chocolate is particularly high in flavanols – and has more antioxidant power than green tea.

Chocolate also contains cocoa butter which is actually healthy for you and your teeth.  When you eat chocolate, the cocoa butter coats your teeth, which prevents plaque from sticking  to your teeth. And the type of fat in cocoa butter does not raise cholesterol.

However, chocolate is high in calories so if you’re watching your weight, don’t eat too much. Just three 1-ounce pieces of it a week will benefit your oral and physical health.

Is Oral Piercing Safe For Your Kids - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Self-expression among teenagers and young adults is, in some ways, becoming more and more challenging for parents. More and more teens and young adults are interested in piercings and tattoos. Oral piercings, in particular, are very common. We often get calls from concerned parents wondering if oral piercing is safe for their children.

While piercings of the tongue, lip or cheek might seem safe, after all, “everyone has them,” it is not entirely true. The mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection because it is moist. The biggest danger of oral piercing is an increased risk of infection. However, there are other risks, too. Oral piercings can also chip or crack teeth, cause nerve damage and produce an allergic reaction to metal. Some people also notice that it’s more difficult to speak, chew and swallow after piercings.

If your teenager is interested in oral piercing, have him or her see a dentist beforehand. Learning about the potential risks to their oral health will keep them healthier and make you happier.

And if your teen decides to go ahead with a piercing, make sure he or she keeps it clean! This is the single most effective way to fight off infection. And if your teen notices any of the following symptoms, schedule a dentist appointment right away:

  • Pain, soreness or swelling
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Damage to fillings
  • Sensitivity to metals
  • Numbness

For more information on oral piercing or oral health, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Teen Instead of Ugly Metal Braces – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 13, 2014

You teenage son or daughter needs braces and they just don’t want a set of metal braces to interfere with the social life and self-confidence.  With Invisalign Teen, your teen can straighten their teeth without dealing with metal wires and brackets.

With Invisalign Teen aligners, no one needs to know you teen has braces. They are made of a smooth, clear plastic that are practically invisible! Their peers won’t even know they’re wearing them. And, they’re so comfortable your teen may not know they are wearing them!  They can be comfortable posting their picture and hanging out with friends.

With Invisalign clear braces your teen can eat whatever they want without worry. Metal braces prohibit you from eating certain foods. With Invisalign Teen, your child is free to eat all their favorite foods whenever they want because the aligners are completely removable. This also means that their teeth are more easily cared for, brushing and flossing as they normally would. This is impossible with traditional braces.

If your teen plays sports or a musical instrument, metal braces can often prevent them from completely enjoying the their favorite activities. Additionally, metal braces can make them self-conscious of their smile or their appearance. . Invisalign clear braces for teens allows your child to be a teenager. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more information.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Accidents with teeth happen all the time. Fortunately, all of them do not require immediate dental care. However, if you have injured your teeth, mouth or jaw as a result of an accident, you should see a dentist right away. You may not be sure if your dental accident is an emergency, here is a list of the most common mouth and tooth injuries:

Broken Tooth -- Save any pieces of the broken tooth and rinse your mouth out with warm water. Apply ice to the area to decrease swelling and pain until you can be seen by the dentist.

Broken Jaw -- Apply a ice to limit swelling and see your dentist right away.

Knocked-Out Tooth -- Gently rinse off the knocked out tooth without removing any attached tissue. If possible, hold the tooth in place in the socket. Otherwise, put the tooth in a glass of milk and get to your dentist right away.

Something Stuck in Your Teeth -- Carefully try to remove the object with dental floss. (Don't use a sharp instrument!) If you cannot get the object out with dental floss, contact your dentist.

Toothache -- Rinse your mouth out with warm water. Then use dental floss to make sure there isn't food or debris causing the pain. If the pain persists, call the dentist.

Lost Dental Filling or Dental Crown – When a dental filling has come out, seal the area with a piece of sugarless gum or over-the-counter dental cement. If a dental crown has come loose, try to put it back in place with dental cement. If that doesn't work, bring it with you to the dentist.

Dental Abscess -- If you notice a painful, pimple-like swelling on your gums, rinse with salt water and immediately contact your dentist. Dental abscesses can lead to more serious infections if not promptly treated.

If you have a dental emergency, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

'True or False' Dental Care – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 26, 2014

True or False: I can’t see any problems with my teeth, so I don't need to go to the dentist.

False: There are dental problems that aren’t visible to the naked eye, like gum disease, cracks and root canal disease. Dentists use digital X-rays and other technology to detect problems on and beneath your teeth. Visits to the dentist should not be used only emergency care; they should absolutely be treated as preventive care.

True or False: I don’t need to worry about my teeth because my parents never had problems.

False: Though genetics may play a small role in predicting your oral health, taking care of your teeth will be the most important factor in oral health.

True or False: Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal is just as effective as brushing.

False:  Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can help clean your teeth, stimulate saliva flow and freshen your breath after you eat. But gum chewing is not a replacement for brushing and flossing, which actually removes dental plaque and food debris.

True or False: I shouldn't brush my teeth if my gums are bleeding.

False: Bleeding gums may mean that you are brushing too hard or too vigorously or it could be a sign of gum disease. Continue to brush, but use a toothbrush with medium-soft bristles and brush in a circular motion. If the bleeding continues after a few days, see your dentist.

True or False: If I have a toothache, placing an aspirin tablet next to the tooth will relieve pain.

Fact: This can lead to painful chemical burns, so don’t do this. Putting an aspirin tablet in direct contact with the soft tissues of your mouth will not help relieve a toothache. See your dentist for relief instead.

True or False: All dental procedures must be avoided during pregnancy.

Fact: Dental X-rays or dental surgery should be avoided during pregnancy, but regular dental treatments should continue as usual.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Chipped Teeth, How to Fix Them – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chipped teeth can be caused by sports or accidents, but regardless of how they happen, they can dramatically affect your smile. Actually, the most common teeth injury is chipping them. Often, chipped teeth don’t cause pain. However, they should not be ignored. Any type of tooth trauma needs immediate attention. When you chip a tooth, there could actually be damage below the surface of the tooth that you don’t know about. A visit to the dentist can rule out cracks or internal tooth problems that cannot be seen by the naked eye. More often than not, a chipped tooth can be repaired in just one visit to the dentist.

There are various options for repairing chipped teeth. Your treatment of choice depends on the amount of damage.

Dental Bonding -- Most chips can be corrected with dental bonding. Dental bonding is an efficient, durable and cost-effective way to correct minor chips.

Enamel Shaping -- Often used in conjunction with dental bonding, enamel shaping can also correct small chips or surface flaws. During enamel shaping, a small portion of the tooth's surface is removed or recontoured to smooth out imperfections.

Dental Veneers – If the chip is significant and dental bonding or enamel shaping can't be used, you may need a veneer. These thin, porcelain wafers completely cover the surface of the tooth and are often used for front teeth.

Root Canal – Pain in the location of the chip can be a sign that the nerve is exposed. If that's the case, a root canal may be necessary to save the tooth.

Dental Crown -- A dental crown is used to completely cover larger teeth or to cap a tooth after a root canal.

Extracting the tooth -- If the tooth can't be saved, a tooth extraction may be necessary. The good news is a dental bridge or dental implants can replace missing teeth.

To discuss your options for a chipped tooth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Even Celebrities Suffer From Sleep Apnea – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 12, 2014

As a result of Hollywood, we are obsessed with our teeth and our smiles. But celebrities are as human as we are, and many of them suffer from sleep apnea and sleep disorders.

Sleep apnea is a chronic, debilitating sleep disorder that affects people from all walks of life. One sleep apnea treatment is an oral device or CPAP machine. The following are a few celebrities that can sleep without one.

Shaquille O’Neal

At over seven feet tall and 325 pounds, Shaq was a force on the basketball court, but during his sleeping hours things are a little different.  He suffers from sleep apnea. Doctors had Shaq fitted for a CPAP nasal mask to wear when he sleeps. Now Shaq is reporting marked improvement.

Rosie O’Donnell

A vivacious television personality, Rosie O’Donnel has sleep apnea. However, Rosie didn’t know she had sleep apnea until she underwent a home sleep test conducted by a doctor. The results of the study: Rosie O’Donnel wakes up over 200 times in the middle of the night and often stops breathing for up to 40 seconds. However, after one night of CPAP treatment, Rosie said that she felt a miraculous, life-changing difference.

William Shatner

Famous for his role in Star Trek, Shatner has sleep apnea. He now sleeps with a CPAP.

Reggie White

Football hall of famer, twice named NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Reggie White had a bright smile and mean case of sleep apnea. Reggie White played multiple seasons of professional football for the Philadelphia Eagles and Green Bay Packers, and became a legend in the process. Sadly, Reggie White died in 2004 at the age of 43. The cause of death was a heart attack compounded by complications from sleep apnea.

Jerry Garcia

Famous for being one of the progenitors of the hippy movement, Garcia also had sleep apnea. Some say it had to do with his excessive weight or maybe a life fraught with numerous unhealthy decisions. Sadly, Jerry passed away in 1995 from a heart attack that his doctors say was exacerbated by sleep apnea.

Regis Philban

An Emmy award winning television personality, Regis Philban has obstructive sleep apnea. Philban’s wife Joy was perturbed by his snoring and suggested he visit a doctor. The diagnosis: sleep apnea. The solution: CPAP treatment.

Larry the Cable Guy

Comedian, redneck, lover of Southern culture, Larry the Cable Guy, otherwise known as Daniel Lawrence Whitney, has sleep apnea, which he admitted to having during in an interview to promote a movie he was in.

Roseanne Barr

She has a famous voice that you would recognize anywhere, but Roseanne Barr also has sleep apnea. Barr said that she would keep her husband up at night with her snoring. After a study, her doctors diagnosed her with sleep apnea and recommended a CPAP mask and treatment.

Quincy Jones

Jazz trumpeter, record producer, coolest person on earth, winner of an insane 27 Grammy Awards and a sufferer of sleep apnea. Through his sleep disorder he has managed to produce albums that have gone on to sell millions of copies worldwide.

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes and sleep apnea at the same time.In fact, 40% of men with type-2 diabetes also have sleep apnea. Before Jackson’s gastric bypass surgery that significantly reduced his weight, he was dangerously close to being at risk for a heart attack – and his sleep apnea wasn’t helping. Now, Randy Jackson is doing just fine with regular CPAP treatments.

For more information on sleep apnea treatment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Save Money with Regular Dental Checkups – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Sometimes more is less. Spending $100 on your teeth can actually save you thousands in the long run. The average cost of a dental exam and cleaning, without insurance, is $50 - $135. However, if you have dental insurance, your out-of-pocket expense could range from paying nothing to nominal, for basic dental care services including X-rays.

This can save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

If you have dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease or something more severe, regular dental visits will give you a chance to catch a dental problem early.  With any dental issue, this is key. Early detection with any dental problem means that you will fix it faster, and spend less. The earlier you get a dental problem diagnosed the easier it is to treat. Gum disease left untreated for too long may result in the need for extensive and expensive treatment. Regular dental checkups allow you to stay ahead of dental problems, which means thousands of dollars eventually saved.

A dental cleaning is the only way to effectively remove tartar or hardened plaque. While you should brush and floss regularly, it is still  not enough and a professional cleaning is a must. Besides tartar causing a brown or yellowish tint to your teeth, it also contains cavity-causing bacteria. Preventing cavities and paying for multiple fillings will save you thousands in the long run.

Dental health is also related to your physical health. Therefore, the most important reason to invest in regular dental exams is because you will also be investing in your overall health. Recent studies have shown that there’s a link between periodontal disease and heart disease; when the former is present, the latter is twice as likely.

Gum disease can have a domino effect on your health. The bacteria caused by periodontal disease can enter your bloodstream and attach to your heart's blood vessels, causing dangerous blood clots. Also, plaque buildup caused by periodontal disease can cause the heart's blood vessels to swell.

Regular checkups and cleanings are not only money-saving but life-saving. To schedule a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

An Impacted Tooth and the Problems They Can Cause – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A tooth that only partially grows through the gums is an impacted tooth. An impacted tooth happens because another tooth blocks it from erupting, or because it grows in crookedly. The tooth that is most likely to become impacted is the third molar because it typically erupts between ages 17 and 21. Because it is the last tooth to appear, there is often no room left for it to fit, causing it to become impacted.

An impacted tooth does not always lead to pain or discomfort, but it can cause other problems. Because the tooth is partially erupted it can create an opening in the gum where food can accumulate. This can lead to gum infection and tooth decay. Impacted teeth can also push on the teeth next to it, causing all your teeth to shift.

Because of the potential issues related to impacted teeth, it’s often recommended to have your wisdom teeth extracted before age of 21. Actually, the younger you are the better and the faster the tissue and bone will heal after the extraction. However, if you are over 21 and begin to have symptoms of impacted teeth, it is important that you take care of the problem as well.

No matter what age you are, if an impacted tooth is causing you pain, soreness, sensitivity or inflammation, contact Oyster Point Dentistry. Get treatment than unnecessarily endure pain and discomfort!

Options for Replacing Missing Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, January 22, 2014

There are many options for replacing single teeth or multiple teeth. Dental implants generally have the most going for them, but the other options definitely have their place as well.

Dental implants. Implants have revolutionized the world of tooth replacements. One of the greatest advantages that implants have over bridges is that they stand alone - they don't require any cutting or alteration of adjacent teeth. Implants can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or to secure a denture in place. Dental implants alllow bone growth in the area of the missing tooth/teeth. Without the implant acting as a placeholder, the bone recedes over time, making it difficult to hold a denture in place.

There are other benefits of dental implants as well. They cannot get cavities or decay. The success rate of single dental implants is as high as 98% over the long term. Compare that with a bridge which has at least two teeth that can decay causing failure of the entire unit.

Dental bridges. Less bridges are being done because of the benefits of dental implants, bridges still represent an important way to address gaps in your smile from missing teeth. A bridge relies on the strength of the surrounding teeth for support and for that reason, it is even more important than ever to take care of your teeth after getting a dental bridge.

Removable partial dentures. This is a removable solution (it comes in and out of your mouth) and is usually reserved for cases where there are several missing teeth. For a single tooth, most people don't use this option unless it is a temporary fix until something more stable can be done.

For more information on your options for replacing missing teeth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Habits That Are Bad For Your Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, January 15, 2014

There are lots of habits that can damage your teeth. Some cause stained teeth and others can cause chipped teeth, cracked teeth or can even cause missing teeth.

For healthy teeth, quit or cut down on the following ‘bad teeth habits’ for the New Year.

Chewing on Ice

It’s natural and sugar free, so you might think ice is harmless. But chewing on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth. And this could also irritate the soft tissue inside a tooth so regular toothaches may follow.

Playing Sports Without a Mouth Guard

If you play any contact sport, don't play without a mouth guard. Without it, your teeth could get chipped or even knocked out when the action gets rough.

Tongue Piercings

Tongue piercings may be trendy, but biting down on the metal stud can crack a tooth. Lip piercings pose a similar risk. And when metal rubs against the gums, it can cause gum damage that may lead to tooth loss.

Grinding Teeth

Teeth grinding, can wear teeth down over time. Wearing a mouth guard at night can prevent grinding while sleeping.

Gummy Candy

All sugary treats promote tooth decay, but some candies are harder to bear. Gummies stick in the teeth, keeping the sugar and resulting acids in contact with your enamel for hours.


Sodas can have up to 11 teaspoons of sugar per serving. Soda also contain phosphoric and citric acids, which eat away at tooth enamel. Diet soft drinks let you skip the sugar, but they may have even more acid in the form of the artificial sweeteners.

Chewing on Pencils

Many people chew on their pencil when they are concentrating on work. This habit can caused chipped or cracked teeth. Sugarless gum is a better option when you feel the need to chew.

Drinking Coffee

Coffee's dark color and acidity can cause yellowing of the teeth over time. Fortunately, it's one of the easiest stains to treat with various whitening methods. Talk to your dentist if you're interested in teeth whitening.


Cigarettes and other tobacco products can stain teeth and cause them to fall out as a result of gum disease. Tobacco can also cause cancer of the mouth, lips, and tongue.

Drinking Red and White Wine

The acids in wine eat away at tooth enamel, creating rough spots that make teeth more porous and vulnerable. Porous teeth are susceptible to staining. Red wine also contains a deep pigment called chromogen and tannins, which help the color stick to the teeth.

For information on dental health, teeth whitening, or dental veneers contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Dental Crowns in Just One Visit – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 10, 2014

Patients need dental crowns for many different reasons. They are often used when a large cavity threatens the continuous health of the tooth. They are often used to improve the strength and the appearance of a tooth. Other reasons teeth are restored with dental crowns are:

  • Dental Implants
  • Bridges
  • Root canals
  • Aesthetics

Dental crowns protect a weak tooth from breaking, to hold together a cracked tooth or restore broken tooth. Unfortunately though the need for a dental crown also means several trips to the dentists office. Who has the time? Oyster Point Dentistry knows that time is a precious commodity.

So, we have decided to give you back your time. For your convenience, Oyster Point Dentistry, now offers patients dental crowns in one visit. This dental system allows us to provide you with the dental care you need faster.  Instead of taking an impression, this technology takes a clean and fast digital scan of your tooth. The custom tooth is then designed and milled right in the dental office. The final tooth restoration is placed the same day.

A avoid the hassle and inconvenience of a temporary tooth and another office visit! Get your final crown, filling, or veneer in the same appointment.

For "same day/single visit" dental crowns, contact  Oyster Point Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening for Confidence in the New Year – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 03, 2014

Are you getting ready to put your best foot, or smile, forward this New Year? If so, then start with teeth whitening. Having a bright natural smile helps boost your self-esteem, letting you laugh and interact with confidence. So if your New Year’s resolution is to get a new job, get a new love, or improve your appearance through health and fitness, start with in-office teeth whitening.

Get completely ready to embrace the New Year by having a teeth whitening procedure done at Oyster Point Dentistry. First impressions are really the only impression, and you can make the right lasting impression when you have confidence. If you have a much job interview or first date, in-office teeth whitening  is a good idea.

While trying to impress be at your best with a natural, bright looking smile.  White teeth give you the confidence and self-esteem you need to accomplish your New Year’s goals.  In-office teeth whitening is the best, fastest and longest lasting whitening option that gives you the smile you desire.

Over the counter products are a lower strength, and won’ t give you the results you want. They only whiten the front of your teeth, and your smile may not look natural. In-office whitening procedures whiten the entire tooth and make your smile look natural, which is what you want. For whiter teeth and longer lasting results, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Are Dental Implants Right for You? – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 26, 2013

Regardless of your age, if you need to replace one tooth or several teeth dental implants could be the solution for you. Dental implants are the perfect choice for people of all ages other than growing children. If you have the following health conditions:

Existing Medical Conditions. If you can have routine dental treatment, you can generally have an implant placed. While precautions are advisable for certain conditions, patients with such chronic diseases as high blood pressure and diabetes are usually successful candidates for dental implant treatment.

Gum Disease. Almost all implants placed in patients who have lost their teeth to periodontal disease or decay have been successful.

Currently Wearing Dentures. Implants can replace removable bridges or dentures, or they can be used to stabilize and secure the denture, making it much more comfortable.

Smokers. Although smoking lowers the success rate of implants, it doesn't eliminate the possibility of getting them.

Bone Loss. Bone loss is not uncommon for people who have lost teeth or had periodontal disease. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are trained and experienced in grafting bone to safely and permanently secure the implant.

Dental implants give replacement teeth the look, feel, and function of natural teeth. They allow you the ability to eat anything and smile with confidence. With dental implants your teeth look natural. Dental implants change the way people live.  They help renew self-confidence and the ability to confidently eat, speak, and laugh with a full open smile.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dental.


Transform Your Smile in 2014 – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The holiday season is a great time to give gifts. But you can also give gifts to yourself as well. Start the New Year off right, and give yourself a gift of a perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry offers you a wide selection of treatments that can transform your smile just in time for the New Year. Put your best smile forward this holiday with the help of Invisalign invisible braces, porcelain veneers and dental implants.

Invisalign braces are clear aligners that straightens teeth. Invisalign can correct many minor and moderate orthodontic issues, including misaligned jaws, crooked teeth, gapped teeth and crowded teeth. Invisalign can straighten teeth in about a year, which is often less time than traditional metal braces.

Porcelain Veneers are another choice for patients with misaligned teeth, or teeth that are gapped, chipped, worn or stained. Dental Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that are shaped and colored like natural teeth. They are bonded to the fronts of teeth to create a smooth, even appearance and a bright natural smile.

Dental Implants are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They can be used alone or as part of a smile makeover to hold up a bridge. Choose 2014 to enhance or transform your smile into the perfect smile you have always wanted. For more information on transforming your smile this New Year, contact Oyster Point Dental.


Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Do you snore? Snoring can an indicator of a more serious health problemsleep apnea.

When you breathe normally, air flows freely through your lungs. When you snore, the relaxation of the muscles causes the jaw and tongue to move back and block the air passage. That can limit the flow of oxygen to a person’s lungs, heart and brain. Normal breathing does not resume until you wake up.

This process can repeat itself in a short period of time. A person with sleep apnea may wake up several hundred times during an eight-hour sleep period. This can lead to chronic fatigue as well as other major health problems.

There are generally three ways to treat snoring and sleep apnea:

1) A CPAP machine that forces air down the passageway with a tube and a mask—however, the machine can be noisy, uncomfortable and cumbersome;

2) Surgery, which will cut off excess tissue and muscles that obstruct the air passageway. Surgery is expensive and irreversible

3) Oral appliances that comfortably reposition the lower jaw forward while you sleep, opening the airway by moving the tongue forward and tightening the muscle in the back of the throat.

Oral appliance for sleep apnea are custom-designed for each patient. They treat sleep apnea and snoring.  They are more comfortable and accommodating than CPAP machines, because, like a mouth guard, you put it in your mouth and go to sleep, no machines or masks.

In fact, 80% percent of CPAP users prefer an oral appliance to the inconvenience of a CPAP machine for their snoring and sleep apnea.’

For more information on oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Teeth whitening for a Brighter Holiday Smile – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 05, 2013

Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular. While it is possible to whiten your teeth at home, getting teeth whitening treatments professionally done is a faster, better way to get a healthy looking bright smile for the holidays. In fact, it is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to transform your smile.

As the winter holidays approach, everyone wants to look and feel their best. Teeth whitening can get you that Hollywood looking smile for the party season. Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular and is the most cost-effective way to change your smile. In-office whitening begins with a consultation, you are then provided with the most effective, state of the art whitening product, and custom whitening trays to use at home. Only qualified dental professionals can safely supervise bleaching using these stronger products, you can be sure that you are in safe hands!

At Oyster Point Dentistry we create custom tooth whitening trays and provide professional strength gel to brighten your smile. For a longer lasting, more natural looking white smile. Once your teeth whitening is completed, there are ways to maintain your healthy white smile.

Eating food that is firm or crisp are known to help clean teeth as they're eaten. Apples are considered to be ‘nature's toothbrush’ and are a great way of cleaning teeth on the go or at lunch time when you are at work and unable to brush your teeth. Other choices include raw carrots, celery, and popcorn. All of these foods are known as 'detergent' foods, as the rough edges act as a cleaner to remove bacteria from the teeth. Try to make these the final foods you eat in your meal if you know you won't be able to brush your teeth right after eating.

Calcium, specifically cheese, is also known for helping to maintain healthy white teeth. Cheese speeds the neutralization of acid and remineralization of enamel. Less damage to our enamel equals fewer discolorations. In addition, cheese is also high in calcium which is known for strengthening bones and teeth. For a healthier alternative, milk and yoghurt act in the same way.

Water is vital for great oral health. Water acts as a natural cleaner and has the power to wash away bacteria and residue left on the teeth after eating so be sure to drink a glass of water after every meal.

Chewing gum is beneficial when it comes to maintaining a white smile this season. Sugar-free chewing gum helps to clean teeth mechanically by removing debris, and it stimulates production of saliva, which increases your saliva’s ability to neutralize acid and remineralize your tooth enamel, ultimately strengthening teeth.

Lifestyle choices can cause stains on your teeth and affect your smile with smoking being one of the biggest causes of teeth decay and discoloration. The nicotine and tar in the cigarette result in teeth darkening, losing their natural white. Stop smoking.

Try to avoid dark colored foods and drinks such as coffee, balsamic vinegar and red wine. These are also notorious for causing discoloration in the naturally white teeth enamel.

For more information on teeth whitening, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Female First

Sedation Dentistry for Dental Anxiety – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Many patients have certain fears, and even dental anxiety, about dental treatment. That's why Oyster Point Dentistry has implemented the latest in sedation dentistry techniques. With sedation dentistry, any patient can have dental procedures available to them. Procedures like:  dental implants, porcelain veneers, and bridges.  Sleep and sedation dentistry combats dental fears and anxiety. This is a multi-faceted approach to making nervous or fearful patients feel as comfortable as possible at the dental office.

Dental anxiety management actually begins during the consultation process. Asking questions about dental fears as well as looking for visual queues from patients helps diagnose dental anxiety.

Oyster Point Dentistry has perfected sedation dentistry techniques, and tends to see a large number of patients that experience dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry is a three-step process: the identification of fear or anxiety in a patient, discussing with the patient possible causes for that fear or anxiety, and providing the patient with a variety of options for how to treat the condition.

One of the most common methods of treatment for patients with dental anxiety is oral conscious sedation, which does not induce full sleep and still allows patients to communicate with the dentist. During this treatment, a short-acting pill is administered in a dosage that lasts throughout the course of the dental work being performed, allowing the patient to feel immensely relaxed during the procedure but also to return to a state of full consciousness soon afterward. Oral conscious sedation is designed to help patients experience virtually no pain during the procedure.

For more information on sedation dentistry, contact Oyster Point Dental.

Excerpts – Market Wired

Use Up Expiring Dental Benefits Before the End-of-the-Year, Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and the end-of-the-year is fast approaching. Now is the time to use up your dental insurance before the end of the year. If you have any dental needs, use up your dental benefits before they expire. Unfortunately, time flies and before you know it, 2014 will be here and your dental benefits for 2013 will be gone.

Too many employees don’t take advantage of their company dental benefits, and allow them to expire at the end of each year. Too many times, they then find that they need some dental treatment that won’t be covered in its entirety. Even though dental coverage may not pay in total for certain dental procedures, most dental plans fully cover routine dental care. Also, if you know you need extensive dental work, plan your dental procedure now. Then, when your dental benefits renew at the first of the year, your procedures, like root canals and crowns, are more affordable.

If you need a root canal and dental crown, use the available benefits from two calendar years towards the major dental procedures that involve multiple phases.

Dental insurance benefits are often made available to employees through employer's health insurance, PPO, or HMO plans. Generally, you are given a pre-determined maximum amount of coverage per calendar year per person covered under the dental plan. Schedule extensive dental work now if you need it.

As a general rule, most dental insurance plans offer coverage at 100% on preventative dental care like regular exams and cleanings.

Take advantage of your dental insurance benefits, make sure to get your annual dental exams and cleanings. Regular dental care can save you a lot out of pocket expense that your dental insurance may not cover.

For an appointment or consultation, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Invisible Fillings are Stronger and Look Natural – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 14, 2013

More and more focus is being put on our smiles. After all, your smile is everyone’s first impression of you. In fact, today, more money is being spent on cosmetic dental treatments than any other cosmetic procedure; thus, the popularity of invisible fillings also known as bonded composite restorations.

People don’t like the way metal fillings look, especially if they have a mouth full of them. Now, with invisible fillings no one needs to see a mouth full of silver anymore. No longer do you have to be self-conscious because of a ‘silver-filled’ smile.

Invisible fillings are the latest in cosmetic dentistry. If you need a dental filling, now you can hide it completely! Made for their aesthetic effect, the most important thing to know about them beyond the fact that they cannot be seen, even by you, is that they work. Invisible fillings seal the gap or decay in your tooth better than standard metal fillings. Now, your dental fillings will be stronger, less likely to break down, and invisible. Silver amalgam fillings can cause future cracks in your teeth, composite fillings won’t.

Invisible fillings have a natural look and feel and are made for longevity. These bonded composite restorations are perfect for small to medium sized dental cavities, in fact, they are actually the filling material of choice for most dentists.  They “bond” with your teeth and they come in multiple tooth-colored shades so they will match your natural teeth.

To seal your cavity better than silver fillings choose invisible fillings. This allows them to be stronger and less likely to decay or break down.  Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for smile with a natural look and feel.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment and Diagnosis – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Snoring is no laughing matter. While loud disruptive snoring that at best may strain relationships, for many men, women and even children, loud habitual snoring may signal a potentially life threatening disorder: obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA.

Identifying and Treating OSA

Unlike simple snoring, obstructive sleep apnea could be a potentially life-threatening condition that requires medical attention. The risks of undiagnosed OSA include heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart disease and decreased libido. In addition, OSA causes daytime drowsiness. The symptoms may be mild, moderate or severe.

During sleep, the upper airway can be obstructed, causing snoring.

The cessation of breathing, or "apnea," causes the brain to awaken the person just enough to restart breathing. This cycle repeats itself many times during the night and may result in sleep deprivation and health-related problems. Sleep apnea is generally defined as the presence of more than 30 apneas during a seven hour sleep.

If you exhibit several OSA symptoms, it's important you visit a dentist who specializes in sleep apnea for an accurate diagnosis.

Treating Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea can be effectively treated. Depending on whether your OSA is mild, moderate or severe, your doctor will select the treatment that is best for you.

Oral Appliances - If you have mild to moderate sleep apnea, or are unable to use CPAP, an oral appliance can be an effective first-line therapy. The oral appliance is a molded device that is placed in the mouth at night to hold the lower jaw and bring the tongue forward. By bringing the jaw forward, the appliance elevates the soft palate or retains the tongue to keep it from falling back in the airway and blocking breathing. Oral appliances are indicated for use in patients with mild to moderate OSA who prefer oral appliances, who do not respond to C-PAP, or who fail treatment attempts with C-PAP or behavioral changes.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) - CPAP devices are an effective treatment for patients with moderate OSA and the first-line treatment for those diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Through a specially fitted mask that fits over the patient's nose, the C-PAP's constant, prescribed flow of pressured air prevents the airway or throat from collapsing.

While C-PAP devices keep the throat open and prevent snoring and interruptions in breathing, they only treat your condition and do not cure it. If you stop using the C-PAP, your symptoms will return. Although C-PAP is often the first treatments of choice, they may be difficult for some patients to accept and use.

Talk With Your Doctor

Sleep apnea is a serious condition and individuals with OSA may not be aware they have a problem. If someone close to you has spoken of your loud snoring and has noticed that you often wake up abruptly, gasping for air, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Excerpts - AAOMS

Halloween Teeth Care Tips – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 30, 2013

OK, Halloween is tomorrow, but don’t panic, and you don’t have to hide all the candy just to take care of your teeth. Actually, candy is really no worse for your teeth than any other food, you just have to take care of your teeth. But, there are some types of candy that is worse than others. The trick is how you treat your teeth after you eat sweet treats.

Oyster Point Dental understands that avoiding the candy can be challenging during Halloween. It’s hard enough to keep stay away from the treats yourself, but it is nearly impossible to keep the kids away. That means you may be worrying about more than one set of teeth. Too much sugar and too little dental hygiene can cause cavities. So here are some tips on how to avoid cavities at Halloween.

Top Halloween dental care tips:

  1. Avoid sticky, chewy candy, like gummy bears, taffy, caramels and sugar-infused gum. These stick to the teeth, and they stick between the teeth and can cause issues if you don’t properly brush and floss.
  2. Avoid hard candy and lollipops that stay in the mouth for a long time because they bathe the teeth in sugar for an extended period of time.
  3. Just eat one or two pieces at a time and always eat it with a full meal that includes plenty of water to drink. Eating a small amount of candy as dessert is important because saliva production increases when you eat a full meal, which helps neutralize acids and rinse away food particles. Drink plenty of water with your meals, which also will help rinse food (and candy) from your mouth.
  4. Stock up on packets of sugarless gum to hand out to trick-or-treaters, or hand out scary stickers, coins, temporary tattoos, spider rings or colorful pencils.
  5. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice per day.
  6. Remember, a small amount of candy is fine, you won’t instantly get cavities. Eat treats with a meal, water and brush well afterward.

Concerns about your teeth or interested in an appointment? Contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Excerpts - Town Square Buzz

Avoid ‘Zombie-Like’ Gum Disease - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Zombies have the worst gum disease and bad breath. But you can keep them and their problems at bay.

On "The Walking Dead," there is a whole new set of zombies this season. And, as we all know, the walking dead are the champions of repulsive oral health. After all, they've had a lifetime to perfect awful dental habits. Look at their gums. Yellow dental plaque is covering their once-white teeth, while their gum lines are jagged and dirty.

First off, the zombies have a horrible diet. What we eat plays a large role in the health of our teeth and gums, since bacteria in the mouth convert sugars from the foods we eat into acids, which wear away dental enamel. The more sugary the foods, the more likely you are to experience tooth decay and cavities.

So, in order to prevent scary, zombie-like smiles, here is a list of mouth-healthy foods and drinks:

  • Opt for apples, celery and other vegetables. Crunchy foods can actually dislodge stray particles between teeth, while their high water content helps wash down the sugary effects. These foods also stimulate saliva production, which rinses the mouth of acid and bacteria.
  • Cheeses are a particularly beneficial option to keep your teeth looking fresh and vital. Certain cheeses, like aged cheddar, Monterey Jack, Swiss, Gouda and American varieties, have been shown to coat the teeth, re-hardening surface enamel and combating acid erosion.
  • Steer clear of hard candies, brains, human flesh and soft drinks. These all have been known to end poorly for your teeth and gums.

Secondly, zombies are the poster people for gingivitis, the inflammation of the gums, and periodontitis, an advanced-stage gum disease. Their gums have eroded, a sight that would appall dentists. The lower the gumline, the bigger the pockets that harbor anaerobic bacteria and dental plaque. Additionally, food pieces compound with our bodies' natural bacteria to create bad breath.

Zombies are mindless of good dental health practices. Zombie or not, you can avoid gum disease and bad breath by flossing once a day and brushing twice per day. It has been shown that if you floss before brushing, you stand a higher chance of developing it as a habit.

Focusing specifically on the gums, you can brush in small, circular motions to shed bacteria. This is will leave your gums feeling fresh and healthy.

Regular visits to your dentist are crucial for a healthy smile. It is recommended that you make an appointment about every six months. Dental professionals can examine individual teeth and the region where the gum meets the teeth in order to keep your mouth as shiny as possible. If you have any concerns, such as a receding gum line or need for a cavity treatment, your dentist will be glad to help.

Keep your mouth away from "The Walking Dead" levels; otherwise, you might find yourself endlessly wandering for friends to hang out with as well. For a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Why Invisalign? – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A beautiful smile is not the only benefit of having straighter teeth. Did you know that properly aligned teeth can also affect your overall health?

Watch this video to learn more about the effects of crooked teeth on your oral health. When left untreated, crooked teeth can often lead to periodontal disease and premature wear on your enamel. Periodontal disease may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other illnesses.

Straighter teeth and a proper bite can help you avoid these negative effects on your health. There are other options for straightening your teeth, but none offers the level of comfort, convenience and confidence that you'll find with InvisalignInvisalign clear braces takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created just for you. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Treatment and Causes of Sleep Apnea – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, October 10, 2013

Snoring used to be known as more of an annoyance rather than a danger to your physical and oral health.

Now, we understand that there is actually a risk associated with snoring, you could have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a potentially harmful sleep disorder during which people stop breathing, throughout the  entire night.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common types of sleep apnea, and occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat collapse, causing the opening through which air passes to disappear. Certain people are more likely to experience sleep apnea than others. Who are they?

Obesity – this is one of the most indicative risk factor. Obese adults are seven times more likely to develop sleep apnea than their normal-weight adults. Excess weight adds to the pressure on the airway making the diameter of the opening even smaller than it already is.

Neck Circumference – obese people and professional athletes have larger-than-average necks and this can cause sleep apnea.

Age – sleep apnea is more common in older people, although people of any age can develop it. As we age we lose tone and elasticity. With that natural softening of the tissue in the throat, there's higher likelihood of collapse.

Family History – while there is no genetic predisposition to developing sleep apnea, you can inherit certain aspects of your physical makeup that increase sleep apnea risk like a narrow jaw.

Alcohol Use – as a muscle relaxant, alcohol too close to bedtime can lead to episodes of sleep apnea. Alcohol can also lengthen the duration of apnea episodes.

Race - Sleep apnea risk and  severity vary by race.

Smoking - smokers are 2.5 times more likely to have sleep apnea nonsmokers. Smoking is an irritant and can cause airway tissue to swell.

Gender - middle-aged men are twice as likely to have sleep apnea than women.

Sleep apnea can be treated with CPAP machines and oral devices. Both have the place, but for patients that are fed up with CPAP there is an alternative to that unattractive tight mask, bulky, and loud machine. Oral devices can treat mild to moderate sleep apnea more comfortably than a CPAP machine.

Oral appliances for sleep apnea are placed in the mouth and are worn like an orthodontic appliance or sports mouth protector. No machines and they are virtually unseen. For treatment options for sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dental.

Huffington Post

Dental Implants – What you Need to Know – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Dental implants are a good long-term solution to replacing lost teeth. Patients need to consider their options and make educated decisions when they are deciding between bridges and implants.

1. An implant beats bridges or dentures

Bridges, dentures, and implants replace missing teeth.  A bridge requires filing two adjoining teeth, which can make them weaker and prone to decay. Dentures often have fit problems and can interfere with taste.

For an implant, a titanium screw is placed in the jawbone and a prosthetic tooth is attached. A proper implant has no physical downsides and has good longevity.

2. Implants are more expensive generally.  

One of the biggest ‘problems’ patients see with implants is the cost.  Implants are rarely covered by insurance. But when considering cost you need to consider value. Implants are a permanent, long-term solution that exactly matches your existing teeth. Implants are for the rest of your life, and can replicate your teeth in appearance and functionality.

If you need an implant near a nerve or sinus cavity, it's worth paying for a dentist who has specialized training.

3. Not all implants are equal

Most dentists use dental implants made by the original Swedish manufacturer; studies have found that these implants have high success rates (90% or more).

There are also some newer, generic implants that are cheaper but may not have been studied yet. So ask your doctor what kind of implant he uses and the success rate he's had with it.

4. Timing can also help

Implants are usually a two-part process -- first putting in the implant, then covering it with a crown six to 12 weeks later.

If you know you need one, schedule the initial procedure at the end of a calendar year, then have the crown put on in the following year. That way you can use two years' worth of your pretax flexible spending account at work to pay a chunk of the cost. You'll reap as much as 30% savings if you're in a high tax bracket.

For information on dental implants, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Excerpts – CNN.com

Porcelain Veneers or Crowns? – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today people have more options to choose from when it comes to cosmetic dentistry procedures. For broken, missing, misaligned and uneven teeth, the two most common cosmetic dental procedures are porcelain veneers and dental crowns.

What is the difference?

Generally, what determines whether you need veneers or crowns is the condition of your teeth and what you are trying to accomplish or ‘fix’ with the procedure. The basic difference between crowns and veneers is how much of the tooth they cover.

Dental veneers cover the front of the tooth. A dental crown covers the entire tooth. So, while they are both used for aesthetics and function, they have different applications.

Crowns are used on a damaged tooth or for a tooth that needs more strength and protection. Veneers are used on teeth that are healthy, but may be stained, crooked, short, have spaces between them.

Dental crowns are shaped like your real tooth and they are designed to match your teeth’s natural color. The tooth that it is covering will be reduced in size, and the crown fits perfectly on top of it. Crowns will function and be as durable as your natural tooth. Crowns are perfect to fix teeth that are used for chewing, or for those who clench or grind their teeth.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are secured to the side of the tooth that shows when you smile. Porcelain veneers are used on patients who want to improve the shape, color, spacing, or crowding of their teeth.

For more information on dental crowns or porcelain veneers, contact Oyster Point Dental.

Dental Implants or Keep the Tooth? Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Many people call us when they have tooth problems. When they are advised to have their tooth extracted and replaced with a dental implant they often wonder if this is necessary, or if they should keep their natural original tooth.  Well, that depends on the problem. There are scenarios where dental implants are a better option.

Dental implants are great for tooth-replacement. As far as tooth replacement, you have lots of options, but dental implants best mimic a natural tooth as far as look and functionality. They also help the jawbone and the jawline to maintain its density and volume.

The key thing to understand when discussing dental implants is the word replacement, not substitution. Dental implants have a ‘root’ and they have been in use for about 30 years. Over time they have been developed and perfected. However, nothing can totally replace your natural tooth. But, dental implants are the best, most natural looking option.

If you have a tooth that is broken down and cannot be saved, the best choice for tooth replacement is a dental implant. If you had periodontal disease which is compromising your jawbone, then the best avenue  would be to extract the teeth, preserve the jaw, and use implants as tooth substitutions. Dental implants can use the remaining jawbone and are healthier and safer than the natural teeth.

If your teeth are salvageable with no further damage to your jaw, teeth and mouth, get the natural teeth fixed. If your teeth and jaw are compromised it would be best to replace those teeth with dental implants.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening, Smile with Confidence– Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The first thing people notice about you is your smile. It is your foot forward, your greeting. And nothing says healthy and confident like beautiful white teeth. A white smile is more attractive, more confident, and younger looking. If you don’t genetically have a perfect, white smile, you can have one anyway.

With dental technology today, it has never been easier to get radiant white teeth. There are over-the-counter do-it-yourself options available, but none professional teeth whitening services cannot be matched.

Do your homework and choose an effective, long lasting and a healthy option for your teeth.

The color of your teeth is affected by your daily habits. Various products from toothpastes to whitening strips are effective only for surface stains and typically give you one shade lighter improvement. Generally, they don’t make big impact on the color of your teeth.

In all products, the strength of the ingredients can differ significantly.  Whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, whitening strips and whitening gels are the most common. These products that are available over-the-counter are lower strength versions and your dentist can help you decide if they are right for you.

The major difference between at-home products and in-office whitening products is the strength of the solution. In office teeth whitening is five to 15 times stronger.  Therefore, your dentist can get your teeth whiter, quicker, and make it last longer.

Additionally, in-office teeth whitening ensures that your gums are protected from bleaching agents. Gums are very sensitive, and using an improperly fitting, one-size-fits-all store kit mouthpiece is asking for problems.  A dentist will reduce the contact between the solution and your gums.

For more information on in-office teeth whitening, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

What is Dental Bonding? Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 04, 2013

If your teeth aren't as attractive as you would like, it is not unusual to not feel confident in your smile. Stained teeth might stop you from smiling as often as you would like or with less enthusiasm as you would enjoy. Chipped teeth and gapped teeth can have a similar effect on your confidence. But dental bonding can allow you to smile again with confidence.
Dental bonding is one of the easiest, painless and cost-effective ways to make cosmetic improvements to your teeth.
With dental bonding, a tooth-colored resin, or plastic, is bonded to your tooth with an ultraviolet "curing" light. Unlike veneers and crowns, which are sometimes used to make similar improvements, a bonding procedure usually takes just 30-60 minutes per tooth and is often complete in just one visit to the dentist. Another advantage of dental bonding: It requires less prep work than veneers or crowns, so more of your tooth enamel remains intact.
Bonding can even be used to replace existing silver fillings with natural-looking composites. It’s also ideal for treating cavities in the front teeth, where aesthetics are especially important.
Dental bonding isn’t perfect for every tooth defect. Bonding doesn’t work well on back teeth or larger cavities. But for the smaller changes, bonding can have a huge impact on the way you feel about your smile.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Relief for Toothaches - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Anyone who’s had a toothache knows that few experiences are more miserable. If your teeth hurt, you hurt, it is impossible to get comfortable. You want toothache relief and you want it now. There are some home remedies that may temporarily ease discomfort, but the only way to get lasting toothache relief is to see a dentist.
Until you get professional help from your dentist you may get some temporary relief using these toothache home remedies:

Rinse your mouth with warm water. Some toothaches are caused by trapped food particles. Use dental floss to remove anything wedged between teeth. This ensures a clean mouth and provides toothache relief.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Toothaches can often be eased with pain relievers. Consider applying ice to the affected area as an additional toothache remedy.
Apply an over-the-counter antiseptic containing benzocaine. This is a tried and true temporary toothache remedy.
Avoid very hot or very cold foods. Toothaches lead to sensitive teeth, so treat them gently.
Toothaches won't just go away. Your ultimate toothache remedy will come from a dentist. Toothache remedies depend on the source of the problem; a dental X-ray will usually be used to check for decay or other dental problems. Then your dentist can perform the appropriate dental treatment, such as a tooth filling, tooth extraction or root canal.

Remember, toothache remedies can't top prevention! The best way to stave off toothaches is to practice good oral hygiene, including regular flossing and brushing. Another great toothache remedy is your dental visit; it helps your dentist prevent and identify problems before they become serious.

Have a toothache? Contact Oyster Point Dental.

Preventing Rotten Teeth - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rotten teeth affect millions of men, women and children. From the moment that the first baby teeth appear people become susceptible to the causes of rotting teeth. And, left untreated, a rotting tooth is destined to become a dead tooth.  .
Rotten teeth are the result of the demineralization of tooth enamel by the acid-producing bacteria that normally grow the human mouth. The erosive power of this chemical process is why cavities and rotting teeth appear discolored and translucent. In "best-case" scenarios, the acid that causes rotting teeth will create a small dental cavity. In worst-case scenarios, the acid will eat through the enamel and dentin into the pulp of the tooth producing first a toothache and then a dead tooth.
The Effect of Sugar
Research shows that eating sugar and starchy foods creates the perfect environment for the growth of the acid-producing bacteria responsible for rotting teeth. This partially explains the alarming number of children who experience decayed or rotten teeth. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 6 out of 10 children in the U.S. will have a least one cavity filled by age 5. Studies link this alarming statistic to three things:

1) too many sugary snacks;
2) giving pacifying bottles of juice, milk, or formula to drink during the day or overnight; and
3) inconsistent oral hygiene.
Preventing rotten teeth takes a little common sense and a lot of dedication. The key to avoiding rotting teeth is reducing the amount of cavity-causing bacteria and dental plaque in your mouth. This requires a real commitment to good oral hygiene, including:

  • Brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day
  • Using tartar-control toothpaste with fluoride
  • Flossing daily
  • Rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash
  • Cutting back on starchy and sugary foods
  • Increasing saliva flow by chewing xylitol gum
  • Regular dental cleanings by a dentist DDS, DMD or dental hygienist

For information or to treat a rotten tooth, contact Oyster Point Dental.

Dental Health Checklist for Busy Adults – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 07, 2013

As an adult, healthy teeth and a healthy smile are important. It is important that, with your busy lifestyle, you don’t let your dental care slip. Here are is a dental health checklist for busy adults.

Don’t let dental visits slide! Parent hood and jobs can sometimes be a juggling act and it may feel like you just can't find the time get to the dentist. But making time for regular dental visits now can help keep you out of the dental office in the future.
Brush and floss daily, even if it’s late. You've heard this a million times by now, but the importance of regular brushing and flossing can never be emphasized enough. Even if you've been good about your oral hygiene all your life, resist the temptation to let it slide for even one day; the longer plaque stays on your teeth, the more destructive it becomes.
Eat well-balanced meals. When you're juggling work, home and kids, it can be tempting to turn to fast food, soda and sugary snacks as a way to save time and feel more energetic. But sugar is a tooth decay demon and can cause you to crash after that initial "sugar high." Be sure to integrate plenty of fresh vegetables into your daily meals and eat fruit, nuts and celery or carrot sticks as snacks.

Exercise regularly, it is good for your teeth! Studies show that people who maintain a healthy lifestyle with exercise and eating right, are 40% less likely to develop advanced gum disease.
Consider treating yourself to cosmetic dentistry. Whether you want a quick boost or a complete smile makeover, there are plenty of cosmetic dental treatments available to help you achieve your dream smile. One-hour laser teeth whitening treatments can make your teeth 8-10 shades whiter, and porcelain veneers can mask stained teeth, chipped teeth or crooked teeth.

For more information or for a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Stop Bleeding Gums - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 31, 2013

After you brush do you keep seeing pink in the sink? You may have heard this normal, it isn't. Bleeding gums may be a sign of something that’s easily correctable – by brushing less vigorously or flossing every day. But it can also be a warning of something more serious, like periodontal disease or even diabetes. With stakes that high, the smart thing to do is to improve your oral hygiene routine. If your symptoms don’t improve after a couple of weeks, be sure to make an appointment with your dentist.

1. Brush twice a day. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste is an essential way to stop bleeding gums. Make sure you choose a brush head with soft nylon bristles and brush using gentle, circular motions that massage and clean the teeth and gums – back-and-forth motions can actually aggravate gum bleeding.

2. Floss every day. Flossing may be the most important thing you can do at home to prevent the plaque buildup that leads to gum bleeding. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist for tips on proper flossing.

3. Use a good mouthwash. Ask your dentist to recommend a good fluoride mouthwash, which can help fight bleeding gums. Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol -- they can dry out your mouth and actually lead to bleeding gums.

4. Keep your tongue clean. A "coated" tongue provides the perfect environment for the bacteria that promotes bleeding gums. Brush your tongue with a tongue cleaner or soft-bristled toothbrush using a front-to-back motion.

5. Eat a well-balanced diet. A diet filled with vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, and B vitamins will help you maintain healthy gums. Limit your snacking between meals, especially carbohydrates and sugars; these feed the dental plaque that causes bleeding gums.

Keep in mind, no matter how scrupulous you are about oral hygiene, a professional dental cleaning is the single most effective way to remove the plaque that causes bleeding gums – so be sure to see your dentist at least twice a year.

For more information or for a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Special Dental Care for Diabetes Patients - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 24, 2013

If you have diabetes, the number one thing you can do for your oral health is keep your blood glucose levels as normal as possible. Here’s why: When your blood glucose levels are poorly controlled, you’re more likely to develop gum disease and lose teeth than people who don't have diabetes. In turn, gum disease could cause your blood sugar to rise, making your diabetes harder to control. So it’s imperative that you keep your teeth and gums clean by brushing twice a day and flossing daily. And if you wear dentures, remove and clean them every day.
Keeping up with twice yearly dental visits is also crucial for patients with diabetes. A professional teeth cleaning is the only way to remove the plaque and tartar that lead to gum disease. Also be sure to discuss your diabetes status and current medications with your dentist at each dental visit.
Warning Signs: Gum Disease
Because diabetes makes you more prone to developing gum disease, it’s important to be able to identify the warning signs. These are the most common:

  • Bleeding gums when you brush or floss
  • Red, swollen or tender gums
  • Receding gums
  • Pus between the teeth and gums
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Loose permanent teeth
  • Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Changes in the fit of partial dentures or a dental bridge

Also keep an eye on other symptoms that might develop, including white patches on your tongue, which could indicate oral thrush, an infection caused by fungus that grows in the mouth, and soreness and ulcers in the mouth, which could be a sign of dry mouth. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your dentist. If you have diabetes and need a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Regular Dental Checkups Can Save You Thousands – Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It might sound crazy, but spending $100 on your teeth can actually save you thousands. How? First let's look at what $100 covers. The average cost of a dental exam and cleaning is $50 - $135. If you have dental insurance, your out-of-pocket expense may range from nominal to nothing for basic dental care services including X-rays.
Now let's go over how this can actually save you thousands.
If you have dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease or even oral cancer, regular dental visits give your dentist a chance to catch it early on. That's key. Because the earlier your dentist diagnoses a problem the easier it is to treat. For example, if you have gum disease and let it go unchecked (and untreated) for too long, you may need extensive -- and expensive -- gum disease treatment. Regular dental checkups allow you and your dentist to stay ahead of problems, which can translate into thousands saved.
A professional dental cleaning is also a must because it's the only way to effectively remove tartar (hardened plaque). Even if you brush and floss regularly, that’s not enough. Besides looking unsightly (tartar is a "stain magnet" and often has a brown or yellowish tint), tartar also contains cavity-causing bacteria. Preventing the need for a mouthful of fillings every year easily adds up to thousands saved in the long run.
Perhaps one of the most important reasons to invest in regular dental exams and cleanings is that it has a positive impact on your overall health. Recent studies have shown that there’s a link between periodontal disease and heart disease; when the former is present, the latter is twice as likely.
According to the American Academy of Periodontology, gum disease can have a domino effect on your health. The bacteria caused by periodontal disease can enter your bloodstream and attach to your heart's blood vessels, causing dangerous blood clots. Another scenario is that the plaque buildup caused by periodontal disease can cause the heart's blood vessels to swell.
In this way, regular checkups and cleanings are not only money-saving but life-saving. And that’s priceless.

For a dental appointment, contact Oyster Point Dental.

Has it Been A While Since You have Seen a Dentist? Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Has it been a while since you have seen the dentist? Don’t worry, we are not here to embarrass you or make you sit through a lecture on the importance of dental health.
We’re not here to cause you dental anxiety or point fingers. Trust us, we of all people know that dental health is affected by a number of factors that could be environmental, hereditary or habitual. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.
This might surprise you, but there’s almost nothing that can surprise us when it comes to teeth. If you think your teeth are bad, we’ve probably seen worse. A large part of our training and professional work involves being exposed to just about every dental problem you can imagine. Without that kind of experience, how could we properly evaluate your teeth and treat them? We couldn’t.
One of the most important things you can do is to be up front with us. If you have dental anxiety, don’t silently suffer in the chair – tell us! The same goes for anything specific that might scare you – whether it’s needles or anesthesia or just sitting in the chair. And please tell us what we can do to make your visit more comfortable. Many people find that a blanket and pillow makes their visits much more relaxing. Others like us to explain what we’re doing before we do it. And some people find that taking frequent breaks is helpful.
Let’s talk about what you need before you talk yourself out of scheduling another visit. We’ll do whatever we can to ensure that you have a positive experience getting the dental care you need.

To make your dentist appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Soda Drinkers Get More Cavities

Joseph Coupal - Monday, July 01, 2013

Are you a soda drinker? If so, your dentist probably knows you are. Soda drinkers are often prone to dental cavities and white spots on their teeth known as decalcifications, which are actually the start of new cavities.
A cavity is an infection caused by a combination of carbohydrate-containing foods or beverages and bacteria that live in our mouths. Sweetened soda contains a high amount of sugar which can promote cavities. Soda may be even more damaging to the teeth than other sugar containing beverages because it is acidic as well.
Before we drink a sugar-sweetened soda, the pH in our mouth is about 7.0, which is slightly more acidic than water. When the bacteria in our mouths are exposed to sugar, acid is produce which causes the pH on the tooth surface to drop. Acid can begin to dissolve the hard enamel that forms the outer coating of our teeth. Over time this leads to erosion that causes cavities and toothaches!
A study examined the effect of several types of sweetened soda and mineral water on the teeth. Teeth exposed to soda had significantly more decalcification than those exposed to mineral water and cola caused the most decalcification. Soda damages teeth in two ways. It makes the mouth acidic, and the sugar content promotes tooth decay.
The easiest way to prevent cavities is by brushing your teeth at least three times a day, especially after eating or drinking and before bed. Reducing the amount and frequency of eating sugary foods and beverages can decrease the risk of forming cavities.
If you have to have sweetened soda, it is better to drink it at one sitting than sip it throughout the day. Better yet, drink it through a straw in one sitting, to bypass the teeth altogether.

Dental Options to Fix Chipped Teeth – Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Do you have a chipped tooth? Chipped teeth are the most common dental injury. A small chip may not cause you pain, but chipped teeth should never be ignored. Any type of dental trauma deserves immediate attention. In fact, there could be damage underneath the surface of the tooth that is chipped. A dentist can rule out cracks or internal tooth problems that aren’t visible to the naked eye. And in many cases, your chipped tooth can be repaired in just one dental visit.
Treatments for chipped teeth vary according to the amount of damage.
Dental Bonding -- Most chips can be corrected with dental bonding. Dental bonding is an efficient, durable and cost-effective way to correct minor chips.
Enamel Shaping -- Often used in conjunction with dental bonding, enamel shaping can also correct small chips or surface flaws. During enamel shaping, a small portion of the tooth's surface is removed or recontoured to smooth out imperfections.
Dental Veneers – If the chip is significant and dental bonding or enamel shaping can't be used, you may need a veneer. These thin, porcelain wafers completely cover the surface of the tooth and are often used for front teeth.
Root Canal – Pain in the location of the chip can be a sign that the nerve is exposed. If that's the case, a root canal may be necessary to save the tooth.
Dental Crown -- A dental crown is used to completely cover larger teeth or to cap a tooth after a root canal.
Tooth Extraction -- If the tooth can't be saved, a tooth extraction may be necessary. The good news is a dental bridge or dental implants can replace missing teeth.

To discuss your options for a chipped tooth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Composite Fillings are Hot - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not surprisingly, when it comes to cavities and fillings, most people think silver. Dentists have used amalgam (silver) to fill cavities for over 150 years. This is because Amalgam is one of the most durable and long-lasting restorative materials used in dentistry.
Amalgam may be affordable and it can endure, but it lacks in aesthetics. However, invisible fillings, made from composite resin, matches your natural tooth color. No one will be able to see composite fillings.
Composite resin is made of a tooth-colored plastic mixture and glass. Early on, composite fillings were only used to restore front teeth. But they are stronger today.
Today's composites look more natural and are stronger and tougher, and more versatile so they can be used to:

  • Restore small- to mid-sized cavities
  • Reshape chipped teeth and broken teeth
  • Replace amalgam fillings

There are other benefits to composite fillings, too. If you have sensitive teeth, composite fillings may make them less sensitive to hot and cold. And with composites, more of your tooth structure stays intact – that’s not the case with silver fillings. Composite fillings are also easily fixable if they’re damaged.

For more information on invisible fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Proper Dental Care for Seniors Prevents Cavities - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Seniors can get more cavities than children. In fact, children and seniors are still the two highest at-risk groups for tooth decay. Aging puts us at greater risk for dental problems. The wearing away of tooth enamel, receding gums and loss of jawbone are signs that our mouths are aging along with our bodies.
Fortunately, there are now dental technologies and treatments to keep smiles intact longer. That's great news for seniors. The bad news is anyone with natural teeth can get cavities. And the longer we have our teeth, the more we expose them to the elements that can cause tooth decay.
Unfortunately, geriatric teeth are less able to handle the normal wear and tear of those in younger generations. There are several reasons why seniors may be prone to more dental cavities:

  • Difficulty brushing & flossing
  • Not enough fluoride
  • Gum disease
  • Dry mouth
  • Poor diet

There are several ways seniors can stay cavity-free. A diet low in sugar and high in calcium promotes tooth health. Fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses or tablets can help. Drinking water, sucking on sugar-free candy or chewing sugarless gum promotes saliva production and reduces dry mouth.
For seniors with mobility or dexterity problems, wrap tape or an elastic bandage around the toothbrush. If a wider grip is needed, try taping a tennis ball, sponge or rubber bicycle grip to the handle. An electric toothbrush may also be helpful for those who cannot maneuver a manual toothbrush easily. And daily flossing should not be forgotten, either -- floss holders and waxed floss may make it easier for seniors to continue their oral hygiene routine.
Because of the special dental needs of seniors, regular dental visits are still essential. We use this time to check for the dental problems that affect older patients, including cavities, gum disease, root decay and oral cancer.

For senior dental care, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening Products that Are Not As Safe As You Think - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Friday, June 07, 2013

Celebrities and TV personalities all have white teeth. As a result, Americans are infatuated with the idea or a sparkling white smile. Teeth Whitening is the most common cosmetic procedure performed today. There are plenty of options to choose from as well, from teeth whitening toothpaste, whitening strips and mouth washes to in-office teeth whitening procedures.

But there are some things you should know.
In an article on ABC Local’s website, it said that "Some of these over the counter whitening products have not been tested and there are lawsuits that are pending for materials that have actually caused gum trauma or caused the tooth to actually dissolve."

Teeth are porous. Dark food, drink and smoking all stain teeth and cause them to stain and darken. Bleaching causes teeth to be more porous. This means, that once you begin bleaching your teeth, your teeth are more porous than when you started, so dark food and drinks, like coffee, wine and tea, can stain your teeth even more.

In fact, Yahoo News said, “Many people find that if they stop teeth bleaching, their teeth eventually regress to a shade worse than it was before they started because the bleach makes tooth enamel more porous.”

Going to a dentist for an in-office whitening procedure is safer. The American Dental Association said in a report that bleaching is generally safe when done under the guidance of a professional.

At Oyster Point Dentistry we fabricate custom tooth whitening trays and provide professional strength gel to brighten your smile. Custom whitening trays are made specifically for your teeth, whitening the front, back and in between for better results. Additionally, because they are custom fitted, there is no damage to your gums.

In-office teeth whitening last longer as well. Under your dentists supervision, whitening results can last up to 2 years with good hygiene and lower exposure to staining foods or beverages.  With periodic touch-up applications and regular dental hygiene visits, your whiter, brighter smile will last indefinitely.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Quotes from Empowher

Solutions to Improve your Teeth and Smile - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 30, 2013

With appearance becoming more and more important and cosmetic dental procedures are gaining in popularity. In fact, a straight and attractive smile can do much for your self-confidence. In fact, a crooked smile is one of the biggest reasons that people contact cosmetic dentists.
For the following teeth problems, you may want to seek orthodontic straightening.

Overcrowded teeth – this can happen when there is not enough room on your jaw for teeth to fit. This can be fixed with braces, and in many cases, overcrowding can be fixed with Invisalign clear aligners.

Spaces between teeth -  usually this is caused by genetics, there are several options that can correct spaces between teeth such as Invisalign and dental veneers.

Crossbite – When the lower tooth grows on the wrong side of the corresponding upper tooth. This can happen with one or more teeth and is most often fixed with braces.

Overbite  - Usually caused by genetics, an overbite results in upper teeth that fall over the lower teeth. This can most often be fixed with Invisalign braces.

Stained, yellow or discolored teeth - This is often a result of life habits. In-office teeth whitening is often the fastest and most effective solution. However, in the event that you are not a candidate for teeth whitening, porcelain veneers are a perfect solution.

When people are not happy with their smile, their lives are affected. Self confidence wanes and many are uncomfortable in social situations. Luckily though there are so many alternatives that can give you a straighter smile. Ask Oyster Point Dentistry if Invisalign, braces or dental veneers are appropriate for you.

Get a Khloe Kardashian Smile with Invisalign - Virginia Beach

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Khloe Kardashian is going the more conventional route with her latest beauty tactic: She's getting braces.

That's right, the 28-year-old decided to get herself a brand new smile last week. Her dentist has confirmed the news that the reality star would be getting a customized set of Invisalign braces,  not a traditional set of metal braces.

Choosing to straighten your teeth is a big decision that affects your appearance and your lifestyle. As an adult, you may be looking to improve on your smile for multiple reasons. Invisalign is an effective and modern-day solution to braces.

With such noninvasive dental treatment available it seems to be more and more common for adults to get braces nowadays, and orthodontists are increasingly reporting growing percentages of adults making up their patient roster now that Invisalign braces are available. So Khloe's pretty on-trend when it comes to her beautifying habits.

“She happens to have one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen,” her dentist said. But she’s a perfectionist. Her teeth are just slightly crooked and rotated. Invisalign braces can fix this, and no one will even notice that she has braces.

If you need braces as an adult, do it the Kardashian way. Invisalign is the perfect solution for many dental issues. The best way to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign is to contact Oyster Point Dentistry today.

Invisible Dentistry to Create the Perfect Smile in Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 15, 2013

For teens today, their social life is as important as ever. But many teens are facing dental concerns. Fortunately, even crooked teeth can be treated discreetly and even invisibly with Invisalign Braces. With Invisalign, no one can tell you're straightening your teeth. So now you or your teen can smile more during and after treatment.

Everyone wants a radiant smile. No parent wants to hear their teen needs braces. No teen wants to see metal braces when they look back at the pictures. With Invisalign invisible braces, this is not an issue. Oyster Point Dentistry experts offer invisible braces to patients who don't want metal braces to get in the way of their social lives. Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces.

Summer also means wedding season, showers, engagement parties, graduation parties, and meeting new college roommates. Maybe stained or discolored teeth is your issue. With porcelain veneers you can restore the white and natural look your teeth used to have.  Dental veneers are a thin, translucent layer of porcelain that comfortably fit over your stained teeth bring about a natural looking, bright smile. Veneers can improve the shape, color or size of your teeth giving you a brighter, more uniform smile.

A bright, confident smile allows you to put your best look forward. By taking care of your teens teeth now, you can ensure that your teen will have strong, beautiful teeth throughout their lives.

For cosmetic and restorative dentistry in Newport News, Oyster Point offers crowns, inlays composite fillings and dental implants. Let your smile sparkle with white, healthy teeth. Contact us.