Oyster Point Dental Blog

Overcome Your Dental Phobia with Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Phobia

Both kids and adults suffer from dental phobias. Fear of the dentist can be quite serious because it causes people to skip or indefinitely put off dental appointments which can result in bigger issues and worsen overall health.

If you suffer from this problem but need to see a dentist, there are two dental treatment options which can help you overcome your fear successfully.

  • Sedation Dentistry - In this procedure, the patient is put into a heavily sedated state to help them relax during their dental treatment.
  • Total Sleep Dentistry - This is reserved for patients with a very severe dental phobia. This procedure is performed in a medical operating room wherein the patient is administered general anesthesia by a licensed anesthesiologist.

These two dental techniques can help patients overcome their fear of the dentist to get the dental treatments they need to maintain their dental and physical health.

To learn more about these treatment options, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings For a More Attractive Smile

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 09, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisible Dental Filling in Newport News, VA

In the past, metal amalgam was used to restore or fill dental cavities. However, due to the growing concern over mercury vapor release from this material and its health effects on patients, invisible dental fillings were developed.

Invisible dental fillings are made from porcelain and composite resin. These fillings are customized to match the natural color of your teeth. This makes porcelain dental fillings virtually invisible to the naked eye. This treatment is minimally invasive and an increasing number of patients who previously had metal amalgam fillings are now considering invisible fillings instead.

Invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA are longer lasting and more durable than metal. Also, the color is long lasting as well, so there will be no fading or staining. Because the color matches the existing teeth it an excellent remedy for chipped and decayed teeth especially those that are more visible. In addition, porcelain and composite resin can instantly bond to the tooth.

To find out more information on invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Halloween Dental Care Tips for Kids

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 02, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Halloween is just around the corner. This means your kids will feast on candies and sweet treats. However, before you let them, sort the treats in their candy bucket if you don't want them to end up with a case of an aching teeth after Halloween.

Not all candy causes dental cavities, but there are also many sugary goodies which definitely will. Parents need to select which candy can be eaten in moderation so you won't completely spoil their Halloween fun. More importantly, have kids do preventative dental care every time after eating treats.

You may want to limit their intake of those gummy and sour candies. These types of candy has a high concentration of sugar and acid that can damage tooth enamel. Additionally, don't let them chew hard candies; it can possibly crack and break their teeth. Instead, let them have plain chocolate because it melts quickly and sugar won't stay long on their teeth. However, chocolate with caramel and nut fillings must be eaten in moderation.

Only allow them to eat their candy right after meals since saliva production at this time is at its peak. This can naturally rinse sugar particles away from the teeth. Another option, if brushing is not possible, always have them drink a glass of water right after eating candy and sweets. Sugar particles that are lodge on the teeth for a long period can feed bacteria and promote bacterial growth. This bacteria will eventually cause cavities and tooth decay.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more preventative dental care tips for kids.

Invisalign Braces Correcting Fix Crooked Teeth for a Radiant Smile

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Teens do not want crooked teeth and they also do not want metal braces. With selfies, for teens appearance is everything. Social media has made them a bit more conscious of their outer appearance. As a result, crooked and uneven teeth greatly affect their self-esteem and social interactions.

However, there are now better treatments available that can correct this concern. Invisalign braces can be a life-changing dental procedure for your teen. Invisalign braces can straighten the teeth without the use of metal braces. Gone are the days when teens need worry about metal dental brackets and years of discomfort in order to achieve straighter, healthier teeth. We all want our teens to have perfect, healthy teeth without the discomfort and inconvenience of traditional braces. With invisible braces in Newport News, VA, crooked teeth can be corrected without seeing any braces at all.

Having a perfect set of even teeth will make your teens smile radiant. When they can smile confidently they put their best look, and foot, forward. This can help their self-esteem and get them more involved socially, without hiding their smile. For corrective and restorative dentistry in Newport News, VA, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Back To School Preventative Dental Care Tips

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Preventative Dental Care in Newport News, VA

Another school year has begun. Parents tick off their kids' back-to-school checklist as the excitement for the first day at school builds. When you run down your list again, make sure you have included your kids oral health.

Here are dental health tips that you might want to include on your list:

  • Dental Visit - Take your kids to the dentist in Newport News, VA for dental cleanings and check-ups. Any tooth decay must be treated right away to prevent further damage of the teeth. Dentists may also do preventative treatments to prevent cavities in addition to recommending regular brushing.
  • Prepare Healthy Snacks - Avoid giving chips and starchy foods because they are as bad as sugary snacks. Nuts are a good alternative as are crunchy treats like apple wedges and carrot sticks.
  • Pay Attention To Oral Hygiene - Encourage brushing and flossing by making it fun every time. Let your child pick their own toothbrush out. You can also play music or sing songs while they brush and floss.

Your kids will be immersed at their school and this is where most social interaction starts. Help your kids present themselves with confidence by taking good care of their oral health. To find out more about preventative dental care tips for kids, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Restore Chipped Teeth with Dental Veneers

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Your may have a sport's injury or other injury that has caused chipped teeth. Although, teeth injury may just be unattractive, chipped teeth should never be taken lightly. The damage could have possibly caused internal trauma or it could cause the other teeth to no longer line up properly. There are many solutions for chipped or fractured teeth however, one in particular can fix the appearance as well as the function of the damaged teeth.

Porcelain dental veneers can address various dental issues including chipped and cracked teeth. Tooth-colored porcelain shells are applied over the surface of the defective teeth to restore its natural appearance. This will repair the affected teeth and completely resemble the teeth's natural color. With this treatment, your teeth will look and feel natural. More importantly, a thorough inspection of the dental injury will be performed prior to treatment.

Dental issues should never be ignored. Chipped teeth can cause deeper issues and can also affect self-esteem and confidence. If you think you may be a candidate for porcelain veneers contact Oyster Point Dentistry to schedule an appointment. Our dentists can explain more about the procedure.

Dental Solutions For Sleep Apnea are Effective In Mild and Moderate Cases

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, September 04, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Sleep Apnea Treatment in Newport News, VA

Obstructive sleep apnea is a medical condition, and a dental solution for sleep apnea is prescribed by medical doctors due to the effectiveness in treating the disease. When a doctor confirms a suitable treatment for this condition, patients are amazed at how this treatment works and how it can change their life.

The dental device used in treating sleep apnea looks like a sport's mouthpiece. They are custom-fit in the mouth and works by slightly pressing the lower jaw and tongue forward preventing the throat muscles from collapsing into the airways. This enables the patient to have normal breathing during sleep. They are adjustable and will conveniently position the jaw for greater comfort and effectiveness. The device will spare you from the discomforts of CPAP masks which can disrupt the sleep of your partner. With this treatment option patients will never have to suffer from the inconvenience of other treatment options.

In order to find out if this is the right solution for sleep apnea, speak with your doctors or dentist for an assessment on the severity of your case. Mild and moderate sleep apnea cases respond effectively to this treatment. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more about this alternative treatment for sleep apnea.

BriteSmile In-Office Teeth Whitening For the Perfect Smile

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Teeth whitening

A pleasing personality and an attractive and neat appearance is always required in the job seeking process. A perfect set of white teeth can contribute to your overall appearance. However, it's hard to maintain teeth whiteness due to aging, genetics, food and lifestyle habits. However, there is a safe solution to whiten stained and discolored teeth.

In-office whitening treatment offers safe and reliable teeth bleaching and is performed by a licensed dental practitioner. This teeth whitening process offers superior results when compared to over-the-counter options. A higher concentration of bleaching gels are uses and closely monitored during this he procedure protecting both teeth and gums. The process of Britesmile teeth whitening systems has remarkable results. Prior to the actual treatment, the dentist will properly prepare the teeth by removing plaque for smoother application of the bleaching gel. In fact, a meticulous dental exam is conducted to make certain that the teeth and gums are in perfect condition.

The actual treatments starts with the application of cheek retractors to further expose the teeth. A rubbery resin is then applied to the surrounding gums to serve as protection. The hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel is then applied and sits for 15-30 minutes, depending on the desired tone. A second coating then is applied after the first gel application is cleaned away. The Britesmile blue light is then used to illuminate the gel which activates and stimulates the oxidation process. Results can be seen immediately following the session. Your licensed dentists in Newport News, VA will then provide each patient with post-treatment instructions to ensure that results will last.

With BriteSmile teeth whitening treatment, you can confidently walk into job interviews. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more about this teeth whitening treatment.

What is TMJ Disorder and How to Treat IT?

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Are you suffering from a headache upon waking up in the morning? Does the pain run from your head to your neck and shoulders? If you are experiencing this pain on a daily basis, you may have a TMJ disorder. These manifestations can be brought about by a dental problem. Misaligned teeth or jaw, an injury, severe teeth grinding and arthritis are factors that can result in TMJ syndrome. Anything that can cause too much pressure on the nerves and muscles that surround your tempomandibular joint can cause migraines and facial pain.

TMJ disorder can also lead to broken teeth which causes severe toothaches. In order to ease the pain, see a dental practitioner to provide the right treatment. Commonly, customized dental splints are applied that precisely fit the patient's upper and lower teeth. Dental splints are orthodontic devices that can stabilize loose teeth and protect them from further damage. The device will prevent the patient from grinding or clenching their teeth repeatedly during the night.

There are other treatment options offered for treating TMJ which include using steroids to relieve the inflammation. In worst cases, dental surgery is recommended to fully treat the disorder. If you think you may be suffering from TMJ, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

A Dental Implant can Replace a Missing Tooth without Compromising Aesthetics or Comfort

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Due to the annoying discomforts that are experienced with traditional dentures, many now choose dental implants as a replacement for missing teeth. The titanium root is embedded in the bone to serve as an orthodontic anchor. At the top of the implant, a porcelain crowned tooth is attached.

Replacing a missing tooth is possible with a single dental implant or, for multiple missing teeth, they can be replaced with multiple dental implants. When you lose a tooth, the void will continue to diminish and deteriorate, filling the gap is necessary for many reasons, not the least of which are function, self-confidence, and aesthetics. Dental implants are recommended to eliminate tooth and gum decay caused by missing teeth. Additionally, this treatment option looks essentially identical to natural teeth.

Don't settle on conventional dentures that can compromise both aesthetics and comfort. In lieu of classic dentures, dental implants offers long lasting solutions without sacrificing other important aspects. To find out if you are a candidate for dental implant treatment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry for a consultation.

Improved Root Canal Process Offers Painless Dental Treatment

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, August 07, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry, Newport News, VA - Root Canal Treatment

Endodontic treatment, commonly known as a root canal, is a dental procedure where the infected tooth pulp is removed and the clean cavity is filled and sealed. This is the recommended treatment to preserve a tooth that has an infected nerve. However, root canal treatments have been extremely painful in the past to the point where the point that some patients opt out of this treatment option.

However, improvements have been made to make root canal treatment much more tolerable with minimal to no pain, especially when it is done at the early stage. Often, anesthesia is ineffective because the nerve has already decayed. Thus, patients are highly advised to seek consultation at the earliest onset of gum pain. This makes the procedure easier to undertake and a less painful treatment.

The process of a dental root canal includes numbing the affected site and extracting the infected tissue. Antiseptic solutions are then applied. After a couple of weeks, the site is checked for proper healing before sealing. Dental root canal treatment in Newport News, VA is the only method to effectively preserve and re-strengthen your teeth.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry immediately if you are suffering from dental pain. Early treatment can save your teeth from total decay.

Preventative Dental Care For Pregnant Women

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Preventative Dental Care For Pregnant Women in Newport News, VA

Pregnant women will often complain of toothaches and other dental issues during the course of their pregnancy. The change in hormones can affect the teeth. Periodontal or gum disease is the most common problem that affects pregnant women. Due to hormonal changes, the immune system becomes hypersensitive to bacterial infection particularly to those causing dental plaque. Teeth deterioration can progress at a much faster rate than at other times. Thus, preventative dental care is highly advised by dentist and obstetricians to keep the teeth healthy during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a critical time to kill infections. As much as possible, while pregnant a woman should be free from any infection. Bacteria in dental cavities can be transmitted through the amniotic fluid which protects the baby in the uterus. Dentist in Newport News, VA have extensive experience in caring for the teeth and maintaining the dental health of expectant moms.

Pre-pregnancy dental planning is also offered to patients who are planning to get pregnant in the near future. This is a preventative dental care inspection to detect and address any gum problems before getting pregnant. To learn more about dental care for pregnant women, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Same Day Tooth Repairs With the E4D Dental System

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Audio Visual Relaxation Techniques

More often than not, people postpone or put off dental visits due to hectic schedules or any other excuse. Although, dental health should be a priority, it seems too many only visit the dentist when pain is involved. Often this is when the condition has already turned severe. Fortunately, a new breakthrough in dental health industry now makes same day dental restorations possible.

Oyster Point Dentistry offers same day/single visit dental experiences to residents across Hampton Roads Virginia. With the use of the E4D Dental System, restorative dental needs can now be addressed in a single visit. Digital imaging enables the dentist to scan the tooth so a custom restoration process is possible in a single day. This digital scan applies the most recent laser technology to ensure precision and safety. It is incomparable to conventional impressions in which the process can get messy and cumbersome.

Dental digital imaging eliminates the need for multiple dental visits. The new technology allows various tooth repairs to be done in just one siting. Stop enduring your dental pain, contact Oyster Point Dentistry and schedule an appointment.

Audio Visual Relaxation Techniques To Provide Patients with Soothing Dental Experiences

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Audio Visual Relaxation Techniques

Dental procedures are scary for some patients. Between the sounds, smells, and sensations, this can all add to a patient's anxiety. Thus, audio-visual relaxation techniques can be used to ease dental anxiety.

Soothing audio-visual relaxation technology is offered at no extra charge to relieve "dental anxiety" in patients who suffer from fear of the dentist. This technique aims to relax patients who have minor dental anxiety. Audtio-visual technology in Newport News, VA can calm the "fear of the dentist"

At Oyster Point Dentistry, we make sure every patient has a comfortable dental experience. We believe in quality dental care and that includes taking away the anxiety of patients through different relaxation options. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry, we can help find solutions to any dental concerns that you may have.

Sedation Dentistry For Pediatric and Adult Patients with Severe Dental Treatment Anxiety

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Sedation, Newport News, VA

Let's face it, dental clinics are the last place children want to visit. Their anxiety with dental procedures often lead them to endure the pain instead of seeking right treatment to cure it. The problem is that minor dental issues will progress in time and turn to more severe conditions. Fortunately, for both child and adult severe dental treatment anxiety, dental sedation is offered to comfort the patient.

Sedation dentistry is not only given to pediatric patients but likewise to adults who have severe anxiety with dental treatments. Oyster Point Dentistry offers this dental solution to rid patients of their fear and overcome their anxiety. Those patients with low pain tolerance, a minor pain can rapidly increase blood pressure. Patients could bleed profusely during surgery so it is not advisable to proceed when they are awake and conscious. Hence, total sleep sedation is offered to keep them asleep during extensive dental operation.

At Oyster Point Dentistry, these dental sedatives are a solid alternative to high anxiety patients. Our team is comprised of skillful dental surgeons along with board certified medical anesthesiologists who work together to perform a safe dental surgery. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more about sedation dentistry.

Invisible Fillings for The Safer Restoration of Dental Cavities

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 03, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisible Dental Filling in Newport News, VA

Tooth decay can create a cavity on your teeth that can be painful or worsen as food debris gets into the hole. Dental fillings are the traditional treatment for restoring the damaged teeth so that it can function normally and pain-free. In the past, silver fillings are used to close the dental cavity; but concerns have cropped up regarding the use of amalgam or silver fillings. Amalgam fillings have mercury which is unsafe. Additionally, silver fillings often crack over-time.

Fortunately, invisible fillings are now available and are used to repair dental cavities. Because these fillings are invisible, they blends to the natural look of the teeth while completely sealing the tooth to prevent further corrosion. As a result, not only do Invisible dental fillings keep you healthier overall, they also address aesthetic concerns.

Invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA can restore up to 95% of the original strength of the tooth. Plus, it chemically bonds to the structure of the tooth so slots, grooves or pin placement are unnecessary to retain them. Now teeth can be restored to their original health without compromising aesthetics.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more about invisible dental fillings.

Dental Implants For A Lasting Solution to Replace Missing Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Whether it's a tooth decay, an injury, or a gum disease, dental implants are the most convenient and permanent solution there is to replace missing teeth. The process of placing a dental implant is to replace the root of the tooth with a titanium screw, and placing a ceramic cap or tooth on top. It is securely screwed into the jawbone so it will stay firm and immovable.

Dental implants are far more tough and durable than other dental replacements such as dentures. In fact, tooth implants will last a lifetime with the proper care. As long as the patient observes proper dental hygiene and maintains his/her dental health, the implants will last for a lifetime. In addition, dental implants most closely resemble the natural teeth so others cannot tell the difference.

Missing teeth can be an aesthetic, comfort issue which can create overall dental health concerns. It is recommended that it is addressed if- and as soon as- possible. Although dental implants are more expensive than other dental replacement options, they offer a cost-effective and far more comfortable and convenient solution to your missing teeth which last a lifetime.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more about dental implant treatment.

Porcelain Dental Veneers are the Best Treatment Option for Many Dental Problems

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

While both dental veneers and Teeth whitening can address stained and discolored teeth, whitening cannot fix crooked, uneven and gaped teeth issues. But, porcelain veneers are the perfect treatment option for discolored or oddly-shaped teeth.

Dental veneers can recreate the natural look of your teeth. It is the preferred option for patients who want to slightly alter their tooth shape and/or color to improve their smile. Porcelain laminate veneers cover the natural tooth enamel. They are designed to cover-up chipped teeth while matching the color of your surrounding teeth for a natural look.

Porcelain dental veneers are the best treatment option for many dental issues. If you are wondering if you are a candidate for veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Our dentists will discuss this and other treatment options for what you are trying to achieve.

Sleep Sedation Dentistry for Pain and Anxiety-Free Dental Treatment

Joseph Coupal - Monday, June 11, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Sedation, Newport News, VA

Fear of dental procedures is not only specific to children. There are many adult patients who have anxiety and fear of the dentist. As a result, patients who suffer from dental anxiety and fear often prolong or entirely put-off dental visits. This makes issues in the mouth worse, more costly and more time-consuming.

Sleep sedation oral dentistry is administered to patients with chronic fear of the dentist and or oral treatment. Sedation dentistry eliminates the patient's anxiety and promotes better oral hygiene and care for over all better, and less expensive, oral health. Meanwhile, sleep dentistry is also offered to patients who are seniors or minors to make them more comfortable as well.

Only certified medical practitioners and anesthesiologist have the capability to administer these sedatives. They also stay beside the patient throughout the treatment to ensure safety and to ensure the patient is entirely pain-free. To find out more of sedation dentistry as an option, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

BriteSmile In-Office Whitening Treatment for Whiter Teeth in Just One Dental Visit

Joseph Coupal - Monday, June 04, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Teeth whitening

The benefits of a perfect white teeth is not limited to just your appearance. A bright white smile also improves your mental health. Having healthy, attractive white teeth can boost your self-confidence. Having the confidence to face people without hesitation, knowing you have a perfect set of white teeth can certainly enhance your mood. Plus, smiling a lot keeps stress at bay.

However, its hard to maintain white teeth. Both food and drink can stain and discolor our teeth, it takes more than regular brushing to restore them back their natural whiteness. Luckily, there's in-office whitening treatment that treats stained and discolored teeth safely. Although, there are many products for teeth whitening that are available over-the-counter, the BriteSmile teeth whitening system is still the most preferred procedure and it has safe, fast-acting result.

Professional teeth whitening in Newport News, VA can actually make your teeth whiter with just one visit. The result of BriteSmile’s laser teeth whitening technology is so remarkable that no other teeth whitening solution can be compared with it's quick effective results. If your are interested with this teeth whitening solution, contact Oyster Point Dentistry to learn more.

Straight Teeth Impact Overall Dental Health

Joseph Coupal - Monday, May 28, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

Having straight teeth improve one's look and affects their overall dental and physical health as well. Although most clients who opt for teeth straightening treatment have it done for aesthetic reasons, dentists highly recommend correcting crooked teeth because of the impact this has on overall oral health.

Straight teeth promotes healthy gums. There is less stress on the jaw when teeth are straight and can function properly. Braces are popular for straightening teeth for teenagers with alignment issues. However, metal braces are unattractive and uncomfortable. Additionally, adult teeth can become crooked due to genetics, pregnancy, age or accident. Invisalign Treatment in Newport News, VA is the latest teeth straightening breakthrough and these clear braces are comfortable to wear. They don't require brackets and wires, are virtually invisible, and are removable for daily teeth cleaning and care.

Because Invisalign clear aligners do not have metal wires, it is easier to maintain the oral hygiene and they require fewer follow-up checkups and adjustments with the dentist. If you are interested in this treatment for crooked teeth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Aligners for a More Comfortable Teeth Straightening Solution

Joseph Coupal - Monday, May 21, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Gone are the days when teenagers clamor for colorful braces to correct teeth misalignment. Traditional metal braces may correct crowded and crooked teeth but in addition to being less attractive, it's hard to eat when wearing metal braces. In addition, proper dental care is compromised since food particles may get lodged in the metal brackets and can be difficult to remove and clean. If you are looking for an effective alternative to straightening your teen's teeth, Invisalign clear aligners are a perfect treatment option.

Clear Invisalign braces can effectively correct dental issues that call for braces but offer more comfort and advantages. Since they are clear and fit teeth perfectly, people won't even notice your teen is wearing braces. Moreover, they don't have to avoid any food because there are no metal wires or brackets . They are also easy to remove so dental care can be addressed properly.

Invisible braces by Invisalign requires fewer dental visits and adjustments. If you are interested in this treatment option as an alternative to metal braces, consult Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more information.

Dental Implants for Teeth Replacement That will Last a Lifetime

Joseph Coupal - Monday, May 14, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Yorktown, VA

Tooth loss can occur for multiple reasons. Kids are susceptible to tooth decay that can eventually lead to tooth loss. Genetics and accidents can also contribute to the loss of teeth. Tooth problems are more than a cosmetic issue. Missing teeth can cause pain, alignment issues, additional gaps and spaces between teeth and a loss of self esteem. However, dental implants can permanently restore lost teeth.

Dentures are another solution to replacing missing teeth. But they can break, are less convenient and comfortable and are not a permanent solution. Dental implants in Yorktown, VA are more durable because they are made of titanium. Implants are a a perfect teeth replacement solution that can last a lifetime with proper placement and care. The procedure also encourages preservation of your natural teeth and stimulates bone growth.

Dental implant treatment is the practical and best long-term solution to restore teeth and self confidence. Consult Oyster Point Dentistry to learn more about dental implants.

Prevent Rheumatic Heart Disease with Preventative Dental Care

Joseph Coupal - Monday, May 07, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign dentist in Newport News, VA

Rheumatic Heart Disease has been long linked to untreated periodontal diseases. Heart valves get impaired as a result of the bacterial infection that initially infects the mouth and throat. Preventative dental care should not be taken for granted because this simple dental practice can prevent life-threatening diseases.

There are studies that show that patients with poor dental health also often develop cardiovascular disease. Unresolved bacterial growth in the mouth which causes dental cavities can extend to the throat. It can get further into your blood stream and affect the other organs of the body. A sore throat that constantly re-occurs should not be taken for granted. Dentist in Newport News, VA recommends early treatment and maintain good dental hygiene to prevent the disease from progressing to a more critical stage.

Rheumatic Heart Disease is common in children due to dental care neglect and their tendency to dental anxiety. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry, our dental clinic is child-friendly and we can help reduce their anxiety towards dental procedures.

Invisalign has Many Benefits Over Traditional Braces

Joseph Coupal - Monday, April 30, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Invisalign can help with many cases from simple to more complex, including crowded teeth and underbites to jaw problems to teeth misalignment. And they're basically invisible so most people won't even notice you're wearing them.

The dentists at Oyster Point Dentistry will determine if Invisalign is right for you. If so, we will take x-rays and impressions of your teeth, which Invisalign will use to create a digital 3-D image. With these images we will create a precise treatment plan, including the exact movements of your teeth. Then a series of custom-made, clear aligners are created specifically for you and your mouth. These are made of a smooth, comfortable plastic. You wear Invisalign throughout the day, and as you wear them, your teeth gradually shift gently into place.

Similar to braces, in cost, Invisalign also helps with problems like spaced teeth, cross bites, underbites, and crowded teeth. However, there are many advantages to invisalign over braces. While the results are the same, a new and confident smile, when comparing options there are many benefits to Invisalign. With Invisalign you can eat any foods; the aligners are removable making eating and brushing and flossing easier for better periodontal health; and the smooth comfortable plastic is easier on your cheeks and gums than metal braces. Additionally, there are less office visits than with braces. Invisalign visits range from every 4 to 6 weeks. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for a consultation. See if Invisalign is right for you.

A Comfortable Treatment Alternative for Sleep Apnea

Joseph Coupal - Monday, April 23, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Sleep Apnea Treatment in Newport News, VA

Obstructive sleep apnea can be disruptive for patient and their partners as well. Often both parties suffer from interrupted sleep and sleep deprivation due to loud snoring. Although, CPAP is clinically proven to treat this condition, some patients cannot tolerate it because of the discomfort it can cause while sleeping.

A new treatment alternative has been formulated to cure sleep apnea. Oral Appliance Therapy works like a mouthpiece that adjusts the position of the tongue so it won't collapse to the back of the throat and block the airway. This can be custom-fit to the patient's mouth to achieve maximum airflow. Patients can use mere oral appliance or combined it with other therapy depending on dentist's recommendation.

If you are considering oral appliance therapy in Newport News, VA to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry. Our dentists can give further explanation concerning the treatment procedure.

Porcelain Dental Veneers Correct Dental Imperfections

Joseph Coupal - Monday, April 16, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Yorktown, VA

Over time your teeth will discolor, decay, or change as a result of many factors. As a result, more and more people are turning to porcelain veneers to treat imperfections and improve the appearance of their teeth. These translucent porcelain shells are affixed to the teeth to repair cosmetic issues like disfigurement and discoloration.

Before dental veneers are adhered to your teeth, dentists administer local anesthesia to numb the pain and reduce discomfort. Prior to placement of porcelain dental veneers, teeth are slightly refined to perfectly fit the shells. Moreover, modern dental veneers are modified to tailor the shape and natural color of your teeth. With this dental treatment, your set of teeth will look nicer and more even.

If you are interested of getting dental veneers in Newport News, VA, schedule an appointment with our highly trained dentists. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry and get absolute answers regarding porcelain veneers and other treatment options for your current dental issues.

Invisalign Clear Aligners are Invisible and Removable Making it a Better Alternative for Straightening Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Monday, April 09, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Crooked or misaligned teeth not only look unattractive, they can also make teeth cleaning difficult. If the teeth are not properly cleaned, they can eventually contract periodontal disease which can lead to gum and bone damage, as well as tooth loss. One way to properly align the teeth is wearing traditional metal braces. However, metal braces are less attractive, uncomfortable, and can be painful to wear. Invisalign clear aligners are better alternative and there are many reasons why one might choose them over traditional metal braces.

One main reason why dental patients choose Invisalign is the appearance. Metal braces can be unattractive. They are noticeable and the food can get caught in them. But with Invisalign, they are invisible or barely noticeable, and they feel natural as though the person wearing them is not wearing braces at all. This invisible teeth straightening alternative comes with a series of tailor-made and tight-fitting retainers that slip invisibly over the teeth. Also, Invisalign clear aligners are removable. If the wearer wishes to remove them for brief periods of time, they can easily do so. Dental patients can comfortably eat any food and can conveniently do their usual hygiene routine like brushing and flossing.

A lot of people are now enjoying the benefits of invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA. Aside from appearance and comfort, the duration of treatment is faster compared to metal braces. Invisalign can take only one year, to a year and a half to work its wonder and straighten your teeth.

To know more about the advantages of Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Implants Can Improve your Oral Health

Joseph Coupal - Monday, April 02, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Yorktown, VA

Most people believe that a healthy smile is one of the first and most important things we notice about a person. Healthy teeth are the key to an attractive smile. However, many people hide their smiles because they are self-conscious about missing teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, then dental implants may be the best possible replacement solution worth discussing during your next dental check-up.

Dental implants in Yorktown, VA consist of a small, titanium screw that replaces the root portion of a missing natural tooth. The screw is secured in the jaw bone, which provides a base for the replacement tooth. Dental implants are anchored there and become part of your bone structure having no impact on the surrounding teeth. This makes implants perfectly safe and healthy. There are a number of benefits associated with dental implants such as enhancing your appearance and speech, improving your ability to chew and enjoy food, protecting your teeth and jawbone from bone loss, and better overall oral health. Dental implants act like natural teeth, and with proper care and regular check-ups they can last a lifetime. Therefore, if your smile is healthy, the rest of your body and bones can be healthy too.

When you are confident, you smile more. Replacing missing teeth and addressing oral health issues through dental implant treatments can give the boost you need to take the next step in your relationship or career path.

If you are interested in having a dental implant, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Children Need Preventive Dental Care at an Early Age

Joseph Coupal - Monday, March 26, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Preventative Dental Care in Newport News, VA

Maintaining good oral hygiene gives children a better chance of having good overall health. Poor oral health can hinder the child’s ability to take in the right nutrition, speak properly, and keep a positive self-image. Many children entering kindergarten today already have cavities in their teeth. The reason behind this is that they simply failed to brush and floss their teeth daily. Cavities in infants, toddlers, and children prevent the development of a healthy smile which is why it is important to prioritize good dental care habits for children. These early preventive dental care habits ensure children and parents are on the right track toward good oral health.

It is very important to educate both parents and children on practicing good oral hygiene habits. Proper tooth brushing and flossing are major preventive dental care techniques for maintaining a healthy mouth. Pediatric dentists recommend that children should come in for regular check-ups every six months or as often as doctors recommend. However, children who are at high risk of tooth decay may need to visit their dentists more often. Our professional staff at Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA provides early treatment for infant cavities, tooth decay, and abnormal growth of children’s teeth such as uneven spacing, misalignment, and ectopic eruption.

Preventing cavities and plaque build-up in children is easier, less painful, and is less costly than treating dental problems after they’ve fully developed. Your child’s dental health greatly affects their overall health, so don’t take it for granted.

For more preventive dental care tips, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Sedation For Children

Joseph Coupal - Monday, March 19, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Sedation, Newport News, VA

Visits to the dental office can be a hard experiences for children. This is why dentists will often recommend dental sedation. This helps to calm kids and ease their anxiety during dental surgeries and treatment. Sometimes, when the procedure requires extensive work, total sleep sedation is prescribed.

As much as possible the dentist would like a kids and teens to have a pain-free appointment every time. Children have a tendency to neglect their dental health and may not like getting dental treatment. We want to eradicate this common perception kids have in regards to dentistry. Your child’s dental health can greatly affect their overall health if not attended to in a timely manner.

At Oyster Point Dentistry we understand your children’s anxiety. Thus, we find ways to make every dental treatment as comfortable and painless as possible. We have certified medical anesthesiologist who can administer the total sleep sedation or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s case and treatment procedure.

We are equipped with complete apparatus for administering general anesthesia and high end dental tools and equipment for carrying out a safe dental procedure to our patients. For more information about sedation dentistry and total sleep oral sedation, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Bridges Replace a Missing Tooth by Bridging The Gap

Joseph Coupal - Monday, March 12, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

A dental bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis used to replace one or several teeth by permanently joining an artificial tooth to adjacent teeth or to dental implants. Replacing and restoring missing teeth with dental bridges is ideal for many patients who are more comfortable with fixed restoration rather than with a removable one.

Dental bridges in Virginia Beach, VA are permanent by cementing the anchor crowns to the abutment teeth so there’s no need for periodic removal. Because of this advantage, most patients prefer bridges over removable dentures. Dental bridges are used to protect and reshape the affected teeth and prevent complications that may arise because of tooth loss. They also provide excellent chewing comfort because they facilitate proper alignment when chewing of food by distributing the forces in your bite properly. When well-executed and properly maintained, bridges ensure comfort and aesthetics so your smile will look as brilliant as it was before.

Often, dental implants tend to replace dental bridges. However, traditional dental bridges which are supported by natural teeth are still popular and widespread. These bridges give a natural look and feel, fit and function like natural teeth.

For more details on dental bridges, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Britesmile In-Office Whitening Treatment is Safe and Effective

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 06, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

There are all sorts of teeth whitening treatments out there in the market but there is doubt to their efficacy and safety. Some treatments can give instant results but it can wear your enamel and damage gum tissues when constantly applied. If you are looking for a safe teeth whitening treatment, consider Britesmile in-office whitening system.

Britesmile In-Office Whitening Treatment works with a whitening gel that is carefully applied to the teeth without touching the gums. A blue laser light is used to activate the whitening properties of the gel solution and speed up the teeth whitening process. The gel and blue lamp are designed with just the right strength so it wont damage your tooth enamel.

In-Office Whitening Treatment can last up to 2 years. Proper maintenance includes brushing after food and beverages that can cause dental staining such as dark colored fruits, coffee, juice, and sodas. Follow-up check-ups are advised for maintenance and retouch.

If your are interested in this safe and effective teeth whitening treatment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings are Durable and More Aesthetically Pleasing than Other Fillings

Joseph Coupal - Monday, February 26, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisible Dental Filling in Newport News, VA

The development of stronger and more aesthetically pleasing dental filling material for restorations has been a major focus in dentistry for many years. Dental fillings are formulated to restore teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay. Nowadays, most dentists use composite filling material to repair damaged teeth because it matches the natural color and texture of the surrounding teeth, making them virtually invisible. Invisible dental fillings are both durable and aesthetically pleasing which is why they are the most popular for treating chipped or cracked teeth. There are no health risks associated with invisible dental fillings making this choice a safe alternative solution to improve the health of the teeth.

The newest dental fillings are made of composite material that is bonded to the tooth structure enhancing the strength of the tooth. In fact, silver fillings actually weaken the tooth because the metal has a wider expansion and contraction range which can lead to cracks in the fillings over time. This makes the tooth more prone to breakage. Moreover, dentists do not have to remove as much of the natural tooth structure when preparing for the composite fillings, but in silver fillings the hole required for prepping the tooth is relatively larger.

Invisible dental fillings in Yorktown, VA provides patients with white or tooth-colored fillings that gives them a more pleasing, silver-free smile. Along with repairing damaged teeth, invisible dental fillings are also used for cosmetic improvements such as reshaping teeth and changing the color of teeth to match existing teeth. Regular visits to your dentist is important so that you can have the right treatment and you can achieve the best dental care.

To find out more about the benefits of invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Aligners: An Alternative for Straightening Teeth without Metal Wires and Brackets

Joseph Coupal - Monday, February 19, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Most dental patients want a better choice when considering orthodontic treatment. That decision is now between clear aligners or traditional metal braces. However, when people are considering braces, many patients are unaware that there is an alternative for straightening teeth without the hassle of metal wires and brackets. Invisalign clear aligners are an effective and better alternative, and they have a number of benefits compared to traditional braces.

Everyone has different reasons for needing orthodontic treatment. Clear aligner technology is a popular option for orthodontic treatment and can meet the needs of every patient. The main reason why dental patients choose Invisalign at Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA is to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth without the inconvenience and discomfort of metal braces. Moreover, Invisalign clear aligners are invisible. These aligners are a perfect option for patients who don’t want visible braces. Unlike traditional braces, patients have the ability to remove the clear aligners when they eat and brush their teeth. This makes cleaning easier and more effective and patients can continue with their usual hygiene routine of brushing and flossing with comfort and convenience.

This invisible teeth straightening alternative was first only used in simple orthodontic cases, but now they are used for even the most advanced cases. Not only have Invisalign clear aligners taken away the social stigma of orthodontics, but they also have become more efficient when it comes to oral health.

To find out more about the advantages of Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Porcelain Dental Veneers Help Improve the Appearance and Function of Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Monday, February 12, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Yorktown, VA

Porcelain dental veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry in which thin pieces of tooth-colored porcelain are placed over the surfaces of the teeth to recreate a natural look. This is the material of choice for treating issues in the original tooth such as poor color, shape, or contours. For those who are looking to have slight position alterations, or for those who want to change their tooth shape, size, and color, porcelain veneers are often the best and most successful option.

Dental veneers in Yorktown, VA aim to create a brilliant smile with beautifully aligned teeth. They are the common option to correct fractured or cracked teeth, gaps between teeth, and uneven teeth alignment. Veneers can even make the darkest-colored teeth appear bright white. They can also resist different stains like coffee and tea, and cigarette smoke because they are made of high-tech material. They are effective in restoring the natural tooth function while creating an even better appearance than the original tooth.

You’ll often hear people say that most celebrities have dental veneers and this may seem like the best way to achieve picture-perfect white teeth. Communication with your dentist is crucial to accomplish best and most successful results.

If you want aesthetically pleasing and naturally functioning teeth, consult your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry to know if you are a good candidate for this dental treatment.

Dental Implants­­­­­­: A Long-term and Cost- Effective Solution for Teeth Replacement

Joseph Coupal - Monday, February 05, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Yorktown, VA

Despite developments in dental care, many people still suffer from tooth loss as a result of tooth decay, periodontal disease, injury or other reasons. For the past few years, the only treatment options available for people with missing teeth problems were bridges and dentures. Fortunately, today dental implants are available.

Dental implants in Yorktown, VA are used to replace and restore your lost teeth. These implants are artificially made to match your natural teeth so that it will look, feel, fit, and function like natural teeth. Dental bridges and dentures only last five to seven years. With proper care, they may be able to last up to ten years, but they may need to be replaced at some point. As a result, those costs can add up over time. Dental implants can last a lifetime when properly placed, cared for, and maintained. They are made with titanium which makes them strong and durable. Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves natural bone and stimulates bone growth which can prevent bone loss and deterioration of your jaw bone. That is why dental implants are your best long-term and cost-effective solution for teeth replacement.

With dental implant treatment, there is no need to feel uncomfortable in public, or worry that missing teeth will interfere with your daily activities. No more worries that your dentures might slip or fall out whenever you are eating, smiling and speaking. Dental implants will give back your smile and help you feel more confident about yourself.

Consult your dentist if you can be a candidate for dental implant. For more details, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Smile With Confidence Through the BriteSmile Teeth Whitening System

Joseph Coupal - Monday, January 22, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

Everyone would love to have pearly white teeth and a natural-looking smile. Whiter teeth can make you look and feel younger because oftentimes we associate white teeth with youth and beauty. Smiling helps reduce wrinkles, lines, and other appearances of aging because we naturally look younger when we love our smile and when we smile with confidence. When treating discolored and stained teeth, in-office whitening treatment performed by a professional is much safer and more effective than using over-the-counter whitening products.

Oyster Point Dentistry uses the BriteSmile teeth whitening system. This is a one-hour laser whitening product which is applied to your teeth for 20 minutes. Then, the process is repeated for three separate 20-minute applications. The goal of this teeth whitening system is to get your teeth as white as possible in less time. This is commonly used by many dentists because it effectively brightens teeth faster and the results stand the test of time.

When you wish to whiten your teeth that guarantees faster noticeable results, consider professional teeth whitening in Newport News, VA. BriteSmile teeth whitening system provides immediate and uniform whitening results than using over-the-counter whitening gels, whitening strips, or whitening tooth pastes. Through professional teeth whitening, removing stains and brightening your smile can be successfully attained. You won’t feel the need to cover your mouth when you laugh or talk, or feel embarrassed. Rather, you can always show your smile with great confidence.

To find out more about BriteSmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Importance of Preventative Dental Care on Children’s Baby Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Monday, January 15, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Preventative Dental Care in Newport News, VA

Children’s permanent teeth come in around age 7 or 8. As a result, many parents tend to delay preventative dental care dentist appointments until this time, and too often by then kids are already complaining of toothache or suffering from tooth decay. Although kids have baby teeth which will fall out at a young age, parents should take care because these temporary teeth serve as a guide track for the emerging adult teeth. Your child’s permanent teeth can end up crooked, overlapping, and unattractive.

A minor cavity in baby teeth can quickly develop into larger cavities because of the thin enamel. Cavities are signs of infection and always come with gum swelling and pain. If left untreated, infection can spread to blood circulation causing illnesses.

It is advisable to start caring for your child’s teeth as soon as solid foods are introduced, usually as early as 6 months. Also, do not put babies to sleep with bottles in their mouth and you should clean their teeth with a wet cloth every after feeding. When they reach 1 year you can start using a soft-bristled brush to remove excess food particles. Limit sugary foods and drinks since most bacteria that thrives in the mouth love a sweet environment. It is also necessary to bring your child to the dentist in Newport News, VA at least twice a year for dental check-us.

Don’t neglect your child’s dental health. Their temporary teeth set the path for sprouting adult teeth helping them emerge straight and healthy. Moreover, your child’s dental wellness impacts their nutrition, speech development, appearance and self-esteem. For more dental health care tips for baby teeth, call Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sleep Apnea Tied to Increase Risk for Type II Diabetes

Joseph Coupal - Monday, January 08, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Sleep Apnea Treatment in Newport News, VA

Snoring is a common condition and people are less concerned with it unless it becomes really disruptive to their partners. They only tend to seek sleep apnea treatment when complications such as Diabetes start to manifest.

Gasping for air during a sleep apnea episode tips off your sympathetic nervous system to set your body in fight-or-flight mode. This stimulates the release of stress hormones that can elevate the blood sugar levels. Moreover, due to repetitive disruptive sleep at night people become sleepy and less active during the day. Your system perceives that you require more energy and prompts your subconscious to overeat. The increase in glucose intake and slow metabolism related to less activity, increases your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Treating your sleep apnea problem can help you control your blood glucose levels. Dentists in Newport News, VA can address this problem effectively with custom fit dental devices. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to learn more!

Invisible Dental Fillings Blend Naturally with Existing Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Monday, January 01, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisible Dental Filling in Newport News, VA

A smile is the nicest thing you can wear. When you have a healthy and flawless set of teeth, it boosts self-confidence and can enhance your appearance. Dental care is essential for preventing your teeth from decaying. However, there are some instances that are not under your control, cavities may still penetrate and can damage your teeth. Dental fillings are often the best solution for restoring your teeth and for preventing further damage that can be caused by tooth decay.

In years past, dentists have used different materials to fill cavities such as amalgam, silver, ceramic or porcelain and gold. One disadvantage of using these materials is that they are visible. This is why today dentists offer and provide invisible dental fillings. By precisely matching tooth-colored composite fillings with the natural color of your teeth, these fillings are virtually invisible and can give patients a more pleasing, attractive smile.

Invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA offer restorative and cosmetic dentistry that is aesthetically appealing. These invisible dental fillings are preferred by most patients because they blend naturally to the color of your existing teeth. They are durable and the composite materials used for dental fillings can strengthen your teeth. For this reason, you don’t have to worry about not being able to wear a beautiful smile anywhere.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Happy New Year from Oyster Point Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Happy New Year from Custom Insulation

Happy New Year from Oyster Point Dentistry. We would like to thank our patients, friends, family, and community for allowing our business to be part of your lives in 2017. We wish all of you a wonderful and prosperous 2018!

If we have had the pleasure of being your choice in providers, we hope that we provided the highest level of customer service and met all of your needs. In the coming months if you find yourself in need of the services we offer, we hope you choose us again in 2018.

It is our sincere wish that in the New Year you are surrounded by warmth, family, and friendship and that 2018 brings you good health and prosperity. From all of us here at Oyster Point Dentistry we hope you have a safe and exciting New Year.

“We all come home, or ought to come home, for a short holiday – the longer, the better…” ~ Charles Dickens

Give A Free Holiday Gift in 30-Seconds or Less

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry -  Holiday Gift in Newport News, VA

If a friend, relative, or valued service provider has a website, give them the gift of a business Facebook “like” this Holiday season. This act is free and will literally take you 30 seconds or less. By doing so, you help your friend or relative further establish business credibility and trust from an online standpoint.

Why do this? The reason is simple. Facebook “likes” is something that business owners can refer to promote their business popularity and interaction with their clients. It is also a widely accepted conclusion that Facebook “likes” play some role in how a website converts visitors into customers.

So if you know anyone with a website and wish them well in business, take 30-seconds and “like” their business Facebook page. Look for the Facebook logo usually located at the top or bottom of the website’s home page. Then shoot them a quick note saying, “Happy Holidays. I recently “liked” your business Facebook page and wish you continued business success in 2018 and beyond”. It would be a kind gesture and one that cost you nothing other than 30 seconds of your time.

To all our regular readers of this blog, we wish you all Happy Holidays and only the best for 2018 and beyond.

Preventative Dental Care Can Combat Heart Diseases

Joseph Coupal - Monday, December 18, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - dentist in Newport News, VA

Did you ever wonder why some drugs for hypertension are activated by putting them under your tongue to dissolve instead of swallowing with water? It's because your mouth and gums are made up of thin tissues which has an abundant blood supply. It can easily absorb the drug and delivers it directly to the bloodstream quickly taking effect to lower blood pressure. Bacteria thrives in your mouth and multiplies. These bacteria can penetrate your mouth lining and penetrate your blood stream, spreading infection to your entire body, particularly affecting the heart.

A simple cavity can be the bacteria's portal of entry to the blood stream. And since blood is moved through the heart; the bacteria can live there and proliferate, eventually causing infection and damage. Thus, preventative dental care shouldn't be taken for granted.

Maintaining oral hygiene wards off dental caries and prevents bacteria from accumulating in your mouth. Being mindful with your diet is another way to avoid cavities because sugar-rich foods also promotes bacteria growth. A regular visit to the dentist in Newport News, VA is advisable to keep your oral health in check.

If you are having issues with dental health or just want a check-up, don't hesitate to contact Oyster Point Dentistry, immediately. Early treatment of dental problems is advised to prevent further damage to your teeth to fend off more severe diseases.

Dental Health Care Tips for the Holidays

Joseph Coupal - Friday, December 08, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign dentist in Newport News, VA

Tis' the season of ceaseless feasting. Constant eating of hard candy candies, sweet pastries, cocktails and other alcoholic beverages pose threats to teeth. But at this time of year, it is hard to get away from these holiday treats. So rather than giving yourself a hard time trying to avoid these delicacies, follow these preventative dental care tips so you can indulge in your favorite holiday treats without compromising your teeth.

Moderation is the Key - Depriving yourself from eating may cause you to overeat later on. So instead of getting a whole slice of your favorite pie or cake, limit yourself with a quarter or half. Limit your alcohol intake as well because it can dry up your mouth creating a favorable environment for bacteria to breed and multiply.

Eat your full meal first - Delay your visit to the dessert table. Work your way to the main course. Fill your plate with calcium-rich food like cheese, salads, whole grains and lean meat that can strengthen your teeth. That way you’ll be full before dessert. It is actually advisable to consume sugar-filled food with meals because this helps with saliva production. This helps eliminate acid that is generated by bacteria that causes cavities.

Don’t skip your oral hygiene habits - Your daily preventative dental care which includes teeth brushing and flossing is your everyday protection from cavities and tooth decay. Meanwhile, visiting a dentist in Newport News, VA for examination and cleaning can help maintain your dental health.

Don’t take your dental health for granted this season. Cavities don’t take a break even on holidays, instead they take advantage of it. For more dental health care tips, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisibility of Invisalign Means Less Disruption to Everyday Life

Joseph Coupal - Monday, December 04, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Hampton, VA

Invisalign clear aligners are making noise in the world of orthodontics. This newer technique appeals to many fans of conventional braces due to the the ease of use and improved aesthetics they offer with the same effect in alignment as the metallic and other counterparts. Though metallic braces are still the most common, the nature of metallic braces intrudes in the lifestyle of the user.

Invisalign by Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA allows wearers to temporaily remove the aligners during eating and brushing therefore users have the luxury to eat what they want. For some users with very busy schedules, eating fast is a non-issue with Invisalign. Moreover, since removable aligners make brushing or flossing easier as well, users are able to maintain oral hygiene in the most comfortable way.

The design matches uniquely with the user’s teeth. The clear color of aligners allows blending to the natural teeth’s color, which is why they are called invisible aligners. The teeth are moved little by little in a span of 9-15 months, and treatment involves 18-30 sets of aligners which may vary from case to case.

Invisalign treats the same dental issues like crowding, space closure, anteroir intrusion, narrow arches etc, more effectively. As far as Oyster Point Dentistry is concerned, 80% of the severe cases over the age of 15 are ensured treatable by this method. For details on Invisalign, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Fillings Bond Natural Teeth and Dental Restorations Forever

Joseph Coupal - Monday, November 27, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisible Dental Filling in Newport News, VA

Are you worried about another detached dental filling? Do the colors of your dental fillings and natural teeth differ? Oyster Point Dentistry has just found a breakthrough solution to your weakened and discolored dental fillings.

Its new technique called Invisible Fillings which match the colors of the dental restorations to your natural teeth to look like nothing happened at all, thus the term invisible. More importantly, this technique closes the gap between your teeth and the filling, resulting in a stronger bond preventing resurgence of decay that causes cracking and eventual breaking of dental fillings. The strengthening technique fuses the filling and your teeth for a dental restoration that lasts.

Invisible fillings in Newport News, VA are successful because of the superb skill of the dentists. Our dentists are highly trained to deliver quality dental restorations and are the best of their field, upholding both function and aesthetics to restore your teeth to its natural look and feel. For details on Invisible Fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Happy Thanksgiving From Oyster Point Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - Happy Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving week and a time each year when we reflect upon the blessing within our lives. Today our warmest Thanksgiving wishes go out to all of you, our clients, friends, and neighbors. Along with this note of thanks to you, this week we offer a special Thanksgiving “shout-out” to one of the more unsung Thanksgiving heroes, Sarah Hale. Historians credit Sara Hale as the originator of the Thanksgiving federal holiday.

Sara Hale undertook a 17-year letter writing campaign to make Thanksgiving a national holiday observed in all states. Before Hale, Thanksgiving was not a fixed holiday but rather an informal tradition. Presidents would select a day and make it known that it would be a day of thanksgiving and community. Hale lobbied five separate presidents for a set date until finally her request was granted by president Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln congratulated her tenacity and immortalized the holiday as part of American culture.

So thanks, Sara, for your 17 years of letter writing, for securing our day of Thanks on Thursday, and for your part in creating one of the most warm and celebrated day within our American culture!

Holiday Professional Teeth Whitening - Treat Yourself

Darren Kincaid - Friday, November 17, 2017

As we approach the Holiday season, our phones here at Newport News Virginia's Oyster Point Dentistry begin to light up about teeth whitening services unlike any other time of the calendar year The reason makes perfect sense as this is by far the most social period of the calendar year.  You want to look your best, and frankly, you deserve to treat yourself. So we thought today we'd cover the things we commonly discuss on the phone regarding teeth whitening.

Dental teeth whitening is a safe, easy and effective way to get whiter and brighter teeth. It is one of the many ways that cosmetic dentistry can give you that dazzling smile you have always wanted.

Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News uses the latest technology in clinical teeth whitening. Clinical research proves that professional whitening is the safest way to secure teeth whitening treatment. Off the shelf teeth whitening products do not always give reliable outcomes and they do not always deliver safe results.

Why do people have their teeth whitened?

Tooth discoloration could be caused by any number of factors, including smoking, red wine, tea, coffee or even antibiotics. These lead to many people complaining of:

  • Ugly teeth
  • Yellow teeth
  • Dark or black teeth

Many of our patients have an important occasion, such as their weddingwhich they would like their smile to have that extra wow factor. Other patients have simply wanted to have whiter teeth for many years.

The benefits of dental teeth whitening:

  • Dental whitening is a safe and quick process
  • Teeth whitening makes a big difference to your smile
  • Teeth whitening can restore confidence with positive effect on overall mental health
  • Dental whitening is very affordable

Oyster Point Dentistry offers several teeth whitening service options with our most popular being the Britesmile system.  We’ll be glad to discuss then all with you. Just give us a call

Dental Crowns and Bridges Via FSA and HSA Savings

Darren Kincaid - Friday, November 10, 2017

Many of you are calling us here at Oyster Point Dentistry (serving Hampton and Newport News Virginia) to schedule end of year cleanings and other dental treatments (such as dental implants) that for any number of reasons that you've delayed until now.  This is also the time of year when we increase the volume of dental crown and dental bridge work as corrective dental procedures are the perfect use for end of year flexible savings account and health savings account dollars that expire at year's end.

What are crowns and bridges?

A crown is a hard-wearing dental cap which restores a tooth’s shape and protects your own natural tooth below. The ceramic material of a crown strengthens your tooth and gives your smile a beautifully natural look.

Dental bridges replace a missing tooth or teeth by placing a ceramic tooth in a gap that is held in place by crowns on the surrounding teeth. Crowns and bridges are an excellent alternative to dentures that give you a strong and natural looking smile.

Crowns and bridges can be used to:

  • Replace missing teeth and strengthen remaining teeth
  • Dramatically improve the appearance of decayed, worn and broken teeth

Why seek dental crown or bridge work?

If you have lost or are missing a tooth and have a large gap, then your jaw will continue to shrink and weaken until the gap is filled. Bridgework (also known as fixed bridges) is an excellent non-removable way to stop this continuing damage and give you the closest result to having your own natural teeth back.

The benefits of having crowns and bridges by Oyster Point Dentisty here in Newport News:

  • Gives you a long lasting, reliable solution compared to dentures
  • More affordable than dental implants
  • You can chew steak again!

Painless crowns and bridges

Making the crowning and bridging procedure as painless as possible for you is our priority. Our patients usually find the procedure painless and our Newport News practice gives you every creature comfort to make your procedure as relaxing as possible. If you are anxious about crowns and fixed bridges, or any dental procedure, then there are a number of ways we can help and we are always happy to discuss these with you.

We give you all the options – you decide!

It is our policy to give you open and honest advice on all your options, alternatives and the associated costs, allowing you to make the most informed decision. We will then continue to work with you to ensure you enjoy the maximum amount of time from your treatment. Call us today to learn more!