Oyster Point Dental Blog

Dental Implants will Restore Confidence in Your Smile

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A dental implant is used in cosmetic dentistry. It is usually made of titanium, to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth to replace missing teeth.

All dental implants are similar to an actual tooth root in that they are placed within the bone. The dental implants will then fuse with bone creating a natural looking and a natural feeling tooth. With dental implants, the person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat whatever they want and they can smile with confidence knowing that  their teeth appear natural.

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They can be used to support a number of dental prostheses, including crowns,  bridges or dentures.

Dental implants change the way people who have lost teeth live.  They help renew self-confidence and the ability to confidently eat, speak, laugh with a full open smile. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

No One Needs to See Your Fillings with Invisible Fillings

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 06, 2012

No one has to see your fillings anymore, not even you! “Invisible fillings" are the latest in cosmetic dentistry technique.

Bonded composite restorations have become the filling material of choice for small to moderate size fillings.  The filling “bonds” with your teeth, and because it comes in a variety of tooth-colored shades, it closely matches the appearance of your natural teeth.

This newer material used in these "invisible fillings" seal the gap between the dental restoration and your tooth better than the silver fillings. Therefore, invisible fillings are stronger, and they are also less likely to decay or break down.

“Invisible fillings" provide a superbly aesthetic effect, they mask dental fillings, and they are as beautiful as they are sturdy.

Oyster Point Dentistry’s physicians can blend any and all fillings into an absolute natural look and feel to match any teeth. Contact us.

Make the Right First Impression with Straight Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First impressions are important, and a straight smile plays a big role in the impression that you make. Often the first feature people notice is another person’s teeth. For many ,the smile is what they remember most after meeting someone new.

In a survey, 1,047 Americans were asked to give their opinions about images of people with both crooked and straight teeth. Here are some of the results:

People with straight teeth were perceived to be more successful, have a better social life and a better personality. In fact, the study revealed that 45% of the people surveyed thought those with straight teeth were more likely to get a job they were competing for. Plus, they were perceived to likely be more wealthy, intelligent and healthy. Additionally, 73% of people were more likely trust someone with straight teeth. (Kelton Research)

Teeth can be straightened in a number of ways, from traditional metal braces to plastic, clear aligners (like Invisalign). Veneers can also address mildly crooked teeth.

Additionally,  porcelain veneers can mask undesirable defects, such stained teeth, and they are ideal for masking discolored fillings in the front teeth.  Porcelain veneers can also be considered by patients with gaps between their front teeth or teeth that are chipped or worn.

For help creating your new smile, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening for a Natural, Beautiful Smile

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Look around the media and all you will see are bright, white smiles staring back at you. We have become a nation obsessed with white teeth. But as you know, real life is different. Years of consuming coffee, tea, soda, juices and just natural aging have gradually caused your white teeth to discolor.  

Oyster Point Dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth and teeth whitening has proven to be very effective in reinventing our patients smiles. Through our teeth whitening procedure we fabricate custom tooth whitening trays and provide professional strength gel to brighten your smile.
We all need a self confident smile that brings with it a lasting first impression. Increasing your confidence and creating a radiant smile can be done through teeth whitening at Oyster Point Dentistry, contact us so we can help you decide if teeth whitening is right for you.

A Sleep Apnea Cure through Dental Treatment - VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 13, 2012

There is a dental treatment to common snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnea. For those of you using CPAP, that unattractive tight mask and bulky, loud machine, there is an alternative.
For mild-to-moderate sleep apnea patients fed up with their CPAP, there is a solution. Dentally treat snoring and cure sleep apnea. Oral appliances are placed in the mouth when sleeping and are worn much like an orthodontic appliance or sports mouth protector.

Rather than CPAP, moderate sleep apnea can be treated using a much more comfortable alternative.  

At Oyster Point Dentistry, our sleep apnea oral appliance is a clinically proven treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea. This appliance treats cases of sleep apnea by preventing the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat so that the airway stays open during sleep. This customized night guard actually opens up your airway during sleep allowing more oxygen to enter your body and preventing or minimizing symptoms of sleep apnea.
For those who are self-conscious or whose snoring disrupts a loved one....we have a solution for you, contact us.

Porcelain Veneers Put Your Best Smile Forward

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 31, 2012

Your smile is very important. It plays a role in your self confidence and it makes your first impression, presenting your face to the world. When your teeth are stained, uneven or chipped your smile suffers.

In some cases, teeth whitening is the solution for stained or discolored teeth. But teeth whitening is not the solution for many. In many cases the best option is porcelain veneers.

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are cemented over the front of your teeth to change their color or shape. Veneers are used on teeth with uneven surfaces or for teeth that are chipped, discolored, oddly shaped, unevenly spaced or crooked.
Veneers have a longer life expectancy and color stability than bonding, and highly resist permanent staining from coffee, tea, or even cigarette smoking.

If teeth whitening is not an option for you, or to repair chipped, uneven or gapped teeth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA.

No Braces for Your Teen, Try Invisalign

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 24, 2012

If your teen needs braces, Invisalign might be the perfect solution. Invisalign is a comfortable, affordable and effective alternative to braces. Best of all, Invisalign is invisible, so your teen doesn’t have to worry about ugly braces. Using clear aligners, Invisalign is removable so your teen can take care of their teeth the way they have learned.

While Invisalign is not right for everyone, Oyster Point Dentistry can help determine if they are right for your teen. Invisalign can help with crowded teeth, spaced or crowded teeth and misaligned teeth. Similar to braces in cost, there are many advantages to Invisallign over braces.

Because there are no brackets or wires, your teen will have the self confidence they need from a healthy smile. With invisalign the aligners are removable. You can eat any foods and brushing and flossing are easier as well. The smooth plastic is more comfortable on your cheeks and gums than metal braces. And there are less office visits than with braces.

Contact Oyster Point Dental to see if Invisalign is right for your teen.

Welcome to Oyster Point Dentistry

Darren Kincaid - Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oyster Point Dentistry teams with Board Certified Medical Doctors (Anesthesiologists) to treat dental patients under total sedation. Our total sleep dentistry services are performed outside our Newport News office, in a nearby operating room. For those with paranoid fear of the dentist, we treat patients under complete sedation (general anesthesia) and are proud to be one of a very select few with the skill and training to provide this service.

A General Family Dentistry Clinic in Hampton Roads VA

At Oyster Point Dentistry we strive to perform high quality, comfortable dental care in a relaxing, state-of-the-art environment. We provide comprehensive cosmetic, restorative and preventive care to all members of the family. Our office has always served the Hampton Roads area with a commitment to service and value.

Our goal is to give you the healthy, beautiful smile you desire with the caring, personal service you deserve. We use the most modern dental technologies and practices available today to include the patented IMTEC mini implant system which has proven to reduce surgical risk, reduce procedural pain and volume of anesthesia, shorten surgical and recovery time, and all at significant cost savings to the patient.

We look forward to assisting you with any of your dental needs. Please contact us to set up your initial consultation.