Oyster Point Dental Blog

BriteSmile Technology – Safe and EffectiveProfessional Teeth Whitening – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 02, 2016

Oyster Point Dentistry (Newport News, Va) offers professional teeth whitening in Newport News, VA and it does more than simply give you a brighter smile. An unattractive smile can damage self-esteem, confidence, and thereby indirectly hamper a person’s chances for professional career success. Most people simply don't realize that safe and affordable cosmetic dental solutions are readily available. We are excited when our friends and patients leave us with clean, straight, pearly white teeth that deliver newfound confidence.

Advancements in cosmetic dentistry over the last several years have made teeth whitening safer, more effective, and more affordable for anyone who wants to have brighter smile. When it comes to treating discoloration on your teeth, the quality and safety of the treatment can be the deciding factor between enhancing your look or damaging your teeth. There may be do-it-yourself remedies or over-the-counter whitening kits available in the market, but the safest treatment option is the in-office whitening treatment that is only conducted by a dentist.

Our Britesmile teeth whitening system has grown increasingly in-demand in providing fast solutions to any discoloration on the surface of your teeth. It is the system that many dentists use because it works and the results are far better as it allows you to have your teeth several shades lighter in just one visit to the dental clinic. This is actually very helpful when you want to white your teeth as part of your preparation for a job interview or just about any occasion there is.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care Should Start Young, Even Babies Should Have Them – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, May 27, 2016

Our Oyster Point dental care professionals here in Hampton, VA recommend that dental care start prior to your child's very first tooth. A small amount of anti-bacterial mouthwash is good preventative measure for the gums and for general health.

Part of parental responsibility is to ensure that children develop the habit of brushing and flossing teeth as routine preventative dental care. Also, parents should ensure that all children see the dentist regularly to undergo professional cleaning and check-ups. These measures all but eliminate cavities that once was a prevalent fact of life for children.

Parents sometimes struggle to determine how effective their children's dental health care program really is. Parents know they want to prevent cavities, but often do not know if they are getting the job done. Discuss these concerns with your dentist at the next visit. Feel free to view our dental health now for simple but effective tips.

To find out more dental health tips, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sedation – to whom is This Helpful? – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dental sedation services in Newport News, VA are an option for adults and children whose fear of the dentist is so strong that they avoid necessary treatment altogether. Procrastinating necessary dental treatment can produce devastating health effects beyond dental pain. Bacterial infection is a common cause of dental pain and the infected mouth can transport the infection to other areas of the body with serious (and sometimes fatal) results.

Certain conditions such as jaw soreness, neck or back problems are other reasons some choose not to seek necessary dental treatment. But these conditions and fears need not be blocks to dental treatment given dental sedation techniques that help both the mind and body relax.

Oral sedation also assists those with difficulty getting numb. There are those who require several injections for local anesthetic to take effect. This can be very intimidating for those highly uncomfortable with needles. For those people oral sedation is a good treatment option.

To find out more about dental sedation techniques, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Mouthpiece Vice CPAP - The Newest in Doctor's Prescribed Treatment of Sleep Apnea-Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 19, 2016

The latest solution to treat sleep apnea comes in the form of a simple oral appliance prescribed by your doctor and constructed by your dentist. It is a non-invasive treatment, so no dental surgery is required. You are simply custom fitted by the skilled hands of your dentist. This therapy is medically and dentally safe and effective as a means to treat the disease of sleep apnea.

We treat sleep apnea patients in Newport News and Hampton Virginia via the custom construct of what looks and feels much like the common athletic mouth guard. Unlike the sports mouthguard, this custom made device is adjustable by the patient to move the jaw forward as required and just enough to fully open the patient's airway.

Realize that you do have an option to that noisy and uncomfortable CPAP machine. Realize that you do have the option of freedom of movement in the bed. Realize also that although the CPAP industry is huge and influential, there is zero reason why you and your doctor should not discuss and test if a dental device is a good option to treat your sleep apnea. In the vast majority of cases it is!

To find out more about the available dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings – Perfect for Aesthetic Dental Restoration – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 12, 2016

Most dental problems can be avoided via routine and simple preventative dental care measures. Brushing and flossing is critically important and should start as soon as the first baby tooth appears. OK, if you want to wait until the second tooth appears we'll give you a pass on that one.

People who did not develop good dental care habits during their younger years have a greater tendency to have poor dental health and damaged teeth as adults. Often times restorative treatment such as invisible dental fillings are required to save the remaining tooth structure and prevent it to be damaged further. Luckily they can be custom-colored so it blends with the natural tooth, but it's better to never need them at all.

Should you have cavities, these natural tooth-colored fillings we provide in Hampton, VA have grown increasingly popular. These feelings are actually custom formulated to identically match the color of your natural teeth. These invisible fillings have replaced the traditional amalgam dental fillings.

To find out more about the available dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sedation Techniques Make A Patient Ready to Receive A Dental Treatment - ​Newport News , VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 05, 2016

Preventative dental care measures such as brushing and flossing are the cornerstones to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. That is why it is imperative to instill both practices as part of the daily routine for both the old and the young. Children must be taught and appreciate the importance of dental hygiene and need not feel anxious about visiting your dental clinic for a regular cleaning and checkups.

When we teach our children about the importance of dental care it becomes easier to prepare for visits to the dentist. However, the simple truth is some children simply will not cooperate for dental procedures. Such problem patients are perfect candidates for dental sedation techniques that offer a painless way to calm the child and motivate them to cooperate in the dentist's chair.

Dental sedation in Newport News, VA provides the solution for kids (and adults) who suffer from severe dental treatment anxiety. Dental sedation helps the mind and muscles relax thereby allowing the patient to endure even lengthy treatments. If your kids are found to have difficulty of getting numb after receiving an anesthesia, dental sedation can be of help as well.

To find out more about dental sedation for kids and adults, contact Smithfield Dental.

Youth Dental Care – Good Oral Hygiene For Live Starts Now – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Children often suffer more severe dental issues than adults because they simply lack the maturity to understand the consequences of poor dental hygiene. More than likely you are presenting your children to your dentist for routine preventative dental care, however we see plaque build-up on kids teeth to far exceed that of most adults. The reason is simply the child's failure to brush and floss on a daily basis. That is why it is important that you have your prioritize enforcing good dental care habits for all your children and you can never start this soon enough.

Our professional staff at Oyster Point Dentistry (Hampton, VA) know that the most important aspect of dental health happens at home. It is not only the kids’ dental health that is at risk given poor oral hygiene, but as covered in a previous blog, bacteria in the mouth can travel to other parts of the body and cause significant illness. Aside from preventing cavities, these preventative dental care measures also help significantly in reducing the risks of heart disease, respiratory problems, diabetes, and other health conditions. Once again, this is because the bacteria that can accumulate in the mouth in the absence of regular brushing and flossing could go beyond your mouth area and travel through your blood streams thereby causing complications. So for parents, you can take care of your kids’ overall health by simply making sure they develop a good oral hygiene.

For more details, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

The Health Connection Between The Mouth, Mind, and Body – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, April 14, 2016

Some people fail to fully understand and appreciate the connection between preventative dental care (brushing, flossing, rinsing, etc) and healthy minds and bodies. This blog post addresses that in the hope that you walk away with a heightened awareness of your dental hygiene regiment.

Dental hygiene is not just about healthy teeth, gums, and a bright and beautiful smile. Taking care of your dental health is taking care of your overall health as well. This is because there is a link of the health of the mouth and health of the body. What can adversely affect your mouth and everything in it can have the same effect on your entire body because your mouth is the gateway to your body.

The Oyster Pointe Dentistry professionals in Newport News, VA strongly believe that your understanding how the mouth can affect the body will help improve you both physically and mentally. One common negative effect of poor dental hygiene is that which occurs if you fail to brush and floss. If you do not brush and floss your teeth regularly as recommended, plaque build-up will occur. This invites harmful bacteria build-up in the mouth, which as previously stated is the gateway to your entire body. Those bacteria can travel to various tissues and organs within the body and cause internal infections. In the best case a very health person's body can fight the bacteria off. In weaker cases and in children, the bacteria can overwhelm the body causing infection that requires antibiotics to eradicate. In the worst case, as with all internal infections, the bacteria can cause the body to go toxic and become life-threatening.

So please be diligent with your dental hygiene regiment and encourage all that you hold dear to do the same. For more details, contact

BriteSmile Teeth Whitening – Your Safest Avenue to a Brighter Smile (Hampton, VA)

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, April 12, 2016

If you are considering over-the-counter teeth whitening systems, dental professionals uniformly agree that a pre-consult with your dentist is critically important. The purpose for the consult is to consider your overall dental health and to discuss the pro's and con's of OTC solutions vs. in-office whitening treatment.

It is entirely possible that you need not invest in teeth whitening treatment. Your regular dental cleaning may very well be all that you need. At home teeth whitening treatment can be harsh on the gums, therefore a quick check by your dentist to ensure your mouth is ready to tolerate the treatment is well advised. Also, and very important, your dentist will know if any OTC teeth whitening systems are flagged for concerns and can warn you away from those products.

Should you and your dentist ultimately decide that it is best to use in-office teeth whitening, our professionals at Oyster Pointe Dentistry use the state-of-the-art BriteSmile teeth whitening system. This system is proven safe and effective. This is true for two main reasons. First, the treatment is governed by your trained professional dental team. Second, this specially formulated gel utilizes UV light to activate the whitening ingredients. This is widely known to be the most effect approach to teeth whitening and is proven effective in a single treatment.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Tips for New Dental Fillings – What to Eat or Do when You have Just Gotten Your Invisible Fillings – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, April 07, 2016

The development of invisible dental fillings are a more attractive alternative to amalgams fillings but equally effective. Invisible dental fillings are matched with the natural color of your teeth using the professional skill of the dentist and his/her tools to perfectly match color. These fillings are incredibly strong, however, there are certain things you need to consider in order to secure a lifetime of utility service from them.

It is imperative to always follow your dentist’s recommendations about chewing tips, including how long you should wait to eat solid or sticky foods right after receiving invisible dental fillings. Dentists highly recommend that you chew slowly and bite lightly when eating after you have just underwent a dental treatment that involves these fillings. So always take your time when you chew your food and try not to bite all the way through. This will help prevent exerting tremendous pressure on the teeth and making forceful contact. This will also allow your invisible dental fillings to set after you have left the clinic.

Eating sticky or gummy food is not advised when you have just had your invisible dental fillings inserted by our team in Newport News, VA. While it is such a rare case in which a new filling gets dislodge by these kinds of food, precaution is still better than cure so it is best to skip them. This restriction is for a very short time and you can return normal eating habits usually by the next day (or even sooner if your dentist so states).

For more dental tips on how to take care of your invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Tips – Caring for Invisible Dental Fillings – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tooth decay usually occurs on the tops and sides of teeth. Quick corrective action is required to save as much of the natural tooth as possible. Tooth decay is remedied with invisible dental fillings which utilize materials that bond direct to the viable parts of the tooth once all decay is eradicated. They transform into hard, tooth-like substance that not only brings back the function of the affected tooth but puts the tooth back into health while looking completely natural.

As it pertains to the subject of dental fillings, technology continues to rapidly advance. Today's dental fillings are composed of the strongest and clinically proven materials available. However, just like your natural teeth, these dental fillings also require regular dental maintenance to offer a lifetime of service.

The invisible dental fillings we use in Hampton, VA are light-cured right in here in our office by your dentist. You are able to eat and drink normally as soon as the appointment is over. Another good thing about these dental fillings is that you can brush and floss the tooth with the filling just as how you would with your other teeth. It is imperative that you also seek regular check-ups with your dentist in order to check the status of your invisible dental filling particularly if it is still intact.

To find out more about after-care tips for dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

How to Maintain Pearly White Teeth Between Dentist's Cleanings – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 17, 2016

While we offer professional teeth whitening in Newport News, VA there are things you can do to prolong (or even eliminate) the need for professional teeth whitening.

Consider a "white-teeth diet". If you are fond of drinking red wine or black tea, eating reddish berries, or smoking cigarettes, well, we understand fully and those of us who enjoy these things may need occasional professional teeth whitening help. Common things that we just can't give up (sodas, dark juices, did we mention coffee?) will do their harm to teeth whiteness regardless of how quick you go to the toothbrush. With that said, aside from going on a white-teeth diet, the best preventative dental care measure you could do is to brush your teeth as soon as possible after eating and/or drinking such things.

So, if a white-teeth diet just isn't going to happen for you, then simply plan for simple and affordable in-office whitening treatments here at Oyster Pointe Dentistry! Like-new pearly white teeth in as little as a single sitting.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment as well as other dental tips to keep your teeth white and healthy, visit your dentist atOyster Point Dentistry.

Oral Sedation Process Removes Dental Patient Anxiety – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 10, 2016

If you are among the many who have a difficulty getting numb, have a severe gag reflex, or have low pain tolerance, you should discuss the merits of dental sedation with your dentist. Far too many people procrastinate critically important dental care because of these conditions. The simple fact is that dental treatment, even for the most squeamish of all, need not delay dental treatment. There is a comfortable solution waiting for you.

The dental sedation methods we use at Oyster Pointe Dentistry in Newport News, VA are proven safe and effective over the tens of thousands of treatments we've provided over the years. Dental sedation usually means a more comprehensive treatment can be made thus limiting (or eliminating) the need for follow-up treatments.

To find out more about dental sedation techniques, contact Smithfield Dental.

Physician Prescribe Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea -- Superb Alternative to CPAP – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 08, 2016

More and more medical doctors today are referring their sleep apnea patient to their dentist for medical treatment solutions for sleep apnea. The treatment involves a simple to use mouth guard similar to athletic mouth guards. While simple and comfortable to use, these custom made devices are high tech medical tools that precisely adjust to treat your medical condition.

There is one (and only one) drawback to dental treatment for sleep apnea. Your doctor will prescribe a device to be made for you and then will prescribe a sleep study to verify that you properly respond to the device and its treatment. Once verified effective, say goodbye to CPAP forever and all the discomfort, maintenance headaches, social stigmas, and yes costs of CPAP. Dental solutions are a much more affordable option for treating sleep apnea!

To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Newest Dental Fillings: Why Invisible Dental Fillings Rule The Day – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, February 22, 2016

In the not too distant past, dentists used various materials such as amalgam, silver, and even gold to fill cavities. Today's dental treatment utilize newest dental filling materials which offer greater advantages than those traditional materials.

The newest dental fillings use composite resin which has a natural tooth color and therefore blends with the remaining teeth. This is the reason why these fillings are also called invisible dental fillings in Hampton, VA. They consist of tooth-colored glass and plastic mixtures that perfectly matches the natural colors and texture of the existing or remaining teeth nearly identically. So along with repairing decay, dentists also use this kind of fillings for cosmetic purposes such as reshaping tooth or treating discolored tooth to match with the adjacent teeth.

The invisible dental fillings are covered under insurance plans and therefore offer little reason not to take advantage of this technology. The affected tooth will have an improved appearance and be able to withstand temperature fluctuations better than metal amalgams. The composite fillings also bond to the tooth and provide additional support to the remaining structure. Such bond also helps in preventing breakage while insulating the tooth from sensitivity of temperature fluctuations.

To find out more about why the newest invisible dental fillings are the best, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings - High-strength Composite Resin that can be Custom-colored to Match Natural Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, February 15, 2016

Composite resin fillings, white fillings, and tooth-colored fillings are all names synonymous with the newest dental fillings newest form of cavity treatment replacing traditional amalgam fillings that are either silver or gold in color. They are preferred by patients and dentists alike because aside from being natural-looking, they are also more durable.

The composite resin used in making invisible dental fillings replace the mixture of silver, copper, tin, zinc, copper, and mercury. The invisible dental fillings that we use at Oyster Pointe Dentisty in Newport News, VA are made from high-strength composite resin material that can be custom-colored in order to match the hue of your natural teeth. This makes the fillings nearly invisible not just to you but also to anyone else. Additionally, these invisible dental fillings actually bond to the surface of the teeth thereby providing support to the surrounding tooth structure. This goes to show that the invisible dental fillings not only fill the teeth but also help in preventing breakage in the tooth structures.

To find out more about the newest dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Veneers Offer Many Advantages not Present in Others – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 04, 2016

There are several options available for improving your smile. When life steps in and normal dental hygiene and routine cleaning won't do the trick, you have a number of options. One option we offer our Hampton Virginia patients at Oyster Point Dentistry are dental veneers which will dramatically improve your smile.

Dental veneers are thin coverings that do wonders for your natural teeth. They are placed directly over the visible part of the front teeth either to lighten severely discolored teeth or to correct chipped or worn teeth. Apart from that, a dental veneer is also used in correcting the gap that is most noticeable between the upper-front teeth making a person not confident to talk or smile.

Porcelain veneers effectively improve the appearance of your teeth. They are smoothed and polished so they still look natural and blend with the adjacent teeth. Porcelain dental veneers are also strong and durable despite being thin. They are permanently fixed to your natural teeth using an extremely thin, tasteless, and odorless dental glue. In addition to being custom-colored to match the color of your natural teeth, dental veneers also resist staining better than natural teeth so your bright smile will last indefinitely.

To find out more about the other advantages of porcelain dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea can Improve One’s Health and Sleep - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 03, 2016

If after a thorough check-up and diagnosis your sleep doctor decides that oral appliance therapy is the best option to treat your sleep apnea, then your doctor will write a prescription for you to receive a custom-made and FDA-approved oral appliance. You will also be referred to no one but a qualified dentist who can provide such therapy.

The dentist will work closely with your physician to treat your snoring and sleep apnea. The dental solutions to treat sleep apnea come in the form of on oral appliance therapy. Your dentist will first conduct a complete clinical evaluation that includes an examination of your teeth, jaw, tongue and airway, and possibly a new X-ray of your mouth. Such step is needed in order to customize an oral appliance that fits right to your mouth so it becomes easier to wear.

Sleep apnea treatments in Newport News, VA using non-invasive but effective oral appliances should only be done by a qualified dentist. Your sleep doctor will still be involved by scheduling you for a sleep study in order to verify the success or progress of your oral appliance treatment. And when you remain committed to your treatment and use it nightly, you yourself will then find that your quality of life has improved dramatically.

With your sleep doctor’s and dentist’s help, you can improve your sleep and health. To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Dental Aligners – The Path To An Aesthetically Pleasing Dental Arch – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 28, 2016

We invite all those we treat (and all those seeking dental services in Smithfield Virginia) to get smart on Invisalign clear aligners. This dental treatment will change your life. We invite you to schedule an appointment with us to address you or your child's specific case.

Invisalign uses an invisible teeth straightening technology and keeps the focus on you, not your dental work. The clear aligners blends with your natural teeth so they are virtually invisible. The trend for adolescents and adults alike is to move away from "decorative" dental solutions. Invisalign is the current industry standard for the most natural orthodontic treatment option.

Invisalign is offered by our team of professionals at Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA.We'd be honored to give you a personal consult on this treatment option today!

To find out more about Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Cleaning and In-Office Whitening Treatment - Great Ways to Start The Year - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The holiday break has just ended and this is actually one of the best times to pay your dentist a visit. You have been eating sweets and sugary beverages during these past few weeks that is why the dental care professionals in Newport News, VA suggest that you go to a dental clinic to have your teeth checked and cleaned at least. Also, most of your dental insurance policies cover two check-ups and cleanings per year, so January and July are good mental notes for your annual scheduling.

Going to a dental clinic is a great way to start the year. Your teeth will be checked by the dentist if there are already cavity build-up that has been sitting there for so long. This is also the reason why making an appointment to visit your dentist is included in the preventative dental care measures you must do for your teeth.

Aside from the dental cleaning and check-up, you can also undergo an in-office whitening treatment so that you will have perfectly white teeth to start the year or bright and aesthetically pleasing smile throughout the year. During the many hearty banquets these past two weeks, you probably had been drinking wine or eating food that can stain your teeth. Or you may have an in-office whitening treatment postponed thinking that it will be better to schedule it after the holiday fever, so now is the right time to do it.

To find out more about preventative dental care and dental health, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Tips for the Holidays – Be Cautious of Candy Canes and Dig into Veggies – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, January 11, 2016

The holiday season is here on the beautiful land of Hampton and we want to wish all our patients a happy holiday season. Regardless of what you are celebrating at this part of the year, be it Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Yule (Festivus maybe?), we want you to keep your smile bright and healthy during this part-filled season. Aside from preventative dental care measures such as brushing and flossing, below are easy dental health tips you can do during the holidays while you make wonderful memories with your loved ones:

Be cautious of candy canes – candy canes, peppermints, and other hard candies are tasty and readily available during the holidays but they can crack your teeth if you bite down wrong. So it would be better to let them just dissolve in your mouth in order to prevent any chipping or other tooth damage. But of course, be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly afterwards and gargle in order to prevent tonsillitis.

Dip into veggies – tables during the holidays are more often than not full of cookies, brownies, and other sweet treats. But if you want to join the bandwagon of dental health in Hampton, VA, take the safer route of eating veggies which are great treats for your teeth instead of filling your plate with food that can cause cavities and tooth decay. Vegetables such as broccoli and carrots are actually loaded with Vitamin A that makes your tooth enamel strong.

To find out more about dental tips for the holidays, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Holiday Greetings From Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 23, 2015

This week's blog message is very simple. All of us here at Oyster Point Dentistry wish you and your family the warmest of Holiday greetings and sincere thanks for your continued trust in us. Your trust and continued partnership with us is nothing short of a blessing and it is truly something we celebrate. We offer you all this sincere thanks and pledge to you that we will never tire in our efforts to steadily increase the value of our service to you. Happy Holidays!

Dental Tip for the Holidays – Brush Teeth Twice A Day for Two Minutes - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The holidays are often marked by festive activities which involve abnormally high consumption of sweets. That's the GOOD news. The bad news is that all that sugar can be bad for your teeth. Sweets seem to appear everywhere you go that keeping your teeth healthy seem like a hard assignment during the holiday break as well. But because dental health should be a constant concern even during the yuletide season, dental tips have been provided in order to help you take care of your teeth.

You will be spending your time more often than not in present-wrapping and card-writing and will not be able to find time to visit a dental care professional in Newport News, VA for a check-up. So the least thing you can do is to never miss brushing and flossing your teeth especially after you eat sugary and sticky food. Establish a routine like brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes. Even this simple preventative dental care measure can already help in keeping your mouth healthy not just in December but throughout the year.

Your day should not go by without you brushing and flossing your teeth as these preventative dental care measures actually help keep your mouth and teeth healthy. They prevent cavities so you will not having tooth ache or any dental issues during the holidays and in return enjoy eating your food with the company of your loved ones.

To find out more dental tips for the holidays, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Good Dental Health Habits --The Little Things You Should Do – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 09, 2015

The holiday season is the perfect time to consider your dental health habits. While you will be out to celebrate with your loved ones, there are actually little things you can do in addition to your usual preventative dental care measures in order to steer clear of emergency trips to the dental clinic.

The dental professionals in Hampton, VA suggest to avoid chewing on hard candy or ice cubes. You can simply wait for them to naturally dissolve in your mouth so you will not be paying the consequences of having cracked or chipped teeth that are not only painful but also pricey to treat.

To promote and ensure dental health, dentists also remind people to avoid using teeth to crack nutshells or open packages and bottles. Most nutshells have hard surfaces and can cause serious damage to your teeth. Your teeth are not the right tools for ripping packages of the gifts you will receive nor gripping stubborn bottle cap of the wine you will be during the holidays. Doing so can possibly damage your teeth and may require root canal procedure or the use of crown to repair it.

Sweet treats are the star of the table during holidays but their sticky substances can cling to tooth enamel and cause harm to it. Aside from encouraging tooth decay, there are super thick sweet treats that can yank out dental fillings. So if you cannot pass on chewy sweet treats, at least eat them sparingly or with other food to help keep them from sticking to your teeth and build up cavities.

To find out more about some tips on how to keep yourself from paying visit to your dentist during the holidays instead of spending your time creating moments with your family and friends, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings – The Healthy Trend in Tooth Restoration - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Dental treatments for damaged tooth has advanced far beyond plain old silver amalgam. Now, the newest dental fillings are being hailed a healthy trend that makes you hold onto your damaged teeth for longer than even before. With this new type of filling plus a better dental care, you will no longer need to remove a tooth when a little bit of decay creeps into it.

Only a few individuals get very far in life with all of their teeth complete and in perfect shape. However, Science has engineered a myriad of means to help restore and stabilize tooth structures so that more people can have strong and beautiful smile for many more years to come. One of these options is the invisible dental filling, a healthy trend that has grown increasingly in demand since its advent.

The invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA use a relatively new class of dental restoration material. They are the answer for those patients who want to restore their teeth without the use of silver or mercury amalgams. The material can be custom-colored to match the natural color of your teeth thereby making the filling invisible to the naked eye.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Oral Sedation Process Keeps Patients Calm and Relaxed During Dental Treatment – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It is normal for children to feel anxious or fearful when visiting a dental cleaning. Some of them respond completely uncontrollable at the dentist's office even if they have multiple cavities that need immediate treatment. While parents can only do so much to calm and control their anxious child, there are dental sedation techniques available to ensure that they receive dental care that is crucial to their overall health. .

Dental sedation services provided by Oyster Point Dentistry (in Hampton, VA) makes it easy for the parents and the dental team to calm and control the anxious child, and for that matter, the anxious adult. The patients will feel completely calm and relaxed but are awake and aware of what is going on. The medication simply removes all concern and anxiety. The patient is able to respond to questions and or instructions that the patient my need to respond to the dentist.

The oral sedation process has enabled many dentists to treat children and teenagers who would otherwise be too frightened to undergo a dental treatment. Such process is especially helpful for those young ones who will be undergoing long, invasive procedures. In oral sedation, there is no total loss of consciousness which is why it is also known as conscious sedation.

To find out more about the oral sedation process, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Custom-Fit Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances – The CPAP Alternative - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 19, 2015

The available sleep apnea treatments in Newport News, VA were born of the desire to provide better treatment options for the widespread and life-threatening disease "sleep apnea". This disorder not only affects your sleeping patterns at night, your performance at work, your relationship with your spouse, but it has devastating effect on your heart.

The dentists at Oyster Point Dentistry are expertly trained to provide the optimal solution for treatment of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing, working closely with sleep doctors in order to provide dental solutions to treat sleep apnea. There is now a dental treatment that involves the use of oral appliances to effectively treat sleep apnea and all its symptoms. It is custom-fitted to the patient’s mouth to improve your sleep at night, restore your alertness during the day, and rekindle your relationship with your spouse.

The oral appliance that is used to treat sleep apnea is tailored to the needs of each individual patient so it fits perfectly like a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer. But you do not have to wear it all the time as it will only be worn while you sleep.

To find out more about the available dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

INVISALIGN Clear Aligners for Teens - Invisible Alternative to Traditional Metal Braces – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Invisalign offering by Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA straightens teeth invisibly so most people will not even notice you are wearing them. Invisalign uses a series of customized clear aligners that apply pressure to the teeth that you want to move gradually without having to use traditional metal braces.

The new and improved invisible teeth straightening technology uses clear aligners that are comfortable and removable which is why they provide a better alternative especially to teenagers. They straighten teeth while allowing the patient to enjoy life without the restrictions, irritation, and self-consciousness that are often associated with metal brackets and wires of traditional braces. The patient can continue eating, brushing, flossing, and speaking normally because there are no wires to trap food nor get in the way when you talk, laugh, or smile.

The Invisalign clear aligners offer a range of treatment options for teenagers depending on the stage of teeth development. They are nearly invisible to the teenagers who wear them and can carry on enjoying their life. Such alternative provides an aesthetic, more flexible way to give teenagers the confidence of a great smile. The Invisalign for teens also has special features that are designed to compensate for the eruption of canines, second premolars and second molars.

To find out more about the invisible teeth straightening technology of Invisalign for teens, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Porcelain Dental Veneers Redefine A Tooth’s Shape, Size, and/or Shade - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, November 06, 2015

The dental veneers used by the professionals at Oyster Point Dentistry (Newport News, VA) are the hardest and most thin shells of porcelain available on the market today and are the veneer of choice for cosmetic dentists across the country. These veneers are safe and effective in recreating the natural look of the teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. There are also veneers made of composite resin but the porcelain material is more widely used because it does not change color and generally lasts longer.

The porcelain veneers are an ideal solution for patients looking to make slight position alterations, or to redefine tooth shape, size, and/or color. However, not everyone is a good candidate for porcelain veneers. Your dentist may suggest treatments other than veneers if a tooth itself has decay or is in an area that has periodontal or gum disease as these dental problems must be treated first. If a tooth has little enamel left or if too much of the tooth is missing, the use of crown may be suggested rather than veneers. If the patient has bruxism, porcelain dental veneers are not advised because the grinding and clenching of teeth can chip or break the veneer.

To find out if you are a good candidate for porcelain dental veneers or if you want to know your other dental treatment options, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings – Have A Filling that is Both Functional and Aesthetically Pleasing – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Modern dental fillings do the same function of restoring teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay, only that they do not mar the appearance of the teeth with dark fillings just as dental amalgams do. The development of these tooth-colored fillings has provided both dentists and patients with a safer and more attractive alternative to silver or gold fillings.

When you choose invisible dental fillings from Oyster Point Dentistryin Hampton, VA, you can be confident that you will have a filling that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The material used in this cosmetic dentistry treatment is very effective in restoring the tooth’s structure and at the same time strengthens it. These high-strength, natural-looking dental fillings guarantee a smile makeover that let you achieve the beautiful, natural look you have been dreaming of.

With invisible dental fillings, a beautiful smile awaits you. By precisely matching tooth-colored composite fillings with the natural shade of your teeth, a skilled cosmetic dentist is able to provide you with white fillings that are virtually invisible, as if you have not undergone any dental treatment at all. If you have old amalgam fillings, you can have them removed by your dentist and replaced by invisible dental fillings that provide a more pleasing, silver-free smile.

To find out more about the newest dental fillings and other cosmetic dentistry treatments, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

INVISALIGN Clear Aligners Actually Prevent Dental Problems Hampton,VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, October 16, 2015

Having a crooked or misaligned teeth is not only unsightly, it can also be unhealthy. Misaligned teeth can be difficult to clean which invites plaque and other unhealthy buildups. You may eventually lose perfectly good teeth due to plague, gum loss, and other issues. Wearing Invisalign clear aligners is one way to properly align your teeth and therefore keep you from the risk of having these dental problems.

Metal braces are less attractive and can be uncomfortable and painful when worn. Adults can be especially embarrassed to wear them because of how those metal wires and brackets can make the teeth or smile unappealing. Worse is, they can get food caught in them without you even being aware of it. The metal braces are also inconvenient to clean because they are not removable. They can also make it hard for you to speak or even smile because your gums or tongue can be caught in the metal wires. You will not have to go through these things if you avail the Invisalign offering by Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA.

The invisible teeth straightening technology that is unique in Invisalign is what makes it a great alternative to traditional teeth braces to align the teeth. You will be wearing custom-colored braces that are barely noticeable as if you are not wearing braces at all. Aside from being more attractive than metal braces, they can also be removed when needed making them easier to clean.

To find out more about the INVISALIGN clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings Promise Safe and Effective Treatments without a Trace Hampton VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, October 05, 2015

In the age of modern dentistry, there is zero reason for you to acquire viewable fillings. Given advanced dental technology and high quality materials used in such treatment, a skilled dentist can now make your dental work disappear from view. Your dentist will use his fine-tuned aesthetic sensibility so that the invisible dental fillings match the shade and shape of your remaining natural teeth and so it will appear like you have not gone to any dental treatment at all.

Aside from being durable and life-like, the new materials used in the newest dental fillingscan actually seal the gap between the dental restoration and your tooth better than the older mercury-containing silver amalgams. The invisible dental fillings are incredibly sturdy and are less likely to decay or break down. In addition, they can also be tooth-colored so they are beautiful and look almost exactly like your own teeth.

When you have a cracked or decaying tooth and need an invisible dental filling, you will find the right treatment and materials skillfully applied by trusted dentists at Oyster Point Dentistry. With the invisible dental fillings in Hampton, VA, you are guaranteed to get your tooth back to its natural appearance, function, and shape. With the bacteria that caused the decay removed and with a dental filling that effectively seals off any cracks or crevices where bacteria can enter, further decay can be prevented.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions - Using Oral Appliances to Treat Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, September 21, 2015

A lot of people suffer from the effects of sleep apnea and are still struggling to find safe and effective ways to solve their problem. But today dental solutions for sleep apnea are widely available. With a medical doctor's prescription, dentists today construct custom oral appliances that serve as a replacement for traditional CPAP therapy. The treatment concept is the same (clear the airway obstruction), but rather than used forced air (CPAP), the dental device simply moves the jaw forward and opening the airway through the throat to the lungs.

The benefit of dental treatment of sleep apnea extends beyond disease treatment for the patient. First, the dental device is virtually invisible thus eliminating any psychological costs associated with wearing what many consider to be a very unattractive mask. Secondly, CPAP machines themselves can be a biological threat if strict sanitation schedules are not kept. Third, unlike CPAP, dental apnea treatment is silent and thus will not threaten the sleep of the patient's partner.

While non-doctor prescribed oral devices have grown increasingly in demand to treat sleep apnea, there is a very real danger in choosing this treatment path. There is a real (and potentially deadly) danger in self-diagnosis and the use of over-the-counter dental devices. Most of us subscribe to the old adage "you get what you pay for", and in this case, going cheap could be a fatal decision on your part. And sadly, there is the misconception that dental treatment of sleep apnea is expensive, when in fact the cost of the sleep apnea dental device is a fully covered medical expense covered by your medical insurance. Therefore, your dentist's custom dental device is likely to be less expensive than over-the-counter solutions.

Sleep apnea treatments in Newport News, VA involve oral appliance that is customized for every patient. This small acrylic device slightly advances the lower jaw or tongue. As a result, the base of the tongue will be moved forward opening the airway. The patient will then benefit from an improved breathing during sleep which reduces snoring and apnea.

To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Porcelain Dental Veneers – Medical-Grade Ceramic that Safely and Effectively Masks Teeth’s Imperfections - Yorktown, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, September 14, 2015

If your teeth are misshapen, damaged, or discolored, consider porcelain veneers as a safe and painless option to restore your beautiful smile. Nobody has perfect teeth. Porcelain veneers have been used for years to enhance smiles. This is done completely masking imperfections that we all share. These porcelain dental veneers are thin shells of medical-grade ceramic that are attached to the front surfaces of the teeth for an immediate smile transformation making your teeth sparkling white and aesthetically pleasing.

Dental veneers are an easy and effective way to get the picture-perfect smile you have always wanted. After having an aesthetic consultation that will let your dentist get a good idea of your concerns and goals, the veneers are then custom-designed to perfectly fit to your teeth. Because these veneers are made from an advanced material that closely resembles the appearance of the enamel, they can match the color of the adjacent natural teeth.

The dental veneers in Yorktown, VA have been among the most trusted and popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Through the developing dental technology, these porcelain dental veneers have become more lifelike and convenient than they ever were before. They are also stronger so you can benefit from them longer, especially if you brush regularly.

To find out more about porcelain dental veneers, contact the Oyster Point Dentistry.

INVISALIGN Clear Aligners – Achieve An Aesthetically Pleasing Dental Arch without having to Wear Metal Braces - Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, September 07, 2015

You can now achieve the most aesthetically pleasing dental arch without having to deal with metal wires and brackets. Now, there is a far better way to straighten your teeth using clear aligners known as Invisalign. It is time to say goodbye to your misaligned teeth because you can now avail yourself of the Invisalign offering by Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA.

A picture-perfect smile is now made possible with the use of the invisible teeth straightening technology of Invisalign. Some people suffer from low self-esteem because they do not have that straight and sparkling teeth to smile with. Some even find it hard to speak properly because of their tooth problem. All these and more can now be treated by using a series tight-fitting and tailor-fitted clear aligners that are worn over the teeth.

Just like the removable retainer, the Invisalign clear aligners can easily be removed which makes it easier to clean them as you brush and floss your teeth. These clear aligners also make an ideal alternative for those who find the idea of a mouthful of metal braces too unattractive and inconvenient to commit too. All sets of Invisalign aligners are so clear that it is almost invisible for the naked eye to immediately notice.

To find out how can you achieve a great smile, the best bite, and an excellent speaking with the help of the Invisalign clear aligners, contact the Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sleep Apnea Treatment Solutions – Say Goodbye to C-Pap - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, August 24, 2015

First and most important, Sleep Apnea is a serious medical disease with only a medical doctor authorized to prescribe treatment. With that said, more and more medical doctors are referring their patients to dentists such as the professionals at Oyster Point Dentistry (Newport News, Va) for custom oral devices as the treatment solution for sleep apnea. Medical professionals recognize that the simple dental oral device (much like a sport's mouth guard) is not only more convenient than C-Pap treatment, but it is also has great psychological benefit over C-Pap for mild-moderate sleep apnea cases.

Through the oral appliance, sleep apnea is treated by the patient wearing a simple device that fits over your upper and lower teeth, moves your jaw forward, and thus clears the path for unobstructed breathing. You will be wearing it just as you would a mouth guard in order to prevent the collapse of the tongue and other soft tissues in the back of your throat thereby helping the airway to stay unobstructed while asleep. Unlike C-Pap, this treatment option virtually invisible. It is a silent treatment as well. Anyone associated with C-Pap machines know that they are a far cry from quiet machines.

Sleep apnea treatments options in Newport News, VA is something to discuss with your doctor. One important thing to realize is that dental treatment for sleep apnea is a medical procedure and thus covered by your medical insurance (not your dental insurance). This is an important distinction as you will retain not "use up" any of your dental coverage for this treatment.

For more details, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Care Measures Make Invisible Dental Fillings Last Longer? - Yorktown, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Oyster Point Dentistry's invisible dental fillings (Yorktown, VA) are now the most common treatment for cavity treatment. Their benefits are two fold. They do not discolor is the most recognized benefit, however the health and comfort factors is actually the most notable trait. Invisible dental fillings are poor thermal conductors which means zero sensitivity to hot and cold which is not always the case with traditional metal amalgam fillings.

Caring for the newest dental fillings is surprisingly easy if you have built a foundation of good oral hygiene. Anything that can darken a natural tooth will often have a harsher effect on a filling, discoloring it out of shade including the rest of your natural teeth. This is the reason why you need to maintain preventative care measures. Brushing at least 3 times a day is an absolute requirement, especially after drinking beverages such as coffee or dark tea that can discolor your teeth and fillings. Flossing is also important as it will remove the debris lodged between teeth that cannot be removed by mere brushing. If any debris is left alone, it can loosen your dental fillings. In addition, regular visits with the dentist should not be missed particularly now that you have dental fillings. Your dentist will check the health and position of your fillings and determine if they are still working as intended.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings and how to take great care of them to make them last longer, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Porcelain Dental Veneers – A Super Solution to Reverse Years of Tooth Damage - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 31, 2015

Dental treatment and technology continues to progress in making newer and stronger porcelain for all types of dental restorations. The biggest breakthrough of late is the use of porcelain dental veneers for our clients in Newport News, VA . This is yet another example of how high-tech dentistry goes beyond ensuring a perfect smile to also improve the shape of the patient's face and profile.

The porcelain veneers look natural because they are custom-colored to assume the natural shade of the existing adjacent teeth. Because this kind of dental veneers blends with the rest of the teeth and the gums fit tight to them, it will not be obvious that you had such kind of dental treatment. For this reason, these dental veneers made of porcelain have become a sought-after solution that effectively improves overbite and reverse years of tooth wear.

While the dental veneers make your dental arch back to being aesthetically pleasing, these thin shells of porcelain can also improve the function of the affected tooth. They are not only made to look natural when you smile. In fact, they make your teeth less sensitive to cold. Additionally, the veneers are custom-made to really fit your teeth so you will not be afraid of losing them while you eat, speak, or laugh.

Porcelain dental veneers can be the best option for some patients. To find out if it is the most ideal solution for your case, consult your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Aligners Offer Comfort, Confidence, and Convenience Like No Other - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Invisalign offering by Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA are removable for easy cleaning and are virtually invisible so there is no reason to be conscious when wearing it. Even if they are made of plastic and not of metal, Invisalign never fails to serve its purpose of straightening your teeth to a more ideal position for them to look and function better.

Invisalign clear aligners are comfortable to wear. They are smooth and do not have wires that can wound any part of your mouth. Invisalign also offers minimal interference when you eat and speak, and even makes it easier to brush and floss your teeth. Now you can achieve your desired dental arch and aesthetically pleasing smile without having to suffer from brackets and wires that can restrict your actions.

No other teeth straightening alternatives can offer the same level of comfort, confidence, and convenience like Invisalign. You will be able to appreciate how advanced this invisible teeth straightening technology is in treating many kinds of malocclusions or bad bites. It is a great orthodontic option to use in the right cases so it is best to get the professional opinion of your dentist.

To have more ideas about the advantages of straightening teeth using Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea - Patients Sleep Comfortably while Being Treated - Yorktown, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 17, 2015

Sleep apnea not only can disrupt your sleeping patterns but can also take your life if you do not find safe and effective ways to treat it. It has been associated with many long-term health conditions and has even become a rising cause of life-threatening accidents in many places. If this severe sleep disorder is left untreated, it can affect even your blood pressure, memory, and concentration.

The more you delay your consultation with a doctor, the more you run the risk of experiencing the bad effects of not having a sound and complete sleep during the night. The rest of the family will also have a hard time sleeping because of the loudness of your snore which is one sign that you have sleep apnea. It is highly encouraged that you have yourself checked by a sleep disorder specialist if you have sleep apnea so you will be given the right treatment for it. Dental solutions to treat sleep apnea are also available and can then be recommended by your doctor before they can be provided by the dentists at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sleep apnea treatments in Yorktown, VA use oral appliances and the whole treatment plans involve the combined efforts of dentists and medical doctors. With these dental treatment alternatives, the patients are more comfortable while they sleep. Dental visits will have to be regular such as twice or thrice year in order to ensure that the device is continuously working effectively especially in keeping the throat open and bringing the jaw forward.

To find out more about sleep apnea and the available dental treatments for it, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings – Great Choice for Damaged Teeth in the Visible Areas of the Mouth - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, July 16, 2015

When you have a tooth cavity, the process of treating it entails removing the diseased tissue and filling the remaining hole with a substance that will ensure that the tooth itself is properly sealed. Historically, metal amalgams are widely used in such kind of treatment. But now, a tooth-colored material is used in dental filling treatments which have instantly become the more attractive alternative to metal amalgam fillings.

These dental fillings are virtually invisible due to precise color-matching. You will possess a metal-free pleasing smile. This is also the reason why a lot of patients who have amalgam fillings choose to remove them and be replaced with the newest invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA. Unlike the silver or gold fillings that often contain mercury, the invisible fillings do not darken over time so you can continue experiencing their benefits for a longer period.

The invisible dental fillings stand out from the crowd because of their beauty, durability, and versatility. They only require minimal preparation and the material quickly bonds to the tooth structure. The shade of the tooth-colored fillings match the color of your natural teeth so they are a great choice for broken, chipped, decayed, or worn out teeth that are found in front or other visible areas.

To find out about the newest invisible dental filling, contact the Oyster Point Dentistry.

Porcelain Dental Veneers Treat Mild Malocclusion and Severe Tooth Discoloration - Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, July 13, 2015

Porcelain veneers and other teeth-straightening treatments deliver seamless, straight, and an attractive dental arch. The question then becomes which option is best for your case.

We can help in choosing the most safe and effective treatment option for you by conducting a careful and correct evaluation of your current dental problem. This will become our basis in determining if the dental veneers will provide you with the best results can desire and deserve. The decision will be based on your needs and discussed with you in full during the initial consultation with your dentist.

Dental veneers in Hampton, VA take only two office visits which is why they have earned the name “instant orthodontics.” But if you have severe crossbite, overbite, or underbite, it may be necessary to initially treat your problems with traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners. While the tooth-colored porcelain laminates can only correct mild malocclusion, they can also treat those dental issues that the traditional braces do not address such as teeth that are chipped or severely discolored.

Of course, there’s always the option of not seeking any treatment at all. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but always do remember that, if left untreated, many orthodontic issues can often lead to more serious dental and health problems that can be more costly and difficult to treat. So if you are considering dental porcelain veneers or other teeth-straightening options, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sleep Apnea and the Dental Solutions to Treat It - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sleep apnea treatment (in Newport News, VA) was born of Oyster Point Dentistry's desire to deliver better dental solutions for this widespread and life-threatening disease. Dental treatment for sleep apnea, a life-threatening disease, is a medically proven effective means to treat breathing disorders to include both oxygen deprivation and snoring.

Sleep apnea not just disturbs your sleeping patterns as it also affects your daily activities when you are awake. It will put your life at risk if you do not immediately find a safe and effective way to treat it. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and other long-term health conditions are associated with sleep apnea. It is even a rising cause of driving fatigue that often results in fatal accidents on the road. The lack of sleep makes you experience daytime grogginess thereby putting you at an increased tendency of falling asleep while driving.

Dental solutions to treat sleep apnea have helped many patients. It is important that you have yourself checked whether you have it or not. If yes, consult your doctor about your case so you will be given the right treatment before it becomes severe and takes its toll on your life and others.

To know more about how you can prevent and treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Veneers - Porcelain Laminates that Allow You to Change the Shape and Shade of the Affected Teeth - Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dental veneers in Hampton, VA are also often called porcelain dental laminates because they are made of thin pieces of porcelain that your gum tissues can tolerate. They are worn over the front of your teeth to change their shape and shade thereby masking the undesirable appearance of the affected teeth.

The porcelain veneers are being custom-made to match your teeth’s natural shade of your teeth. So when they are attached to the tooth surface, they blend immediately as if no wafer-thin shells are bonded with your teeth. They also mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth thereby making you achieve that sparkling smile that you have ever dreamed of. They can also be customized in order to assume a color that makes dark teeth appear whiter.

Dental veneers that are made from porcelain resist stain better than those made from resin composite materials. So if you have teeth that are worn down, gapped, chipped, uneven, or irregularly shaped, you can choose to undergo a safe and effective dental treatment using porcelain veneers. This dental treatment uses a conservative approach to improve the appearance of your dentition and achieve a brighter and sparkling smile.

For more details about porcelain dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign – Correcting the Dental Arch with Custom-Designed Clear Aligners - Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 04, 2015

Our team of professional doctors and dental technicians at Oyster Point Dentistry (Newport News, Va) are continuously engaged in recurring education and insuring the latest technologies are delivered to you and your family. Whether you seek preventative, restorative, or cosmetic dental solutions, rest assured that we deliver the latest techniques and technologies to provide you the most affordable, comfortable, and most effective dental experience possible.

One of the most popular options, in fact a breakthrough in dentistry, is the use of Invisalign to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth without the patient feeling inconvenient. It uses advanced computer technology that makes it more convenient to accurately plan a dental treatment specific to your case. Such software can predict certain teeth movements that provides ease and facility in evaluating the progress of your treatment. As a result, not only will you have a beautiful smile but also a great dental health.

This invisible teeth straightening alternative method functions much like traditional braces. However, it does the work of achieving the appropriate and desired dental arch without the hassle of metal wires and brackets. And because a series of custom-designed, clear aligners is used, it will feel as if you are not undergoing a dental treatment at all. They are almost invisible that the only thing noticeable is your smile getting more and more aesthetically pleasing each day.

For an enhanced and comprehensive dental care, contact the Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea – Keeping You Safe while on the Road - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sleep apnea will put your life at risk if you do not immediately address the disease. It does not only make you more prone to long-term health conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure, but it can put your life in immediate risk. Sleep apnea is a rising cause of driver fatigue and is a factor in fatal accidents.

If you do not treat sleep apnea or at least have yourself checked by a doctor to determine you have it or not, chances are it will take its toll on your sleeping patterns. If you have sleep apnea, you are more likely to snore loudly while you sleep thereby disturbing other family members at home. It also disrupts your sleep from time to time because what it does is it blocks your airways. For this reason, Sleep apnea treatments in Newport News, VA have been offered and now have been helping many patients who have it.

Because you lack sleep, you may experience daytime grogginess that can put people with sleep apnea at increased risk of falling asleep while driving. You are up to five times more likely than normal or sound sleepers to have car accidents. For this reason, it is important that you immediately consult your doctor about what your case. There are dental solutions to treat sleep apnea that your doctor may advise.

To find out more about how you can prevent and treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Fillings – More Attractive Alternative Treatment for a Silver-Free Smile - Yorktown, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The newest dental fillings are made of composite resin which provides a superbly aesthetic effect while ensuring that the affected tooth structure is properly sealed. This tooth-colored filling material can be customized to match the natural color of your remaining tooth making the filling virtually invisible.

With the use of invisible dental fillings, the affected tooth will become stronger and at the same time have a protective seal that helps in preventing further tooth damage. The invisible fillings aim to restore most of the natural shape of your teeth and are able to keep more of the original tooth structure than those with amalgams. For this reason, they are often used to restore chipped and discolored teeth especially those in front.

Invisible dental fillings in Yorktown, VA are a more attractive alternative than traditional silver amalgam dental fillings. Unlike silver fillings, they do not contain mercury so they are safe and effective in restoring tooth structure after a fracture or decay. Such restorative treatment employs advanced dental techniques to provide better cavity filling for your teeth. They are less noticeable so you will be able to retain a more natural and silver-free smile. Aside from that, these invisible fillings also do not darken over time making them a more ideal alternative for tooth restoration.

To find out more about the newest dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Oral Sedation Process Improves Patient’s Dental Care Experience - Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Just the thought of going to the dental clinic for a checkup makes some people fearful and anxious. This need not be the case due to safe and pain-free dental sedation techniques designed to eliminate all your dental care anxieties.

When you (or your children) feeling anxious, the unintended result can be an inability to cooperate with your dentist and thus challenging him or her to provide you perfect care. To prevent such a situation, oral sedation process can be incorporated into your dental procedure. This procedure, for years now, is performed by our highly skilled and professionally trained dentists .

Dental sedation in Yorktown, VA is a product of the combined and continued efforts of the dental community to provide safe and cost-effective solutions, even reaching out to patients who normally keep themselves from getting those routine maintenance and needed dental procedures. This oral sedation also seeks to improve your dental care experience so that you will not have second thoughts of coming back come that day when you will need another treatment to solve your dental issues.

For more details about oral sedation, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Aligners – the Latest Movement for an Aesthetically Pleasing Dental Arch - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Invisalign clear aligners are the modern substitute for traditional braces to move your teeth back in their proper positioning. To others, wearing them on are not much of an issue because they are almost invisible so it is as if you are not undergoing a dental treatment at all.

The Invisalign offering by Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA treats misaligned or crooked teeth without the pronounced visibility of traditional or metal braces such as the metal wires and brackets that can trap food crumbs. It will also be a lot easier to maintain them because you can take them off after you eat, brushing and flossing your teeth without any hassle. Therefore, Invisalign lets you go about your daily routine without the feeling of inconvenience and discomfort.

You will be given a set of clear aligners for your invisible teeth straightening treatment. With an advanced computer technology, a treatment plan will be developed exclusively for your case. You will then be wearing clear aligners that have been custom-designed to fit your current dental arch, moving the teeth gradually so they achieve an aesthetically pleasing dental arch. The duration of this dental treatment will depend mainly on the manner your teeth move in response to each adjustment. .

To find out more about the magic of clear aligners from Invisalign, contact the Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sleep Apnea Treatment - Solving More Than Your Health Problems - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that can be deadly when left untreated. It is a disease particularly hard on the heart. Because it poses serious threats on your health, there is no reason to delay consulting your medical doctor if you have even the slightest suspicion that you may be suffering from the disease. Dental treatment of sleep apnea offers a double bonus. It stops snoring and thus offers your bed partner a better night’s sleep as well.

If you experience symptoms of sleep apnea such as heavy snoring, gaps in breathing, or gasping for air, you should see your medical doctor as soon as possible. While there, discuss with your medical doctor the benefits of dental treatment options.

Do not let sleep apnea put you to a greater risk. With the available sleep apnea treatments in Newport News, VA, you can now solve dental problems that can haunt you for life if you let them happen and worsen. The available alternative treatments let you get a good night’s rest again. Apart from that, they also help in avoiding what could have been the long-term consequences of leaving the disorder untreated.

There are now dental solutions to treat sleep apnea so you will no longer force yourself to wear a mask just to ensure that a correct and continuous airflow is being provided to the patient. You can have an uninterrupted sleep during the entire night again and be ready to take on all the challenge of each new day without feeling sleepy or lazy.

To find out more about the solutions to snoring and sleep apnea problems, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.