Oyster Point Dental Blog

Give Perfect White Teeth For The Holidays

Joseph Coupal - Monday, November 11, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Teeth whitening

he Holidays is a season of countless gatherings. A reunion with your relatives, a holiday date with your friends or a year-end party in your workplace. Since you will be smiling and chatting a lot on these occasions, November and December are the perfect months for your routine cleaning and/or cosmetic dental procedure.

Many of us out there are already being asked what we want for Holiday gifts. A significant percentage of us don’t know how to answer that question because we simply are not materialistic in nature. Why not consider asking for a highly affordable in-office whitening treatment. It's the most safe and effective way of restoring the whiteness of your teeth. It is a teeth bleaching performed by a licensed dental practitioner. It will give you remarkable results incomparable to over-the-counter alternatives. Britesmile teeth whitening system apply a very concentrated bleaching gel to the teeth and let it stay there for 15-30 minutes depending on the tone that is intended to achieve. The dentist will closely monitor the process. Then, a second coating is applied right after the first gel application is cleaned away. A blue light is then utilized to illuminate the gel which activates the oxidation process. And then, you'll see the results right away following the treatment.

So what are you waiting for? The holiday season is just around the corner. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry and schedule an In-office whitening treatment today!

Post-Halloween Dental Care Advice For Children

Joseph Coupal - Friday, November 01, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Everybody loves Halloween, especially the treats that are traditionally served during the celebration. However, the sugary treats can play tricks to your teeth for the days and weeks following Halloween given the steady stream of sugary snacks that our children have just stocked up upon. So consider some managed dental care change for your kids until that new candy stock is gone and they return to normal eating habits.

Consider mandating an after-school brushing as it’s almost a given that some of that candy was consumed at lunch and on the bus ride home. Make it a condition for breaking into the stash both before and after the nightly dinner. It's a fine proactive preventative dental care practice. Candy, as you know, is loaded with sugar which feeds the bacteria that thrive within the human mouth. Bacteria produces an acid that degrades enamel. We are all in a constant battle against dental bacteria, thus the critical importance of our brushing regiments. But that battle is especially tough during the Halloween season.

This is a great time of year to research when you and your children had their last cleaning. If it’s been more than six months, contact Oyster Point Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

How To Take Care Of Your Dental Bridge

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Bridges, Newport, News, VA

Once the dental bridge is in place, the dental prosthetic is obscure and people can't tell you're wearing them. You just need to properly take care of the setup including the remaining natural teeth. These following tips will help you get the full benefit of your dental bridge:

1. Regular Oral Hygiene

Make sure to toss away your old practice of neglecting oral hygiene. At least brush your teeth twice a day and make flossing a habit. Pay particular attention to the bridge and the teeth that support it. Flossing can remove food particles that are trapped in the nooks and crannies of your teeth. You may also use an antibacterial mouthwash to eliminate bacteria that will cause decay and bad breath.

2. Avoid Hard Foods

Dental bridges are not as strong as your natural teeth. Avoid hard snacks like candies and nuts for they can damage your dental bridge setup including the natural teeth that support it.

4. Avoid Eating Sugary Snacks

Sweets and sugary treats are the major cause of tooth decay. The sugar is turned into harmful acids by bacteria that reside in the mouth. The acid is damaging to your enamel. Since the anchor teeth serves as the foundation that supports the bridge, they can't afford to sustain cavities that will lead to serious issues to your dental bridge.

5. Regular Dental Visit

It is highly recommended to visit your dentist at least twice a year especially when you have a dental bridge. The dentist will see to it that your prosthetic is in place and assess the overall status of your oral health. In case they found out an issue developing in the prosthetic setup, they can address it right away. Professional cleaning is vital as well for keeping cavities at bay.

For more information about dental bridges in Newport News, VA, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Taking Care of Dental Veneers

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Worn down, chipped or severely stained teeth can be treated with dental veneers. This procedure will restore the teeth's natural appearance and structure. The setup can last a lifetime as long as you properly take care of them. Here are simple tips to ensure your veneers can last long.

1. Regular Brushing and Flossing

Porcelain veneers do not require major adjustments to the patient's dental routine. You just have to do your regular brushing and flossing at least twice a day.

Veneer setups are sturdy and can handle pressure. But it's advisable to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste to make sure that the veneers won't wear down. It's necessary to do regular brushing and flossing not merely to protect the veneers but also to protect your natural teeth from cavities.

2. Avoid Chewing Anything Hard

Although veneers are durable, they are not as strong as the natural teeth. Hard food may harm your dental porcelains. So avoid chewing on particularly hard objects. Skip those hard candies or nuts for they can break your veneers.

3. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Always go back to your dentist for follow-up checkups. It's important to ensure that the porcelain setup are correctly in place. Your dentist can also inspect the teeth's general health and detect issues at early stage. There are some patient's which gums react adversely to veneers. Dentist can instantly perceive the issue and find fixes to it.

If you have any questions about dental veneers in Newport News, VA, our team of dentists are happy to entertain your inquiries and concerns. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to set an appointment.

The Celebrated Success of the Invisalign Aligner

Joseph Coupal - Sunday, September 29, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Invisalign might very well be the greatest advancement in dental industry in the past decade. . If you have been discussing Invisalign with your dentist, or even just researching it on your own, you likely have a lot of questions. This blog post will explore what you need to know about Invisalign—from whether it is actually invisible to how well it works to get the results successfully.

Invisalign is a method of straightening teeth that, unlike braces, has made its name in the industry for being invisible. Invisalign is not completely invisible, though. It is, however, a functional and aesthetic option that uses incremental transparent aligners to straighten and realign teeth without the obvious physical appearance of braces. It is, in many cases, an aesthetic improvement over conventional braces.

Choosing Invisalign is primarily a lifestyle choice due to the advantages of aesthetics and hygiene. With aesthetics, you get clear liners that are nearly invisible compared to conventional braces. Some Invisalign cases will be quicker than conventional braces by nature of the design since they will move many teeth at once. The comfort is great. There are no wires and sharp corners like with conventional braces. As such Invisalign will move teeth in ways braces cannot. Another advantage with Invisalign, there is less risk of shrinking of teeth roots due to the excessive force that can be applied with conventional braces.

Another factor is also time-saving. There are fewer dental visits than conventional braces. With Invisalign, you will remove your aligners completely to floss and brush normally. There is also less risk of gingivitis and hyperplasia (gums growing up over the brackets) because you are able to clean your teeth better.

They will be Aligners to keep for life. Your Invisalign aligners will double as whitening trays or a mouth guard during and after treatment.

For more information on Invisalign aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Source: askthedentist.com

Revolutionize your Smile With Dental Veneers

Joseph Coupal - Sunday, September 22, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

For teeth that are severely discolored, chipped or misshapen, veneers create a durable and pleasing smile. Veneers are difficult to stain, making them popular for people seeking a perfect smile. Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite resin that are custom made to fit over teeth, providing a natural, attractive look. They can be used to fix chipped, stained, misaligned, worn down, uneven or abnormally spaced teeth. Do you want to have a priceless smile?

Here are six things to think about and discuss with your dentist: .

  1. Easily Whiten Your Smile. Years of drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes or eating highly pigmented foods eventually take their toll on your teeth, turning them an unattractive shade of yellow or brown. If you are looking for an easier way to whiten your smile for good, dental veneers may be a good fit for you. Veneers are largely stain-resistant so you will not have to worry about discoloration or needing to have your veneers whitened.
  2. Fix Minor Cosmetic Problems. Slightly crooked or gapped teeth can be treated with braces or other orthodontic treatments, but according to Dentistry Today, these problems will sometimes be helped with veneers as well. Veneers are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth – so although they do not change their positions, they do camouflage minor orthodontic problems once they are applied.
  3. Replace Damaged Enamel. Enamel is strong, but not indestructible. Your enamel may still be worn down from overzealous tooth brushing or eaten away by highly acidic foods and drinks. The stomach acid associated with acid reflux disease will also damage your enamel. This will become a cause for concern because lost enamel does not grow back. Fortunately, it will be replaced. Veneers are an excellent treatment for teeth with enamel abrasion or enamel erosion and are aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

It is a fact that veneers does not ruin your teeth or hurt the tooth underneath. Also, porcelain veneers are not made of enamel like the front of your natural teeth. In fact, they actually have the advantage over natural teeth in terms of resistance to damage or staining.

To top it all, dental veneers will provide a natural tooth appearance. Your gum tissue tolerates porcelain as well. They are stain-resistant. You can select the color such that it makes dark teeth appear whiter. Veneers offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth's color and shape and do not require the extensive shaping prior to the procedure that crowns do, yet offer a stronger and more aesthetic alternative.

For more information on dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Source: colgate.com

How To Keep Your Breath Fresh

Joseph Coupal - Sunday, September 08, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Newport, News, VA

Having fresh breath throughout the day and night can be challenging for many reasons. But you can take proactive measures to keep your breath fresh. Here are some simple things to do:

  • Drink Water - Drink water to keep your mouth from becoming dry. A dehydrated mouth induces bacterial growth that can cause halitosis or bad breath. Take sips of water every after eating or drinking coffee/alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid Eating Food With Strong Odor - Avoid ordering dishes loaded with garlic, onions and other strong spices. Although they are absolutely appetizing, they contain compounds that can be absorbed in to your bloodstream, making it hard to instantly eliminate the odor even if you brush or take a mouthwash. Make sure to skip those food when you are out on a date.
  • Chew A Sugarless Gum - Chewing a sugarless gum will help dispel smelly exhales as it will also aid in increasing saliva production. Saliva naturally rinses out your mouth and prevent bacteria to linger and multiply inside your mouth.
  • Proper Dental Hygiene Prior To Date - Do your usual preventative dental care routine which includes brushing, flossing and taking mouthwash. Also, include your tongue when brushing to eliminate bacteria that likes to set a camp and spoil your breath.

Following the aforementioned tips will keep your breath fresh and will help you feel more confident to converse with people.

For more dental care tips, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Multiple Dental Implant Treatment

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 29, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Bridges, Newport, News, VA

Although dental implant treatment has been around for quite some time now, still lot of patients are unfamiliar with the procedure. For those who are frustrated over their missing teeth, this is by far the most recommended solution. However, patients with multiple missing teeth have more concerns regarding the procedure for they require several dental implant posts. Here's an overview on what to expect when you have several dental implant requirement.

How It Is Different?

Placement of multiple dental implant applies the same process as placing single implant. A gum tissue is incised so the titanium implant post can be inserted into the jawbone. However, in multiple dental implant, this process is repeated several times depending on the number and position of missing teeth. After all the posts are fixed in place, protective cap is applied over the setup to protect the site surrounding the implant posts. It also provides protection to the soft tissue so it will maintain its form until the implant completely merges with the jawbone and full dental restoration is achieved. After several months, the implant will effectively imitate and replace the lost tooth roots.

If you have multiple teeth that requires dental implant treatment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry. We will first assess your current dental condition and present you with treatment options. We will help you decide the best tooth replacement solution for your distinct concerns.

Audio Visual Relaxation Technology Provides A More Comfortable Dental Experience

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 22, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Dental anxiety is a common factor as to why many patients refuse professional help to address their dental condition. It may stem from a previous traumatic encounter with a dentist or from negative perceptions about dental procedures. Several studies disclose that anxiety can contribute to the pain. Patients tend to feel more when they are anxious. Since anxiety becomes a major obstacle to seeking professional dental treatment, the dental industry employed audio visual relaxation technology to help patients relax during a dental procedure.

At Oyster Point Dentistry, we offer soothing audio / visual technology services at no extra charge. We provide this to patients with general anxiety towards dental care. This provides diversion to minimize anxiety in significant level. Making the procedure smooth sailing, less rough and traumatic. With a more rewarding dental experience, patient would be able to develop confidence and would cooperate more in the succeeding dental sessions.

This audio visual relaxation technique help us accomplish our task in delivering quality dental care to our patients. For more information about this service, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Tips For Invisalign® Aligner Tray Manipulation

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 15, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Invisalign® aligners are the new dental innovation in straightening misaligned teeth. The Invisalign system provides a much more comfortable solution to dental alignment when compared to conventional metal braces. While Invisalign® clear aligners are much comfortable to wear than its traditional counterpart, switching new trays every two weeks may cause some slight soreness around your mouth if not done correctly. Here are three tips to get you painlessly through aligner tray switching:

  • Prior to putting in your new set of Invisalign tray, take an anti-inflammatory drug to minimize the pain especially in the first few days. Taking in the anti-inflammatory one hour prior you set it. It can significantly reduce or eliminate pain associated with applying the new tray.
  • Inflammation may be present to some users of Invisalign® aligner trays. But you can easily treat the sore by swishing warm water around your mouth.
  • When switching a new tray set, put it in at night before going to bed. So the first several hours of getting used to with your new tray, you are asleep and feel less uncomfortable.

For more information about Invisalign® aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Repairs and Restorations in One Sitting

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 08, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - E4D dental system, Newport News, VA

In the past, dental restorations and repairs usually take two or more dental visits to complete. Not true anymore. With Oyster Point Dentistry’s digital imaging technology, the need for multiple dental visits to repair and restore your teeth (except in rare circumstance) is a thing of the past. Our E4D dental system hastens the process of taking dental impression. Custom teeth restorations can be performed much more efficiently. Now, final crown, filling, or veneer can be completed in one sitting.

Digital imaging scans are completely safe to use. They provide us (and you) with clean and fast impression. Now, you don't have to go through the inconvenience of going back to your favorite dental clinic several times just to complete your treatment.

more information about dental digital imaging scan, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

How Dental Veneers Work

Joseph Coupal - Monday, July 29, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Most people are not born with perfectly straight and attractively colored teeth. Numerous factors damage teeth and its appearance. Fortunately, dental technology is constantly improving, providing multiple options for patients who want to restore the look of their teeth. Veneers are one of the best dental procedures to restore or correct dental deficiencies.

So How Veneers Work?

Dental Veneers are custom-made thin shells that are attached over the surface of the defective teeth to regain its natural form and color. Veneers conceal teeth imperfections by covering chipped, stained or crooked teeth. They come in two types: composite resin or porcelain.

  • Composite Resin Veneers - In composite resin process, the dentist prepares the damaged teeth, sculpts the veneers and applied it in the office. It requires less tooth enamel removal and they are less costly. Veneers are attached to the defective teeth using resin cement. Apart from that, they are easy to fixed in case of damage.
  • Porcelain Veneers - Porcelain takes a longer process. The dentist will first take a mold or impression of your damaged teeth. The impression is sent out to the laboratory that designs and manufactures the veneers. Patients are required to come back after few days to set it in place. Porcelain dental veneers are strong and resilient once set. They don't stain easily and looks natural. They also need less enamel removal.

Veneers are easy to clean. Just care for them as you would care for your untreated teeth. Regular professional cleaning is also recommended to maintain it. For more information about dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

How Invisalign Aligners Are Fitted

Joseph Coupal - Monday, July 22, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Invisalign is the most popular system for straightening teeth. They are custom-made clear plastic aligners to perfectly fit every tooth in both upper and lower arches of the patient's teeth. It's an improved alternative to metal braces in which majority of the clients find it uncomfortable to wear. Unlike the former, Invisalign Aligners look like a clear mouth guard that can be taken off when eating or brushing teeth. This makes it easier to do your dental care routine everyday. Comfort is the major reason why many patients are turning to Invisalign Dental Aligners.

So How Is Invisalign Fitted?

Your dentist will first determine if you are indeed a good candidate for dental treatment using Invisalign Aligner. Your dentist will then make a mold or take a 3D scan of your teeth. Dentists usually use PolyVinyl Siloxane to take an accurate impression of your entire dental set. Patient's records including photos, x-rays, PVS impressions and 3D scans are sent to dental technicians to create the patient's personalized Invisalign Aligner set. These are then shipped to the doctor's office. 2-5 sets of aligners are provided to the patient to wear alternately per dentist's instructions. Prior to taking them home, the dentist will make sure first they perfectly fit patient's teeth as it is supposed to.

If you are interested of getting an Invisalign Aligner, contact Oyster Point Dentistry. Our dentist will asses the condition of your teeth and verify whether you are indeed a good candidate for the treatment.

Common Mistakes When Brushing Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Monday, July 15, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA

There's a proper way to brush teeth. Brushing your teeth the wrong way can do harm. While brushing has been a routine of yours since you were a kid, you may never have learned the proper way to both protect and benefit your oral health. The following are common mistakes when brushing teeth.

  • Scrubbing so hard - If you brush so hard, your enamel can easily be damaged and it will cause gums to recede. You may also scratch your gums and bleed. So when brushing your teeth, just apply gentle pressure and small brush strokes.
  • Using toothbrush with hard bristles - Always opt for soft bristled toothbrush when buying a new set from your local grocery store. Bristles must be able to bend to clean under the gum line.
  • Using toothbrush longer than 3 months - You must change your toothbrush at least every 3 months. Many dentists say that a new toothbrush is 90% more effective than a 3-month old one.
  • Missing a section of your teeth - You should brush the front, back, top and side of your teeth. People usually skip the inside surface because they are out of sight. But plaque do buildup on this sites even though you don't instantly see them.
  • Not brushing long enough - Proper brushing requires 2 full minutes to properly clean the entire teeth. 40% of dental plaque can be removed when can manage to brush for 2 minutes. Remaining plaques can be removed during your professional dental cleaning which recommended to be done twice a year.

For more preventative dental care tips, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Traditional Dental Braces and the Threat of Gum Disease

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 09, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Are you wearing traditional braces or retainers? If not properly fit, you may experience gum bleeding and general discomfort. Gum disease is a common occurrence among dental brace users. We all possess a certain amount of plaque bacteria in their mouth. This needs to be removed through proper oral hygiene. Accumulation of plaque bacteria can attack damaged gums caused by poorly fitted braces and thus can lead to gum disease.

If you notice blood associated with regular brushing and flossing you need to inform your dentist so they can provide you with proper consult. Likewise, let your dentist know when you are uncomfortable wearing your dental braces or retainer. It might require some adjustments to fit correctly.

Although dental braces are corrective device to straighten your teeth evenly, they can make your gums vulnerable to gum problems. In some cases food debris can be trapped within and/or around them. This leads to the accumulation of plaque bacteria. Proper brushing, flossing, and regular professional teeth cleaning is the best preventative dental care to fend off oral bacteria build up and keep your gums and teeth healthy and strong.

Other alternative solution for traditional braces are invasalign braces. They are convenient to wear and cleaner as compared to traditional metal brackets. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out what treatment option is right for you.

What are the Signs of a Dying or Dead Tooth?

Joseph Coupal - Sunday, June 30, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Sedation, Newport News, VA

When a tooth is no longer taking fresh blood supply it is referred to as a dead tooth. Generally, a dead or dying tooth appears discolored. Also, the patient may feel moderate to severe pain in the tooth and gums. Healthy teeth are white although its shade varies depending on a person's diet and oral hygiene. But a dying tooth's color looks different from the rest of the set, which can easily be spotted. They will come up as light brown, grey or even black. Over time, the affected tooth will turn even more darker as it further decays together with the nerve. Since the nerve is affected as well, pain is eminent to most patients. Pain and gum swelling may also be attributed to the inflammation stimulated by an infection. The breath of the patient may also smell bad due to the decay.

A person experiencing any of these symptoms, must seek the help of a dentist as soon as possible. Only your dentist can provide effective treatment options for your condition as they have the proper tools and right skills to inspect the status of your tooth thoroughly and perform the dental procedures necessary to protect your health.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry and schedule a dental appointment today.

Common Diseases That Can Cause Oral Problems

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Sedation Dentistry and Total Sleep Sedation, Newport News, VA

Do you know that the condition of your teeth represents the health status of your entire body? It may surprise you that tooth decay is not entirely caused by poor oral hygiene. In some cases it's a sign of a much more serious health condition. There are several diseases that present (in part) in the form of oral problems:

  • Diabetes Mellitus- Blood sugar regulation is impaired when you have diabetes, regardless of the type. Those who are suffering from this disease commonly have dry mouth due to lack of saliva. Saliva helps fend off tooth decay-causing bacteria. Inadequate saliva production makes a person susceptible to developing oral cavities. Furthermore, bacteria accumulation can also cause gum problems. Gum problems can make the condition of the patient worse as it can cause the blood sugar to further elevate complicating the severity of diabetes. It's a downward spiral that requires immediate attention at earliest detection.
  • Sjögren’s syndrome - It is an autoimmune condition where in the mouth is unable to produce saliva which has the same effect to your oral health like diabetes. People suffering from this disease is recommended to have more frequent visits to their dentists for close monitoring of their oral health.
  • Eating Disorders - Anorexia and Bulimia are two severe eating disorders. Those who have intense fear of gaining weight tries to eat very less or purge out their intake. Since the body is not taking adequate nutrients, their oral health is compromised. In the case of the bulimics, their constant binging and purging of food afterwards, cause stomach acids to regurgitate. The acid can gradually damage the enamel making it prone to cavities. Most bulimics have bad breath due damaged teeth.

This is exactly the reason why your dentist asks questions about your medical history and lifestyle. They want to look at all aspects of your body and their condition. For more information about dental health, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Why Dental Abscesses Are Excruciating

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Anyone who has ever experienced a toothache knows excruciating pain. Dental abscess might have been growing quickly in your cavity. It is an accumulation of pus that starts on the tooth eventually extending into the bone or gums due to a bacterial infection. It may occur at the tips of tooth roots which are called periapical abscesses or at the surrounding area of the root called periodontal abscesses.

So Why Are Dental Abscesses Painful?

The pus buildup puts a significant pressure to the tooth and bone surface resulting in a persistent, severe oscillating pain that radiates to the jawbone, neck or ear. You may experience difficulty in chewing and swallowing due to swelling of the affected area and sensitivity to pressure that comes from chewing food. In addition, since there's a bacterial invasion taking place in your teeth, inflammation is present as body's way of responding and protecting itself from harmful microorganisms.

How To Treat It?

Painful abscess is definitely a pain you cannot ignore and endure. Although there are OTC medication that can alleviate the pain temporarily, it's best to take immediate dental treatment by consulting your dentist promptly. There are antibiotics that your dentist can prescribe to address the issue. Wait too long and invasive dental procedures such as root canal or even dental extraction could be required to resolve the issue. The key point here is this. The sooner you get your dental issue addressed, the better your outcome is going to be each and every time.

For proper assessment and treatment of your dental problem, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 05, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Teeth whitening

Many people are quick to opt for over-the-counter teeth whitening products because of the seemingly lower cost as compared to professional teeth whitening services. But most of these products are comparably ineffective and can be quite damaging to your teeth. Some can whiten your teeth a few shades lighter but its properties can damage your enamel. Some over the counter teeth whitening solutions are just simply totally ineffective and a gigantic waste of money.

If you want to know why In-Office Whitening Treatment is your best option for teeth whitening, consider the following regarding professional teeth whitening:

  • It removes extrinsic and intrinsic staining. This means it doesn't only take off stains that occur in the outer covering of the teeth but also, it eliminates stains that are within the enamel.
  • In BriteSmile Teeth Whitening System, the dental tray is personalized to fit the user's mouth perfectly. This reduces irritation and discomfort. OTC whitening trays only offer one-size which often causes problems because it doesn't fit all users.
  • You can see amazing results in just one appointment. Your teeth will be 4-9 shades brighter than before. As for OTC products, it might take months before you can actually see slight brightening.
  • Since most OTC whitening products have a bleach content, often users feel sensitivity or pain after using them. But in professional whitening system in Newport News, VA, we guarantee the treatment is safe and you won't feel any discomfort or sensitivity right after using it.

For more information about professional teeth whitening, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

What to Expect After Having A Dental Bridge

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Bridges, Newport, News, VA

Dental bridges resolve dental functional problems associated with a missing teeth. After the procedure, you can eat and chew without any discomfort. However, your dentist may recommend slight modification to your usual dental care routine. This involve proper cleaning of the area under the false tooth.

How The Procedure Is Done

When fitting a dental bridge, the patient is instructed to go back to the dentist twice. On your first visit, the dentist will form a mold of the affected teeth. On your next visit, he/she will now fit and place the three-unit porcelain dental prosthesis permanently. Cantilever bridge is one type of dental bridge procedure. In this process, the bridge is cemented to the natural teeth. Another type is called the Maryland bridge, wherein a porcelain or metal wings is fixed into place.

How To Care For A Dental Bridge

Tooth Decay is the major threat of the setup. Food debris may be dislodge under the false teeth and cause a decay affecting the adjacent natural teeth. The bridge can fail when these are weakened. Preventative dental care must not be taken for granted especially when you have an artificial device installed in your mouth.

Here are tips on how to care for your dental bridge:

  • At least brush your teeth twice a day
  • Floss under the false tooth as well as between your natural teeth once a day.
  • Have professional cleaning with your dentist regularly.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

The Difference Between Dental Implants and Dental Bridge

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Losing a single tooth can make you feel conscious every time you speak or laugh. This can lower your self-esteem. Equally (or more) damaging is the fact that you will experience functional issues and discomfort. There are two dental options to restore your teeth, dental implants or dental bridges.

If you are undecided as to which treatment is best for you, the following information might help you reach a decision.

Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

The Difference

In dental implants, the number of teeth that requires replacement defines the average cost of the treatment. If you only have a single tooth that needs replacement, placement and restoration with abutment and crown will likely equal or possibly cost you less. In terms of durability, dental implants are guaranteed long-lasting.

Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Bridges, Newport, News, VA

On the other hand, dental bridge needs the adjacent teeth to be filed and be placed with a crown although they are in good shape unlike dental implants that only the affected teeth is manipulated. In dental bridge treatments, there's a tendency that the bone density will decrease over time in the bridged area. Dental implants on another note, is screwed in the jawbone maintaining bone health and supporting jaw strength.

Both the dental bridge and the dental implant are perfectly safe and effective dental treatments. All things considered, dental implants a proving to be the value dental treatment as they are considered permanent solutions whereas the dental bridge is somewhat more likely to become problematic years down the road.

If you are considering options, we invite you to contact Oyster Point Dentistry to help you out in determining the right treatment option for you.

Indications for Dental Implant

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

When a tooth can no longer be saved due to terminal dental condition, there's a solution to keep your dental set complete while preserving dental aesthetics. Dental implant treatments serve to replace lost teeth. It is a safe dental treatment for all ages other than growing kids. It is indicated even for the following patients with:

  • Medical conditions - Patients with high blood pressure and diabetes can still submit themselves for dental implant surgery with the right precautions and as long as their medical doctors have cleared them for the procedure.
  • Periodontal diseases - At Oyster Point Dentistry Clinic, we are particularly skilled in performing dental implants for clients with gum diseases. So far, it is our most recommended treatment for those who have lost their teeth due to the said disease.
  • Dentures - Removable bridges or dentures can be replaced by implants. It can also be utilized to support and stabilize the denture.
  • Bone Loss - Our dental surgeons have the competent skills and training to perform bone grafting to permanently secure the implant. So we can guarantee that the procedure is safe.

Dental implants perform all the function of your missing teeth. They feel and look the same. It provides you the ability to eat, speak and smile normally again.

For more information about dental implants, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Poor Dental Health Can Lead to Cardiovascular Diseases

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Your oral health has a big impact upon your general health. It is highly recommended that you pay attention to your dental health for clinically proven reasons. Preventative dental care and routine checkups are keys to maintaining healthy gums, teeth, and yes, a healthy heart.

Bacteria grows in the mouth due to food debris left in the nooks and crannies of your teeth. Drinking water right to wash it away may not be enough. Brushing and flossing are essential to mitigate the growth of bad germs. When bacteria is left uncontrolled, they can lead to infection which can spread out to other parts of the body.

Periodontal or gum disease is a dental condition that is linked to cardiovascular disease. It may increase the risk of heart disease because inflammation in the gums caused by bacteria can overtime lead to narrowing of significant arteries. Clogged arteries or stroke are just some condition that it may lead to.

Keeping your oral health in top shape can help lower your risk of developing these diseases. Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste 2-3 times a day, flossing and drinking water right after eating can help the teeth stay clean and keep bad bacteria away. Also don't miss your regular trips to your dentist to have a thorough check of your dental status.

For more oral health care and preventative care, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Proper Care of Your Invisalign Braces

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 26, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Invisalign brace provides liberty from uncomfortable traditional metal braces. With Invisalign, you and your mouth will feel much more comfortable than with the traditional metal braces. With that said, you are responsible to meticulously care for your teeth as to ensure that your aligner trays stay so that no debris builds up beneath the aligners.

Here are tips on how to properly care for your invisalign aligners:

Brush and Rinse Aligners

This make sure no bacteria will germinate on your aligners as well in or outside of your mouth.

  • Use anti-bacterial soap. They make sure they are not colored and unscented. Then, rinse it with warm water instead of toothpaste for it can discolor the aligner trays.
  • Use soft-bristled toothbrush and gently brush it. Make sure you won't scratch or dent the plastic trays.

Soak The Aligners

Soak aligners in a retainer cleaner, or Invisalign crystals not more than once a week.

Safely Store Aligners

Your invisalign clear aligners come with a case. When you put them off, make sure to place inside its case to avoid losing or misplacing it. It also protects it from other elements that can stain or damage it.

Don't Eat or Drink While You Wear Aligners

Except for water, under any circumstances do not eat or drink while your aligners on. Food can cause damage to your aligner trays.

Keep Teeth Clean

Do usual oral hygiene to get rid of food debris in the nooks and crannies of the mouth. Food particles can cause cavities and it can prevent invisalign aligner trays from fitting into the mouth correctly.

For more information about invisalign retainers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Tips to Care For Dental Veneers

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 19, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Dental veneers are preferred treatment for fixing discolored, worn down, chipped, misaligned, or irregularly shaped teeth. The procedure involves the pain-free trimming of 1/2 millimeter of the tooth enamel. The veneer is permanently bonded to the tooth. A common question that patients have is how to maintain the veneer so that it lasts a lifetime.

Most find it surprising that cosmetic dental veneers do not require special care. They are made of porcelain which is extremely dense and extremely non-porous so they do not require any special modification to your usual dental hygiene.

But here are simple tips that you may want to follow keep your dental veneers clean and intact:

  • Brush teeth every after meal.
  • Floss teeth at least once a day.
  • Rinse mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash once or twice a day.
  • Use soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste
  • Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings - Aesthetic Functionality

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 12, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Invisible Dental Fillings - Aesthetic Functionality

Conventional dental fillings aren't aesthetically satisfying for most in the modern dental age. The traditional amalgam or silver metal fillings of the past are readily visible to the naked eye. Dental professionals like us here at Oyster Point Dentistry increasingly (due to patient demand) employ composite resigns as an alternative to the aforementioned traditional dental filling solutions.

Invisible Fillings delivers a more celebrated result as the fillings are comparatively invisible. These fillings match the natural color of the teeth because each filling is custom matched to the exact color of the patient’s tooth. Equally important is that the invisible filling compound is more durable than the traditional options as the solution produces a stronger bond between the natural tooth and the filling. This prevents re-emergence of dental issues on a much more dependable scale when compared to traditional amalgam or silver metal fillings.

If you are interested with this dental treatment, Invisible Filling Procedure in Newport News, VA is highly recommended. Our dental practitioners have competitive skills and years of experience in general and cosmetic dentistry.

For more information about Invisible Dental Fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Tips to Temporarily Relieve Dental Pain

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 05, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Toothaches can produce excruciating pain sensations. Toothaches can produce all the way to pain level 10….the absolute worst. An inflamed dental pulp can affect the many nerves and blood vessels inside the teeth causing tremendous pain.

To permanently address the cause pain, you need to seek a professional dental treatment as soon as you can. But you can try these methods to relieve pain until you reach your Oyster Point dentist here in Newport News, VA.

  • Food particles that dislodge on tooth cavities can induce pain. Try rinsing your mouth with warm water to flush away food fragments. You may also use floss to remove debris trapped in the gap.
  • Apply ice pack on the affected side of the face.
  • Take pain relievers such as Ibuprofen or Mefenamic Acid every 6 hours as necessary.
  • You may also use a local anesthetic like Benzocaine. It's a topical pain reliever that is effective to numb dental pain temporarily.
  • Until your dental condition is completely resolved, avoid eating foods that are too hot and cold.

Toothaches are caused by an underlying dental problem. Only dentists can diagnose your condition and recommend effective treatment options. Remember though that prevention is the best policy. Proper oral hygiene as ultimate preventative care keeps cavities and toothaches away.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA right away, if you are suffering from any dental pain or discomfort.

The Multiple Benefits of Dental Implants

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Let us face it, no matter how effective our dental hygiene regiment is, time takes its toll on all of our teeth. No matter how good we are at brushing and flossing, we are eventually going to lose teeth. While we cannot stop changes as we grow old, we can address those changes effectively with modern dental technology. The dental implants that we provide here in Hampton, VA put an end to the deficits we all suffer when losing teeth. Dental implants provide tooth replacements that both look and feel natural at all times: while you eat, smile, and talk. Serving exactly like natural teeth, these implants are often considered better options when compared to conventional bridges and dentures.

Dental implants revive not just one’s natural smile but also one’s oral health. These implants are synthetic roots in the shape of a post and are usually made of titanium so they become compatible with the human bone. They are surgically implanted into the jawbones. While the dental implants will typically last a lifetime it is important for patients to care for them as they do their natural teeth.

To find out more about this tooth restoration treatment, consult a dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry Relieves Severe Dental Anxiety

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Anxiety over dental procedures is a natural fear. Far too many endure dental discomfort and the risks to personal health by procrastinating routine and corrective dental treatment. Oyster Point Dentistry take this into account which is why we specialize in treating patients with severe dental anxiety. We do this by offering oral sedation services to our patients here in Newport News, VA.

Sedation dentistry helps patient relax during the course of the dental procedure through the administration of sedative medication. In some cases, patient don't even recall the application because it is absolutely pain free. The great advantage of oral sedation services is that patient stays awake and still be able to communicate during the dental treatment process.

Prolonging professional dental care and treatment is a risk to your overall health. Dental sedation helps in speed up the process from the patient’s perspective. The dental appointment seems like minutes when treated via sedation dentistry. If you still have reservations about scheduling much needed dental care, contact Oyster Point Dentistry. We can explain more about the oral sedation process to eliminate your concerns.

Dental Bridge Options in Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

Missing or gapped teeth effects a person's overall appearance and self-esteem. The perfect situation is where you accept and identify with gapped teeth but, and this is the important part, it does not negatively affect overall dental structure. Given dental gap acceptance is the exception to the rule, one way to fix dental gaps is to seek dental prosthesis. Dental prosthesis bridges the gap and replaces one or more missing teeth by permanently joining an artificial tooth to nearby teeth. This oral prosthesis is also known as Dental Bridge.

There are several types of dental bridge. Here are most common dental bridge options offered in Newport News, VA:

  • Traditional Bridge: The bridge has a pontic in the middle and crown on both sides. They are made of either porcelain fused to metal or ceramics.
  • Cantilever Bridge: It is indicated on missing teeth that are situated at the end of the jaw and there is only one adjacent tooth.
  • Maryland bonded bridge: These are made of plastic teeth and gums supported by a metal framework. Metal wings on each side of the bridge are bonded to your existing teeth.

Aside from aesthetic problems, missing teeth have other greater complications. Adjacent teeth may tend to tilt or drift into the empty space. The drifted teeth can fall off easily and affect your bite. Teeth misalignment of the opposite jaw might also occur.

So if you think you are a candidate of this dental treatment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry. Book an appointment and have our dentists assess your dental condition.

Teeth Hypersensitivity Explained?

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 05, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

Do you experience periodic (or even systemic) sharp, shooting oral pain or the occasional brain freeze when drinking something cold or hot? This sensitivity is linked to various causes that include cavities, gum diseases, exposed tooth root or worn out fillings. If you experience this frustrating and painful ailment when you drink cold drinks, eat ice cream, or sip hot coffee, know that this dental condition can be treated by your dentist.

We’ll discuss the most common cause which is an abnormality related to dentin. Dentin is the enamel that protects the underlying soft layer of the tooth. Cavities, cracked teeth, gum recession, enamel and root erosion are all conditions that eliminates dentin to the point that the soft/sensitive part of the tooth is exposed to heat and cold. This leads to hypersensitivity which can cause severe pain and discomfort.

Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA recommends the following dental treatment options:

  • Desensitizing toothpaste. Desensitizing toothpaste can help block pain associated with sensitive teeth. It is available over-the-counter but it is best to ask for Dentist's recommendation as to what product may work best for your condition.
  • Fluoride. Application of fluoride can help reduce pain and strengthen your enamel.
  • Desensitizing or bonding. Application of bonding resin can treat exposed root surfaces.
  • Surgical gum graft. This dental procedure aims to take a small amount of gum tissue from some part of your oral cavity and append to the site where tooth root has lost gum tissue. This treats exposed root issue and hypersensitivity.
  • Root canal. If other treatment fails, root canal is the next ideal treatment. This treats the problem in the tooth's dental pulp. It's most successful surgical procedure for treating tooth sensitivity.

For an more detailed consult regarding any dental treatment or ailment that you might have, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry For Max Relaxed Dental Treatment

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Audio Visual Relaxation Techniques

Every person has some level of anxiety when arriving the dentist’s chair. Dental anxiety typically wanes with age, but not always. Some adults have extensive dental treatment anxiety to the point that they ignore even basic routine cleanings. Sedation dentistry is a service that we offer to our hyper-sensitive patients so that they can relax to the point that they easily tolerate their dental health treatment.

Treatments that involves injections and drills cause unacceptable fear within some patients. For those with severe dental phobia, sedation dentistry can help these patients have a relaxing time during dental sessions and slowly overcome their fear of dental treatments.

At Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News VA, we first determine the anxiety level of the patient as well as their blood pressure prior to conducting any dental procedure. Blood pressure could shoot up when patient is very anxious. They can bleed more profusely especially during dental extraction or surgeries when blood pressure is not controlled.

We offer varieties of techniques that could help patients feel at ease. In a more relaxed state, they can get through the procedure smoothly while it helps the dentist properly perform and complete the treatment.

To find out more about sedation dentistry technique, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Tips Prior To Getting Dental Veneers

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Many are now opting for cosmetic dental veneers as a restorative solution to address various dental issues. Celebrities are promoting this cosmetic dental process leading more people to make this a preferred dental fix. In the dental veneer process, the natural teeth is filed to properly position porcelain veneers on top of each tooth. The outcome is really remarkable which can dramatically transform and improve one's aesthetic appearance.

If you are considering this dental treatment option, here are things that you should take account before finally getting this cosmetic dental treatment:

  • The quality of dental veneer treatment varies greatly. Make sure the dentist that you choose is experienced and proven in performing this specific dental procedure. You can get first hand testimonials by reading client reviews and feedback.
  • Ask Questions - Make sure the dentist answers all your questions during the consultation. Knowing all important details can help you decide whether the treatment is the right one for you. Your dentist should explain clearly what to expect and must do during and after treatment.
  • Long-term Consideration - Veneers requires replacement every 5-10 years so you need to consider the maintenance charges or replacement expenses as well before proceeding.
  • Opt for natural look - Veneers should match the natural shade of your teeth. Your dentist will help you select the right veneers that will provide you a natural look.

To find out more about dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Implant: An Ideal Solution for Missing Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

A missing tooth (or missing teeth) impacts your appearance, your mouth’s functionality, and your confidence. Today’s modern dentistry offers a safe and affordable path to solving all these problems. Dental implant systems are turning lives around and they can turn yours around too!

Dental implant treatment is the ideal solution to replace a missing tooth or multiple teeth. The implant contains a tiny, titanium screw that will serve as an artificial root for a synthetic, porcelain tooth. The screw is fixed in the jaw bone and is simply the most dependably safe tooth replacement treatment offered today. The permanent nature of implants revolves around the body’s ability to accept the implant as a welcome part of your bone structure. It will not affect the surrounding teeth.

Many are now opting for this dental procedure to enhance their appearance, improve their speech and comfort while eating. What's great with dental implant is that they will last for a lifetime. Regarding care of the implants, nothing special is required other than normal oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist here in Newport News, VA.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry (Hampton and Newport News Va) to find out more about dental implants.

Invisible Filling For Stronger Teeth and Beautiful Smile

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, February 05, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Invisible Filling in Newport News, VA

Gone are the days of highly visible dental fillings. The modern day invisible fillings can make you and your children smile and talk more confidently. With this treatment, no one sees anything but natural beauty within your mouth.

Oyster Point Dentistry's invisible filling treatment is the new cosmetic dentistry trend that addresses aesthetic issues brought about by sealing dental gaps and holes. Before, silver fillings are used and they quite come unpleasing to the eye. Invisible filling in Newport News, VA are offered in different varieties of tooth-colored shades which can closely match to the natural shade of the patient's teeth. Moreover, they are more stronger than the traditional silver fillings and less likely to break and decay.

Many parents today demand invisible fillings for their children so that they never have anything but naturally looking teeth. Please contact Oyster Point Dentistry. We will gladly consult you on all the various dental filling options available to you.

Correct Your Crooked Teeth Comfortably with Invisalign Clear Braces

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Not all people are gifted with a straight set of teeth. In fact, many people suffer from crooked teeth. Consequently, many are getting braces to correct this dental issue. On the flip side, many people want another choice other than wearing metal braces that are uncomfortable and obvious.

Fortunately, Invisalign clear braces are made from clear plastic. The plastic aligners are removable so you can take them off when eating or brushing your teeth. This makes brushing and flossing and overall dental care easier. On top of that, because they are clear they are invisible. No more inconvenient metal wires and brackets to hide your teeth and make you feel uncomfortable.

Not only do crooked teeth affect your confidence, but they can be a predisposing factor to various dental health issues. It make sense to invest in treatments that can effectively correct your dental condition. Invisalign clear aligners are now preferred by many people.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to find out more about invisalign clear braces.

Make Teeth Whitening Last with the Proper Care

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Teeth whitening

Everybody wants sparkling white teeth and in-office teeth whitening can help. Over-the-counter whitening options are far less effective than professional whitening services. Additionally, professional teeth whitening will ensure that your smile is bright but natural looking, not false white. When done professionally, the process last longer than OTC products as well. However, due to some of our lifestyle choices, teeth can stain more quickly. If you want to maintain a glistening white smile, watch out for food that stain.

  • Chromogens - The food and drink that contain chromagens have strong pigments that adhere to enamel. Coffee is the perfect example of a drink that has high chromogen content. Fruit berries, tomatoes and pomegranates are also high in chromogen content as well.
  • Tannins - A plant-based compound that can make stains easier to attach to teeth. Apart from being very acidic, tea also contains tannins. In fact, tea is the worst culprit in staining teeth.
  • Acids - It can damage the tooth's enamel making it softer and rougher, allowing stains to set in the crevices easier. Coffee, tea, wine and soda are very acidic beverages. Drinking these regularly can cause your teeth to lose enamel integrity.

Eating and drinking the food and beverages above in moderation will help reduce staining. Brushing your teeth or rinsing them with water immediately after eating or drinking staining compounds can help wash them away. Finally, a regular dental cleaning with our dentist in Newport News, VA can help prevent staining as well. Contact us to see if In office-teeth whitening is the right option to improve your smile.

Source: webmd

Porcelain Dental Veneers Correct Many Dental Problems

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Chipped and broken teeth can be uncomfortable and can affect your self confidence. If you want to improve the appearance of your teeth, porcelain dental veneers can treat and restore your beautiful smile.

Dental veneers are custom-designed shells that are attached to the front surface of the teeth to enhance their appearance. These veneers are permanently bonded to the teeth to treat various dental concerns including broken, chipped, worn, and stained teeth. Porcelain veneers in Newport News, VA will effectively addresses teeth discoloration issues and will match the natural look of your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers are preferred over composite material because they are more durable and long-lasting. They are more resistant to food and drink as well. Porcelain shells are modeled and adhered to the teeth to correct worn enamel, genetically deformed, or smaller-than-average teeth and discoloration.

If you think you are a candidate for veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Extra Preventative Dental Care for Teens

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA

As the teenage years kick in, your kids are more conscious of how they look. Their teeth and smile is just as important as every other aspect of their appearance. Thus, teeth require the time, attention and proper care to prevent dental cavities and to keep them healthy and bright. Although they've been trained in brushing and flossing since they were toddlers, reinforcing preventative dental care ensures a healthy set of teeth.

Aside from regular brushing and flossing, you can protect your teen's teeth by applying dental sealants. This special coating serves as a protective barrier to cavity-prone areas. Sealants are often applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth as well as the nooks and crannies in other teeth. Sealed teeth will be extra protected from dental carries.

If your teen is an athlete, mouth guards are essential to protect their teeth from impact during sports accidents. They act as a cushion that protects your teeth from blows or dental injuries. It is important to seek your dentist's advice on various types and styles.

To find out more about dental care, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Implant are a Comfortable and Convenient Treatment Option For Treating Missing or Damaged Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, January 01, 2019
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Are your missing, chipped, or damaged teeth making you uncomfortable? They can be painful when a food gets lodged between. Missing and damaged teeth can also make you uncomfortable when you smile. So if you want to improve your smile this year, getting dental implants can help you restore single or multiple teeth.

Over the years, dentures and bridges were applied to address dental loss. However, patients have had complaints related to discomfort with these treatments. These are also considered temporary solutions and require repeated trips to the dentist which is inconvenient for some patients. On the other hand, dental implants in Newport News,VA present a more permanent solution to patient's with missing teeth. Dental implants are place through a cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Dental implants are perfect for patients with severely damaged or missing teeth. But they can also help patients who are suffering from advanced periodontal diseases. During the process, the damaged tooth is removed and an artificial or porcelain tooth is screwed into the jaw using a titanium root. Because it is titanium, the root, or screw, is durable and long-lasting. The cap looks exactly like a natural tooth and will also last a lifetime with proper care.

Dental implants restore your missing or damaged teeth while offering a much more comfortable and convenient lifestyle option for eating, talking and cleaning. For this reason, many patients now prefer this treatment over dentures and bridges. If you want more information on this dental procedure, contact Oyster Point Dentistryfor more details about the process.

Invisalign Clear Braces Are A Perfect Option For Adults Who Want To Improve Their Smile

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

It's not just the teens who want to improve on how they look, but adults as well. Most adults want a more youthful and attractive appearance. Having straight and beautiful teeth is one way to improve your appearance and defy aging. For adults who wants to correct their crooked teeth, Invisalign clear braces are an ideal solution.

Metal braces may be fine for teens but as an adult, you may want a more subtle approach to straightening crooked teeth. The Invisalign aligner is the right option. These aligners are virtually invisible and can be easily removed when necessary. It offers flexibility and convenience that is perfect for adults. Metal braces can be too uncomfortable and too obvious.

Opting for Invisalign treatment improves your smile and the overall function and health of your gums and teeth as well. If you are considering Invisalign clear braces, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Happy Holidays from Oyster Point Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Happy Holidays from Oyster Point Dentistry

Our warmest Holiday wishes from the entire team here at Oyster Point Dentistry. Calendar year 2018 was, and continues to be, a truly remarkable year and we take this moment to recognize the joy that each and every one of you has brought to our personal and professional lives. We exist because of your faith and trust in us.

As calendar year 2019 approaches, we reflect upon the foundational recognition that "your success is our success". Our New Year’s wish for 2019 is to nurture our positive and ever strengthening partnership and to deliver ever increasing value to you, your business, and your family through the entirety of 2019.

Throughout this Holiday season may you be blessed with health and surrounded by friends and family. All the best! Cheers!

Dental Veneers Can Reverse The Look of Aging Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Implants in Newport News, VA

Welcoming the new year is even more meaningful when you welcome it with a new you. If you are going for a change of image or for a more healthy lifestyle, improving your smile is a good place to start. Dental veneers in Newport News, VA can help you improve your look by enhancing your smile to be more youthful and attractive. Having a beautiful smile will also boost your confidence to help you reach other life goals.

Overtime, teeth appear older, stained, and worn. Dental veneer conceal the age of your teeth by restoring their shape and color. They restore chipped, crooked, gapped, or stained teeth for a better looking smile. Veneers are the perfect solution to address dental defects and discoloration issues. Thin porcelain that resemble natural teeth are adhered to the front of the teeth to reverse the look of aging.

Porcelain dental veneers last for a long time with proper care and habits and lifestyle changes. To find out more about dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Invisible Braces Instead of Ugly Metal Braces

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

You teenage son or daughter needs braces and they just don’t want a set of metal braces to interfere with the social life and self-confidence. With Invisalign clear aligners, your teen can straighten their teeth without dealing with metal wires and brackets.

With clear braces, no one needs to know you teen has braces. They are made of a smooth, clear plastic that is practically invisible! Their peers won’t even know they’re wearing them. And, they’re so comfortable your teen may not know they are wearing them! Your teen will be comfortable posting their picture and hanging out with friends.

With Invisalign they can eat whatever they want without worry. Metal braces prohibit you from eating certain foods. With clear aligners, your child is free to eat all their favorite foods whenever they want because the aligners are completely removable. This also means that their teeth are more easily cared for, brushing and flossing as they normally would. This is impossible with traditional braces.

If your teen plays sports or a musical instrument, metal braces can often prevent them from completely enjoying their favorite activities. Additionally, metal braces can make them self-conscious of their smile or their appearance. Invisible braces allows them to be a teenager. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more information.

Invisalign Invisible Braces Let You Smile

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Newport News, VA

Do you or your teen need braces? Invisible braces are a clear, more comfortable alternative to braces. For teens and adults, clear aligners are a popular alternative because they straighten teeth while being invisible. With clear braces, you can smile with confidence no matter what your age.

Invisible braces are as effective as metal braces, but the clear plastic aligners are removable allowing you to more easily care for your teeth. Remove them while you eat, brush and floss. Invisalign invisible braces make dental care easy and more effective than traditional braces.

Too many teens and adults who need braces lose confidence while they are wearing metal braces because they are embarrassed by their smile. In fact, this is the reason why too many adults forgo straightening their teeth with traditional braces.

At Oyster Point Dentistry we see more patients deciding to take better care of their teeth through Invisalign. Did you know that crooked teeth can lead to other dental health issues? This is why we are happy to provide an option to traditional braces. Healthy teeth are important to your dental and overall health.

No longer do you need to avoid getting braces. With Invisalign braces, patients don't have to hide their smile while straightening their teeth.

In many instances, clear braces can straighten teeth in a shorter amount of time, and with less dental visits than regular braces. For more information on invisible braces, or to see if you are a candidate, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Options for Sedation Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Monday, November 26, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

There are many who fear a dental checkup. In fact, many people endure discomfort related to dental issues rather than have their dental problems checked and treated because of their fear of the dentist. Although it is unclear where dental anxiety is actually rooted, dental practitioners have found ways to address this fear and anxiety so they can help those who suffer with dental issues better. Sedation dentistry techniques are offered and there are a few common options:

  • Oral sedation - This is a sedative pills or liquid that is taken by mouth 1-2 hours prior to the dental procedure. This has a tranquilizing effect to calm and reduce a patient's anxiety. It is paired with a local anesthesia for pain during treatment.
  • Inhalation Sedation Dentistry - This sedation technique is used for patients with severe dental phobia. In this process, nitrous oxide is used, also known as laughing gas. This is used for total sleep dentistry in which patient is induced to sleep through the entire procedure. A licensed anesthesiologist administers the sedative. Throughout the treatment they also monitor the patient's vital signs and overall status.
  • Intravenous Dental Sedation - With this option, the sedative is administered directly into the bloodstream through an IV line. This is also performed by a licensed anesthesiologist.

If you think you are a candidate for sedation dentistry, you need to choose a reputable dental practice that is fully-trained and licensed in the technique. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more details on the process.

Dental Tips For the Holidays

Joseph Coupal - Friday, November 16, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Preventative Dental Care

Everyone's excited for the holidays. But before you feast on pecan pies, gooey starches, savory gravies and sugary treats, keep in mind that these foods can wreak havoc to your teeth.

Here are some dental tips to follow to keep cavities and tooth decay at bay this season:

Proper Dental Hygiene - Don't skip your flossing and brushing routine. Doing this 3-4 times a day can ensure that there will be no food particles or bacteria stuck in the gaps in your teeth. Preventative dental care can prevent tartar buildup and tooth decay. Make sure to drink water after every meal to rinse off sugar particles as well.

Eat Turkey and Vegetables - Eat turkey, it is rich in phosphorus and when combined with calcium and vitamin D-rich foods, it's perfect nutrition for your bones. Vegetables are also loaded with vitamins and minerals that are great for your overall health.

Skip the Sugary Treats - If possible, eat fewer sweets and sticky foods. Sweet treats can impact the teeth. Make sure to wash your mouth and do your dental hygiene routine after eating dessert

Dental Visit - Make sure to schedule your regular visit to the dentist in Newport News, VA. Schedule an appointment at Oyster Point Dentistry for the best dental care this holiday season.

Get Your Smile Ready for the Holidays with Professional Teeth Whitening

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

A holiday gathering is not complete without taking family photos. Bright, natural looking white teeth is essential if you want your best smile captured on camera. For teeth that may requires whitening treatments to correct discoloration and staining, professional teeth whitening treatments offer a safe, effective, quick, and affordable solution.

In-office teeth whitening can help restore your teeth back to the original pearly white. Even right after this treatment, your teeth will absolutely look shiny and white, but natural, once again. Professional teeth whitening can help you achieve faster and more remarkable results unlike over-the-counter teeth whitening products which can be harmful to your teeth and gums. Moreover, professional teeth whitening can last for years with proper preventative dental care. This includes minimizing or avoiding food, beverages, and lifestyle practices that can cause staining such as coffee, tea, berries, and cigarette smoking.

When taking selfies and snapshots, it's your smile that makes the picture perfect. So make sure you're camera ready to show-off your sparkly white teeth. Get in touch with our dentists to find out more about the benefits of professional teeth whitening. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry today!

Impacted Teeth Can Cause Larger Dental Issues

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Newport News, VA

A tooth that only partially emerges from the gum is called an impacted tooth. This usually happens with the third set of molars. From about 17 to 21 years old, almost all of your teeth are in and the space in your gums are mostly entirely filled with teeth leaving these last molars with insufficient space. These teeth often stay stuck in the gum tissue because it erupts crookedly due to the lack of space.

Although pain and discomfort are rare, impacted teeth can still cause dental issues. When the tooth begins to come to surface, it can cause a gap in the gum where food and other debris can get trapped. This can often result in tooth infection and decay. Impacted teeth can also lead to the shifting of the other teeth because when they begin to erupt they can move the other teeth. This can result in a misaligned bite.

In order to prevent these potential dental problems caused by impacted teeth, wisdom teeth extraction is recommended before the patient reaches age 21 because younger gum tissues heals faster after extraction. However, regardless of your age, when an impacted tooth causes pain and discomfort, contact Oyster Point Dentistry immediately.

Choose In-Office Teeth Whitening Over Unsafe OTC Dental Strips

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Oyster Point Dentistry - Teeth whitening

Glistening white teeth are a common want. This is one of the reasons why so many choose over-the-counter dental bleaching believing they are as effective and a more affordable option than professional teeth whitening. Although you will see an improvement in the color of your teeth, long use of over-the-counter teeth whitening products may result in tooth sensitivity and root damage.

However, these products don't work on grey stains. Grey stains are often caused by cigarette smoking. T Because, DIY whitening strips or gel trays do not perfectly fit your teeth they can also cause serious damage to your gum line because most OTC whitening products contain peroxide. The lack of custom fit means there is unnecessary and unsafe contact of the peroxide with your gums. If you are one of the many who are looking for a safer and more effective way to whiten your teeth, in-office whitening treatment is the best option.

In-office teeth whitening uses customized trays that perfectly fit your teeth. Another benefit of this whitening option is that the whitening solution perfectly surrounds your teeth, it doesn't just sit on the front of your teeth, for better overall whitening results. This is also what makes its whitening effect last longer. With in-office whitening, teeth will be eight shades lighter than before in a matter of 2 weeks.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more details on professional teeth whitening.