Oyster Point Dental Blog

Regular Dental Visits Make Will Save You Time Money and Avoid Pain - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 01, 2017

While your teeth and gums do their respective duties, they are exposed to different kinds of cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth. Plaque is always forming on your teeth which is why it is imperative that you never skip brushing and flossing. But these are not the only preventative dental care measures you must do to keep you from experiencing tooth decay, gum disease, and dental and financial pain.

Dental check-up and cleaning are two parts of regular dental visits. Your dentist will conduct a dental examination to check for cavities as well as plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth. The check-up should also examine your gums, tongue, and throat to look for any swelling or other signs of trouble in your oral and dental health. During dental check-ups, your dentist will catch problems early on so dental treatments in Newport News, VA can be provided immediately; the earlier the diagnosis, the quicker the treatment, the lesser the expense.

Unlike plaque, you cannot remove tartar with regular brushing and flossing at home which is why you need to see your dentist at least twice a year for it. Your teeth will be scaled especially in between your teeth and polished on their surface. If needed, a fluoride paste may also be applied to strengthen your teeth. Getting your teeth cleaned on your regular visit to the clinic will make you spend your time and money wisely.

If you are interested in finding out more about the benefits of making regular visits to your dentist, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

In-Office Whitening Treatment with BriteSmile – The Best Way to the Whitest Smile - Yorktown, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The BriteSmile teeth whitening system has earned the reputation as the best way to the whitest smile thus making it the most popular cosmetic treatment used by Yorktown dentists today. This advanced whitening system works wonders on anyone who aim to move on from stained or discolored teeth.

Owing to today's lifestyle, tooth discoloration is common today. While we may not be able to distance ourselves from heavily colored foods that stain teeth, an in-office whitening treatment for those of you in Newport News and Yorktown, VA is now immediately available as a path to healthy pearly whites. With just a visit to a dental clinic, a bright smile can be achieved without any kind of inconvenience to the patient getting the treatment.

The hydrogen peroxide-based gel which acts as whitener is safe to use and produces amazing results. The dentist protects the other areas in your mouth such as your lips and gums so only the gelled teeth that are to be whitened are the only ones left exposed to the glass plasma light. This new professional teeth whitening system applies heat to the gel using the plasma light to accelerate the effect. The entire dental treatment takes around an hour to finish and during this time, the gel may be applied more than once depending on the current condition of your stained teeth.

To find out more about how to have brighter teeth that can improve your appearance, contact the Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Bridges Replace Missing Teeth and Prevent Shifting of Remaining Teeth - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 16, 2017

There are now several affordable dental treatments to replace missing teeth. Two common treatments involve dental implants or the use of dental bridges.

Dental bridges in Newport News, VA typically require shaping of the teeth adjacent to a missing tooth. Dental crowns are then placed on the shaped teeth in which the artificial tooth is attached and will act as the replacement. In order for these replacement teeth to last for years, you must exercise a proper dental hygiene and visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleaning.

It cannot be denied that a missing tooth or more can adversely affect the appearance of your smile and the functionality of your dental arches. If not given immediate treatment, there will be a shifting of the teeth which will not only result in a change in occlusion or bite but also will expose you to certain risks such as temporomandibular joint disorder and periodontal disease. So before missing teeth can wreak havoc to your dental health and require a more costly dental treatment, you should take time to visit your dentist and find out what you can do about your case.

For more details, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Porcelain Dental Veneers Perfectly Treat Imperfections to Improve Teeths Appearance Newport News VA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Dental veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored, translucent porcelain. They are customized so that they fit perfectly over your natural teeth thereby improving their shade, shape, and overall appearance.

The dental treatment "porcelain veneers" is often called instant orthodontics because it can instantly improve your teeth's appearance. These veneers work perfectly in covering a variety of dental problems that involve teeth in the smile zone. So if you have gaped, poorly shaped, crooked, broken, chipped, permanently externally stained and/or internally stained teeth, then dental veneers are an ideal solution for your case.

Undergoing a treatment that makes use of dental veneers (here in Newport News and Hampton, VA) enhance your smile immediately after the procedure. But you should take good care of your dental veneers to keep them from chipping or coming off. Aside from avoiding to use them to bite or crack hard objects like nuts and ice, you also need to do preventative care measures to improve the durability and longevity of the dental veneers. You will need to maintain consistent good oral hygiene and have regular dental examinations and cleanings at least twice each year in order.

To find out more about porcelain dental veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care Measures Let You Save for the Future - Yorktown, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, May 01, 2017

Dental care professionals in Newport News, VA have always emphasized that prevention is better than cure. You are putting your dental health at risk if you do not brush and floss your teeth and take care of your gums and mouth that way it should be. Your negligence can lead to a poor health and result in dental problems that can be costly.

Apart from the in-house dental care regimen, preventative dental care measures also include paying regular visits to your dentist for cleaning and check-up. There may be hard-to-reach areas of your teeth that cannot be cleaned thoroughly by normal brushing so they require the expertise of your dentist. Your visit is all worth it as it is also the time when hidden issues in your dental health can be detected early and thus be treated immediately.

Taking care of your dental health has a positive domino effect to your oral and overall health. For this reason, it would be wise of you not to miss your schedule for cleaning your teeth, gums, and mouth after you treat yourself with your favorite food and beverage. Given the preventative dental care measures, you will less likely experience dental problems and therefore be able to save your money for future use.

To find out the best practices in brushing, flossing, and other preventative dental care measures, consult your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Oral Sedation Process Keeps Children from Fearing Dental Treatments - Smithfield, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, April 27, 2017

It is all too uncommon for children to fear dental treatment so severely that it prohibits the dentist to perform even the most basic treatment services to include simple cleaning. Some of them thrash in the chair and some lock their jaws shutting the treatment session completely down. So in the efforts of maximizing the chance that your child gets the dental care they need, today's dentist's use a proven safe and effective oral sedation process that makes dental treatments be conducted easier to children.

When dental sedation techniques are used, your child will feel relaxed and is conscious enough to respond to verbal command as well as physical stimulation. Also, your child will maintain its ability to open airway independently and continuously. Therefore, this oral sedation is safe for kids, not to mention that this is only conducted by a qualified pediatric sedation dentist.

Dental sedation in Smithfield, VA helps children undergo a dental treatment who otherwise would not receive it. It allows them to relax and let the dentist restore their mouth to a healthy state. Parents should accompany their children who have extensive dental needs, have traumatic past dental experiences, or have very strong gag reflexes when seeing a dentist and consult about the available dental sedation techniques.

To find out more about oral sedation, contact Smithfield Dental.

Break Bad Dental Habits - Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Did you know that a lot of little things you do, or that you forget to do, daily affect your dental health? They also could be classified as bad oral habits? These include not brushing or flossing enough, eating too many sweets too often, or even using your teeth to open a bag of chips.
Bad oral habits are hard to break, but they can be stopped by the following tips:
Floss at least once a day
. It helps remove bits of food and dental plaque in places your toothbrush can't find, helping to keep your gums healthy.
Brush at least twice a day. If brushing is not an option, chew sugarless gum (make sure it's sugarless!) for 20 minutes after a meal or snack. This helps prevent tooth decay.
Clean your tongue. Regularly cleaning your tongue with a toothbrush or a tongue scraper helps remove the bacteria that causes bad breath.
Replace your toothbrush regularly. Replacing your tooth brush ever 3-4 months is a good idea. Bristles in your toothbrush that are bent and broken don't do a good job cleaning your teeth.
Eat a balanced diet. Snacking on sweets without brushing increases the acid in your mouth… and the likelihood of tooth decay. Munch on vegetables and fruit instead.
Regular Dental Visits. Your dentist is trained to do damage control in your mouth before it's too late. You should visit the dentist regularly -- every six months.
Adding these dental habits to your list one at a time is a good start to kick those bad oral habits. By doing a little self-check on your daily dental care habits, you can be on your way to making sure your teeth, your mouth's health and your overall health are at their best.

For more information, or to make a dentist appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Cavities: Frequently Asked Questions – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Dental cavities and tooth decay is increasing among children and among seniors. In fact, ost of us have had at least one cavity. While sugary food doesn’t help, cavities are usually caused by not brushing your teeth enough, by not flossing enough and from skipping regular dentist appointments.  is not enough brushing your teeth, flossing and dentist appointments.

The following are some cavity FAQs:

Q: Is there a difference between tooth decay and a cavity?

A: Tooth decay and cavities are actually not the same thing. Tooth decay is the gradual process in which bacteria in the mouth produces acids that destroy the surfaces of teeth. Over time, tooth decay can erode the tooth enamel causing a hole, or cavity.

Q: How do I know if I have a cavity?

A: During a regular dental exam, one of the first things your dentist will look for are dental  cavities. Dental X-rays can help your dentist diagnose whether you have cavities and how extensive those cavities are. Sometimes a dental cavity is visible to the naked eye. Visible black holes or spots in your teeth, or a toothache or sensitivity to hot or cold food and drinks could be signs of cavities.

Q: How are dental cavities treated?

A: Treatment for cavities depends on the size and the degree of damage to your tooth. Although many cavities are treated with silver fillings or invisible fillings, onlays may be necessary to treat large cavities that affect the cusp of the tooth. Cavities affecting the areas in between the cusps can be treated with inlays. Dental crowns are also used in some cases to protect a tooth from further damage. In children dental sealants can be applied to prevent against cavities.

Do you have questions about cavities or dental treatment? Contact Oyster Point Dental.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A bridge is also known as a fixed partial denture. It is a dental restoration that is used to replace a missing tooth. A dental bridge is joined permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants.

A bridge is made up of two crowns on either side of your missing tooth.  The two anchoring teeth support the bridge, and the false tooth is put in between. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.

Bridges can:

  • Restore your smile
  • Restore the ability to properly chew and speak
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position

If you have a missing tooth as a result of genetics or an accident, you understand the importance of having a smile that you are confident in. For too long you have hidden that smile, contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more information on Dental Bridges. See how life can be with a beautiful smile.

The Most Paranoid Dental Patient Ever

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - Scared Dental Patient

Every workplace experiences head shaking humor at one time or another. One of the most intense experiences in our industry is dealing with patients who suffer true paranoia about sitting in a dentist’s chair. Here at Oyster Point Dentistry we specialize in settling those with dental treatment anxiety. Our treatment services range from pre-treatment counselling (relaxation methodologies and pre-treatment medication) to teaming here on site with medical doctors (Board Certified Anesthesiologists) to deliver sedation and total sleep dentistry treatment here in Newport News Virginia.

What drove us to write today regarding dental patient paranoia? We read the story recently (in one of our dental journals) about a loving husband who no longer could stand idly by why his beloved wife suffered from chronic tooth and gum disease. For her own health and wellbeing, he scheduled her for dental treatment, scheduled annual leave for the day of the appointment, and steadily reassured her in the days leading up to the appointment that everything would be OK.

On the morning of the appointment, the wife appeared incensed about being forced to go to the dentist. She did not say a word that morning and remained silent all the way into the dentist’s chair. What those dentists discovered was truly a unique dental case. She had super-glued her teeth together! A long story short here, the treatment involved two phases. First, a staff member went to the local grocer and brought back a bottle of olive oil. In time, the oil broke down the glue’s bond and freed her mouth. Second, they used what we offer, heavy dental sedation to calm her and successfully completed the treatment.

They wouldn’t print it if it wasn’t true. All of this to say, your caring friends here at Oyster Pointe Dentistry (Newport News, Va) know how to get even the most paranoid of patients through their critical dental health care treatments. It’s a half-hour to a grocer from here, so don’t glue your mouth shut. Call us. We have better ideas.

Many people are afraid of going to the dentist, but most will muster the bravery to go in when their teeth start falling out. However, most people are not Angie Barlow of England.

Simple Daily Preventative Dental Care Vs. Pain, Pride, and Money– Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 09, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental health measures

Simple daily dental health measures deliver multiple benefits as it pertains to dental pain, your self image, and your wallet. By simply brushing and flossing your teeth daily you will enjoy the benefits of a pain free dental condition while also enjoying the lowest dental care cost possible.

Because we truly care for our patients, our dental care professionals here in Newport News VA routinely remind our patients to never take their dental health for granted. Good dental hygiene is a simple and fast endeavor. Simply brush your teeth after every meal and commit to flossing your teeth at least once a day. Keeping your teeth clean and your breath fresh all the time can keep disease-causing bacteria to enter your body’s system and cause problems up to the cellular level. Your mouth is a passage way to your internal organs so it is important that preventive measures should be done starting from there.

Preventative dental care does not only include brushing and flossing. Twice a year have your teeth cleaned by your dentist. Most do not realize the secondary benefit of those visits when your dentist assesses your entire mouth for new and potentially deadly disease. Like any cancer, cancer of the mouth, if diagnosed early, significantly increases your chance of full recovery.

To find out more about the importance of preventative dental care, contact your friends here at Newport News' Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care Tips (Newport News, Va)

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, March 02, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - Preventative Dental Care

Believe it or not, our goal here at Oyster Point Dentistry (Newport News, Va) is to only see you twice a year for routine check-ups and cleaning. That means you are dentally happy and healthy. If you're here for any other reason, we of course are here to restore you to full dental health. Our preventative care web page offers good tips. We go a bit farther in this blog post to help educate you further. What follows are ten simple and routine dental hygiene measures you should take:

  1. Brush properly: One of the easiest steps to do to help your teeth keep clean. When brushing your teeth, position the bristles at an angle of 45 degrees near the gum line. Both the gum line and the tooth surface should be in contact with the bristles. Brush the outer surfaces of the teeth using a back-and-forth, up-and-down motion, making sure to be done gently in order to avoid bleeding. To clean the inside surfaces of the teeth and gums, place the bristles at a 45-degree angle again and repeat the back-and-forth, up-and-down motion. Lastly, brush the surfaces of your tongue and the roof of your mouth to remove bacteria, which might cause bad breath.
    Try to brush at least twice a day to prevent acid buildup from the breakdown of food by bacteria. However, if your work or activities prevent you from doing this, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after eating to minimize the amount of food that would serve as substrate for the bacteria.
  2. Floss! Flossing removes food particles and other detrimental substances that brush can't. Flossing allows you to reach deep between your teeth where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach or even mouthwash cannot wash away. Floss daily and strive for twice a day.
  3. Avoid Tobacco. This can and will save you from oral cancer and periodontal complication risk. It will save you from the ill-effects of things you use to mask "smoker's breath": candy, coffee, tea, or sugar based breath mints.
  4. Limit Sodas, Coffee and Alcohol. Beverages containing additives such as corn syrup and food dye make pearly white teeth appear dull and discolored. Choose beverages like milk which actually strengthen teeth and build stronger enamel.
  5. Consume Calcium and other Vitamins that are good for the body. You need plenty of calcium for your teeth. It is essential for the teeth as well as your bones. It is better to drink milk, fortified orange juice and to eat yogurt, broccoli, cheese, and other dairy products. You can also take a calcium supplement, taking different doses according to your age and necessity as per prescription. Calcium and Vitamin D are necessary for maintaining the health of gums and teeth. Vitamin B complex is also essential for the protection of gums and teeth from cracking and bleeding. Copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium are also required for maintaining healthy dental hygiene.
  6. Visit Your Dentist. As previoulsy stated, you should visit your dentist at least twice a year to have a full hygiene treatment performed. Also at these appointments, a comprehensive exam is taken with x-rays to help detect and prevent future dental treatments from occurring.
  7. Use Mouthwash along side brushing and flossing. Mouthwash is very helpful because they kill bacteria in your mouth. This promotes good breath as well as help maintain strong teeth.
  8. Having a toothache or noticing other dental symptoms. If you are having tooth and jaw pain make an appointment as soon as possible. Your dentist needs to diagnose the underlying cause and correct it before it turns into a greater problem.
  9. Look at the Big Picture. Everyone understands that you should take care of your teeth to avoid toothaches, maintain your looks and keep dental bills at bay. Many people, however, don’t understand how crucial oral health is to our total health picture. Tooth problems can lead to diabetes, heart disease, systemic infections, an inability to eat or speak properly and other maladies – some life-threatening. Crooked or crowded teeth can contribute to gum disease that can eventually lead to tooth loss. Straight teeth are no longer just for looks.
  10. Clean your tongue. Clean the surface of your tongue daily. By using a professional tongue cleaner you remove countless bacteria that otherwise live, particularly on the rougher top surface of your tongue. These can contribute to bad breath (halitosis) and negatively affect your dental health.

We're also here to answer your general questions. Please feel free to call us anytime with questions about how you can improve your smile and overall dental health.

Oral Sedation -- Possibly Your Only Option for Non-Cooperative Children – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 23, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry - Dental Sedation in Newport News, VA

Dental Sedation in Newport News, VA is intended to lessen the anxiety and discomfort of dental patients but is exceptionally effective for non-cooperative children. Many children suffer from poor dental health because parents simply give up on putting them in the dentist's chair But this is a serious health issue that can result in life-long tooth loss, gum disease, and other risks. To put an end to this, the dental community has thought of other means to make kids feel comfortable with going to a clinic and visiting the dentist.

Dental sedation techniques come in various forms. But there is one that is commonly used especially for children: oral sedation. Unlike general anesthesia that can render a child unconsious, oral sedation will only make the child drowsy or less active which allows the dentist to conduct the dental treatment with more ease and facility. Once the procedure is done, its effect will just desist quickly. This alternative itself is indeed safe, effective, and painless. Additionally, oral sedation does not require the use of needles, which is also one of the many things kids fear. But sometimes sedation is not enough and total sleep dentistry is required to treat the child. This is the process where our dental staff teams with medical doctors (anesthesiologists) to treat the child in an operating-room environment.

To find out more about oral sedation techniques, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Aligners Offer Comfort and Convenience to Patients – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 16, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisalign clear aligners in Hampton, VA

The aesthetic advantage of the Invisalign clear aligner teeth straightening treatment here at Oyster Point Dentistry in Hampton, VA is clear. Literally. But there are actually numerous advantages and/or benefits aside from that.

There are several treatment and health advantages to these Invisalign clear aligners. When you use Invisalign instead of metal braces, most people will not even notice you are in orthodontic treatment. That is because these aligners are virtually invisible which makes them an excellent option for patients who would like to have no braces in photos, for performances, or during social events. The Invisalign clear aligners can be custom-colored to mimic the natural shade of your tooth enamel. So that once you wear them, they will instantly blend and look as if you were not really wearing aligners.

The invisible teeth straightening technology of Invisalign lets you achieve that aesthetically pleasing dental arch without causing you much inconvenience during the entire treatment. The Invisalign clear aligners are so comfortable to wear because they are custom for every patient alone. They are made of a comfortable clear plastic. You will be changing your sets of aligners as you progress in your treatment.

Aside from the comfort, you will also be benefiting from the convenience that these aligners can offer. You can take them out to eat which means you can eat everything you like even while you are on a treatment. You can even remove these aligners while brushing and flossing your teeth as you normally would.

To find out more about Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Britesmile - Low Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Treatment – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 09, 2017

Britesmile teeth whitening system guarantees that your teeth with be at least 9 shades lighter after the treatment. This advanced in-office whitening treatment is best for people who have teeth that are severely stained.

This in-office whitening treatment in Newport News, VA usually takes just over an hour to finish. This professional teeth whitening treatment uses a specially formulated gel that is safe and affordable. Additionally, this gel contains lower amounts of hydrogen peroxide as compared to other teeth whitening systems so there will be no burning sensation in the mouth as can occur with other whitening options. The low amounts of hydrogen peroxide also ensure that the treatment is absolutely pleasurable and pain-free for every user.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Newest Dental Fillings Create A Bond with The Tooth Structure that is Incredibly Strong and Invisible – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 02, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Invisible Dental Filling in Newsport News, VA

Today's dental fillings incorporate safe and so technologically advanced materials that render them virtually invisible to the naked eye. Compared against traditional metal amalgams, new filling materials utilize a blend of composite resins that are customized by your dentist to exactly match the color of your teeth. There are several clear reasons to choose this new material. Silver and other metals are used less often because of cost, aesthetics, and health reasons. The mercury contained in the traditional amalgam fillings is considered a health hazard.

The invisible dental filling material that we use here in Newport News, VA bonds stronger to the tooth and produces a safer and longer lasting treatment option. They do not stain which contributes to the invisibility of the material over the course of a lifetime. To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sedation Techniques Help Patients not Feel Anxious nor Afraid – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 26, 2017
Oyster Point Dentistry Dental Sedation Services in Hampton, VA

Multiple dental sedation processes allow even the most anxiety-prone patients to relax and tolerate even the most complex dental procedures. Our caring and highly trained dental professionals can take you safely to a never before level of comfort and confidence in the dentist's chair. It starts with us being a truly caring team of professionals who understand and appreciate your natural anxieties.

Although we are all trained and experienced professionals, we're also dental patients just like you and all of us have varying degrees of dental treatment anxiety ourselves. We take great pride in our ability to talk you through the entire process, all the while systematically settling the nerves of even the most fearful people.

Our dental sedation treatment options range from minor (ie. the common use of nitrous oxide gas) to total sleep sedation where we team with medical doctors (anesthesiologists) to totally sedate via general anesthesia. Sometimes this is the only course of action that can be taken to treat those whose anxieties prevent even the notion of visiting a dentist. These extreme fears of the dentist can be life-threatening fears as one's dental health steadily deteriorates over time.

The dental sedation services we offer here in Hampton, VA are safe, effective. Your medical insurance (vice dental insurance) in certain cases can be tapped to fully cover your treatment. So if you, a family member, or a friend is putting their long-term health at risk due to fear of dental treatment, let us talk you through it. There is a clear and easy path to pain and anxiety-free dental treatment. To find out more about dental sedation techniques, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Aligners – 3 Simple Steps to Perfect Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 19, 2017
Invisalign system offered here in Newport News VA

The clear favorite among American dental professionals for teeth alignment technology is the patented Invisalign system offered here in Newport News VA. There are three steps involved in the Invisalign treatment process. Sadly though, Invisalign is not a viable treatment option for everyone due to dental circumstance. That is a complicated subject best left to be discussed directly with you and your dentist.

The first step is to seek a consult with your dentist regarding your (or your loved one's) dental condition and to determine exactly what are your treatment options. If Invisalign invisible teeth straightening is mutually deemed to be the best treatment for you, the next step involves 3-D mapping of your mouth and teeth that your certified dentist uses to map out the treatment strategy. No two cases are the same. The third step involves the patient's doing his/her part that you maximize the wear of the removable aligners and that the patient properly maintains the aligners.

Invisalign is a fantastically comfortable and convenient teeth straightening system. To find out more about Invisalign clear aligners, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Britesmile Teeth Whitening System – A New Safe, Simple, and Affordable Smile – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 12, 2017
Britesmile Teeth Whitening System - In Office Whitening Treatment, Hampton, VA

January is a good time of the year to undergo in-office whitening treatment. Chances are the last dental cleaning you had was back in the mid-year timeframe. Also, chances are that your dental insurance has reset for a new calendar year making you eligible for normal coverage of your bi-annual check-up. This is a perfect time to combine that checkup with an in-office teeth whitening treatment.

When looking for professional teeth whitening in and around Hampton, VA, teeth whitening services, strongly consider the current leader in teeth whitening systems, Britesmile. Not all clinics are certified and qualified to use this "best of the best" whitening system. It is America's choice for numerous reasons. The reasons cited most often are the products safety and affordability. Not all teeth whitening systems are the same so talk to your dentist about the pros and cons of each system.

Britesmile teeth whitening system offers immediate result. Unlike over-the-counter whitening tooth pastes and gels that require weeks and months to produce results, Britesmile uses a safe and effective laser technology that immediately removes even deep-seated stains. Another good thing about Britesmile is your dentist can control how white your teeth should be. You will be able to achieve the kind of white that will look good on you.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Happy New Year from Oyster Point Dentistry – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 05, 2017
Happy New Year from Oyster Point Dentistry

Happy New Year 2017 from Oyster Point Dentistry!

A fresh new year has arrived once again. It’s the time to be thankful for everything we have and for everything we have achieved in the past year. But it is also time to start new, start strong, and accomplish everything we want to do this year.

It is also time for us to say “Thank You” for our success last year. If you are an existing associate, we have enjoyed working with you. If we are just embarking on a new relationship with you in 2017, we look forward to the opportunity. We are excited for what we all can achieve in 2017.

The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. – Melody Beattie

Happy New Year from Oyster Point Dentistry!

Preventative Dental Care Tip: Start Your Year Right by Paying Your Dentist A Visit – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 29, 2016

After the consecutive Holiday weeks of eating sweets and drinking beverages that could stain and damage your teeth, it is a great time to schedule a dental cleaning as part of your regular preventative dental care. Your dentist should be one of the persons you habitually visit after the holiday season. This small personal investment of time to your dental health sets the stage for good habits year round.

Our dental care professionals in Hampton, VA recommend that dental cleaning be accomplished routinely at the beginning of the year and at mid-year. This puts you on a scheduled habit and minimizes the chances of missing a vital health care activity. Generally, your insurance pays for two cleanings per year. Why not schedule those cleanings early in the calendar year and midway through the calendar year?

Brushing and flossing are two preventative dental care measures that can help keep you away from having poor dental health. By doing so, you will be able to brush away food debris that when left long enough inside your mouth can lead to bacterial build-up and we all know how detrimental it is to have them in our system, especially in the mouth.

To find out more about preventative dental health and other tips on starting the New Year right, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Happy Holidays from Oyster Point Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 22, 2016
Happy Holidays from Oyster Point Dentistry

It is once again "end-of-year" blog post reflection time. If you are reading this blog post, you care enough about us and our business to invest a minute or two reading here. That means a lot to us. The primary reason for this blog is to educate and inform our readers; as an ongoing act of giving thanks for the privilege of earning your continued trust and continued professional partnerships. So we're glad you're here.

We reflect today on the blessings that so many of you bring to both our personal and professional lives. Over the course of 2016, we hope that we have made a difference in many personal and professional lives. This is the true essence and a key measure of professional reward and business success.

It is our sincere wish that all of you bask in the joy of reflection and within the warm confines of family and friends throughout this Holiday season and throughout 2017. Cheers!

Happy Holidays!

-from all of us here at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea Account The Patients’ Health Concerns and Comfort Issues – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 15, 2016
Comfortable Sleep

People who suffer from the deadly disease sleep apnea will be pleased to know that medical doctors are increasingly prescribing dental treatment of the disease. Medical doctors and medical science increasingly embrace the positive effects of dental solutions on their patients. Of primary benefit is the increased discipline to use dental devices over CPAP and for the psychological advantage of a near-invisible dental device over what many people coin the "freakish" look of CPAP therapy. Dental treatment of sleep apnea is not for everyone, However, when you, your disease, and your medical doctor all confirm that dental treatment is 100% effective in your individual case, a life-changing event is about to take place.

The dental solutions for sleep apnea that we custom build for you closely resemble a standard athletic mouthpiece. Nothing offensive about that. They are adjustable so that you and your doctor can literally dial-up an increasingly open breathing airway at a pace that is comfortable to the point of being unnoticeable. Imagine, you sleeping absolutely silent next to your partner. Imagine no noise of the CPAP machine running all night. Imagine not having to conduct the extensive sanitation of CPAP masks and hoses, rather, you simply brush your dental device once in the morning as part of your normal dental hygiene routine. You don't have to think hard about the positive life changing event if you are so fortunate to respond positively to this medical alternative to CPAP.

While we find most patients are referred by their medical doctors for dental treatment of mild to moderate cases, some with even severe apnea respond favorably to dental treatment.

So, bottom line, it starts with you and your doctor considering your options. It ends hopefully with you and your doctor deciding upon dental treatment and our trained professional dental doctors building your custom solution. To find out more about the available dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care Tip for The Holidays: Gargle with Mouthwash - Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 08, 2016

Regardless of how much you love your dentist, he or she probably does not top nor is included in the list of people you want to spend quality time especially over the holiday season when all your loved ones are out to go somewhere fun and entertaining. So in order to make sure you will not be needing to visit the dental clinic particularly during special occasions, do not miss any Preventative dental care measure that should be done on a regular basis according to your trusted dentist.

One’s dental health is crucial since it is not only the teeth that can be affected. Without brushing and flossing, food particles that are left in your mouth could result in the formation of dental cavities and it could pose serious threats not only to your dental health but also to your overall health. That is because the bacteria in your mouth that have multiplied after not brushing can travel through your blood stream and attach your body’s other systems.

To steer clear of emergency trips to the clinic this holiday season, the dental care professionals in Hampton, VA recommend to never miss brushing and flossing. If you cannot do them right after meals because you are not at home, you can always gargle with mouthwash. Or if you think that is too big to carry around, you can settle with your drinking water. Gargling after meals can help remove the food particles in your mouth but also can prevent bad breath. The gargle will combat all the bad bacteria in your mouth before they even take a toll on your dental and overall health. Just make sure that when you are home, brush your teeth before you go to sleep.

To find out more about dental tips for the holidays, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings Help Save A Tooth Structure – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 01, 2016
Invisible Dental Filling Procedure

The newest dental filling offerings at Oyster Point Dentistry maximizes the amount of viable tooth structure saved. By doing this, the resultant dental condition is maximized for health and efficiency while simultaneously delivering at the lowest possible cost. This is important even though your insurance covers the cost of the procedure, it does not unnecessarily tax your cap.

Aside from allowing the teeth to become fully functional again, the invisible dental fillings also allow the teeth to become aesthetically pleasing. Unlike the metal amalgams, these fillings can mimic the natural shade of the tooth structure thereby allowing the former to blend with the latter. As a result, the fillings become less visible to the naked eyes, so you can just flaunt your smile all the way without feeling conscious that your dental fillings might look obvious.

The invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA offer many different benefits to a qualified patient. Just like other dental treatment options, it is important that you consult your dentist if this is the best option for your case.

To find out more about the benefits and advantages of invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Oral Sedation – A Savior for Anxiety-Prone Kids – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, November 28, 2016
dental procedure

Far too many children suffer poor dental health because they miss important preventive and corrective dental treatments due to anxiety associated with the dentist's chair. As a result, their dental problems become worse and lead to more complex (and often times painful) treatment. When this unfortunate condition occurs, parents and children should consider the benefits of dental sedation. .

The dental sedation process safe, effective, and painless. It does not require the use of needles which is the primary phobia for children who are excessively afraid of the dentist. With this sedation service, your kid’s natural anxiety will be put aside thereby allowing the dentist to conduct the treatment that your kid needs before things get any worse.

The dental procedure will not begin until a significant and measured sedative or relaxing effect is felt by the patient. In the oral sedation process, the patient will feel as if he or she slept right through it. From a patient’s point of view, this dental sedation technique speeds up the entire process so extended treatments would seem to only take minutes instead of an hour. The use of this sedative medication is indeed one effective motivation for anxiety-prone kids to have regular dental healthcare.

To find out more about dental sedation techniques, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Does Your Smile Make You Happy? – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, November 18, 2016

You look at yourself in the mirror. You have fair skin, no pimples, or any blemishes, but something appears wrong. Maybe discolored teeth is making you appear older than you really are. Can a smile make you look aged? The answer is "yes"! That is why Britesmile teeth whitening system can change your entire outlook in one easy visit to your dentist.

It cannot be denied how yellow teeth can affect one’s smile and make one look aged. The professional teeth whitening services we offer Newport News, VA is changing lives. This in-office treatment uses the BriteSmile technology in which a laser beam is used to activate the whitening ingredients of the especially formulated gel in order to put an end to discolored or stained teeth. After a person’s visit to the clinic, you can expect immediate visible results. Not only will you have aesthetically pleasing pearly whites but also younger-looking smile.

Dentists and even beauty consultants agree that white teeth play a vital role in facial beautification. With BriteSmile you will have an in-office whitening treatment that is guaranteed to work faster and better than those over-the-counter teeth whitening products that you can simply buy from drug stores. It will work perfectly in helping you achieve the shade of white that looks good on you so it appears natural and gives you that youthful glow.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea: Why Treat It The Soonest? – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sleep apnea is a deadly disease. Sometimes associated as only a snoring problem, the disease systematically breaks down the body as it can lead to diabetes, heart problems, stroke, and other health conditions.

If indeed you unknowingly suffer from sleep apnea, it needs to be treated soonest? If you (or your partner) have the slightest worry or suspicion, see you doctor absolutely ASAP. Sleep apnea has different severities. But the earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the better. For just mild to moderate sleep apnea, there are dental solutions to treat sleep apnea that can help treat it before it can take its toll to one’s life. These dental solutions are actually being offered for those who do not feel comfortable sleeping with a CPAP or related equipment with them.

The available dental sleep apnea treatments in Hampton, VA have some dental care professionals working with sleep doctors in order to come up with a treatment plan based on the patient’s specific needs and preferences. People with sleep apnea may have the right to accept the risks to their health and refuse from being treated. However, they must keep in mind that not only will they suffer but also their loved ones if they will not avail of the dental solutions for sleep apnea.

To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Professionals Say No to Nail Biting – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 03, 2016

Parents of children who bite their nails should take heed to correct their children's unhealthy habit. Anxious nibbling of one's nails is bad for both fingernails and teeth. This is the reason why our dental care professionals in Newport News, VA have a clear and firm stand to say no to nail biting.

Experts have linked nail biting to teeth grinding, clenching, jaw problems, facial pain, sensitive teeth, and other issues in one’s dental health. So if you (and/or your child) gets the urge to chew, distract yourself for a minute or two and see if the feeling goes away. But if that does not work, try buying a bitter-tasting polish that is designed to deter you from putting your nails anywhere near your mouth.

Nail biting is more than just a habit because it can have adverse effect on your overall health. It also has effects on your teeth as nail biting can lead to teeth shifting out of place and potential breaks in tooth enamel. It can also wear down teeth as it puts added stress on your pearly whites which can eventually lead to crooked teeth.

Since nail biting is one way to relieve stress, finding another way that does not involve gnawing a part of your body could be useful. Also, you can make your teeth even stronger by doing preventative dental care measures on a regular basis. Having stronger teeth will make them less likely to get damaged easily when you bite your nails.

For more details, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea -- The Secret is Out – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dental solutions for sleep apnea is exploding across the nation as apnea patients celebrate the notion of getting rid of their CPAP machines. Now to be frank and up front, dental solutions don't work for everyone (and only your medical doctor can make this call), but patients are increasingly demanding that their medical doctors authorize sleep studies utilizing a dental device (vice CPAP) to determine if the dental solution is a viable alternative. But the news is good! You have a very good chance that you can rid yourself of CPAP and turn to a treatment that is convenient, comfortable, and invisible to your bed partner.

Repertory physicians refer their patients to dentists to develop dental solutions to treat sleep apnea patients treatments (in Hampton, VA) taking all health issues into consideration. It's very simple. You may not need forced air to treat your apnea condition. You may simple need to ensure your jaw does not recede back during sleep and block your airway. By using a dental device (much like an adjustable athletic mouth guard), you simply are insured that your jaw stays forward and thus enabling unobstructed airflow through your throat. Very simple and non-invasive treatment which every apnea patient owes it to themselves (and to their partners) to investigate.

To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Simple Preventative Dental Care Stops Life-Long Dental Damage – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, October 20, 2016

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is a life decision most often not appreciated until well into adult life. Few truly appreciate damaged (or loss) of tooth and gum until it happens to them despite witnessing this damaging effect on others. We can't emphasize strongly enough the importance of practicing uninterrupted preventative dental care. If you take each preventative care measure seriously, you will be able to prevent many of the most common and consequential issues that damage your teeth. Taking just a few minutes each day to brush and floss your teeth can help ensure that your smile is healthy throughout your lifetime.

Our professional dental care team here in Newport News, VA highlight the importance of preventative dental care especially for children while their adult teeth are still forming. The earlier they develop the habit of brushing and flossing regularly as well as paying visits to the dentist’s clinic bravely can guarantee that they will have aesthetically pleasing teeth, fresh breath, and better overall dental health.

If you have questions regarding the best way for you and your family to practice preventative dental care, it will not hurt your teeth to seek out expert advice from the dental care professionals. Consulting one is the best way to enjoy a healthy dental health for a long time because you can be sure that you are doing everything you can and doing everything properly after getting help from your dentist.

To find out more about preventative dental tips, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dentists Now Work Closely with Sleep Doctors to Make Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea

Darren Kincaid - Friday, October 14, 2016

Sleep apnea is a deadly disease but is treatable by multiple means. The most common treatment involves continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), but doctors and patients alike are increasingly choosing dental solutions over CPAP. Dental treatment of sleep apnea involves using a mouthpiece that is very similar to an athletic mouth guard. Unlike CPAP, dental apnea solutions are comfortable, easily maintained, and inconspicuous treatment option. Anyone who suffers from sleep apnea owes it to themselves to discuss dental treatment options with their medical doctor.

Our dentists, upon written order from your medical doctor, will build you a custom dental sleep apnea solution for you. We will conduct a complete clinical evaluation at your first visit. Such examination will include your teeth, jaw, tongue, and airway. You will then be told about the benefits of sleep apnea treatments as well as the potential side effects and cost of therapy.

Sleep apnea treatments in Hampton, VA also include making and fitting oral appliances that are customized using digital or physical impressions of your teeth. They will then be sent to a dental lab where the oral appliance is custom-made just for your case in order to maximize comfort and effectiveness.

To find out more about the dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sedation Techniques Prevent Spontaneous Movement and Guide Cooperative Behavior – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, October 07, 2016

In contrast to general anesthesia that renders the patient unconscious, dental sedation techniques are only intended to reduce the patient’s anxiety and discomfort during dental visits. In some cases, the patient may become drowsy or less active while sedated, but the effects of sedation will quickly cease after the dental procedure is completed. That is why these techniques are great for kids who have somehow developed fear from seeing the dentist or visiting the clinic thereby causing them to fail receiving treatments that they might need the most.

Among the existing dental sedation techniques, oral sedation process is the most recommended for kids who are uncooperative, particularly anxious, or unable to control their muscles or movements for prolonged periods. These kids maybe offered an oral sedative in order make them feel drowsy and relaxed thereby making it easier for the pediatric dentist to conduct and complete the dental treatment. When sedated, the patient will be able to keep still so the dentist can perform high-precision procedures safely.

Sedation is used in several circumstances. Firstly, very young children are often unable keep still for long enough for the dentist to perform high-precision procedures safely. Sedation makes the visit less stressful for both children and adults and vastly reduces the risk of injury. Secondly, some children struggle to manage anxiety during dental appointments. Sedation helps them to relax, cope, and feel happier about treatment. Thirdly, sedation is particularly useful for children with special needs. It prevents spontaneous movement, and guides cooperative behavior.

Before recommending a method of dental sedation for our patients in Newport News, VA, our doctors first assess medical and dental history, patient concerns, and patient comfort levels with the various options. The expected duration of the procedure will also be taken into consideration. Because dental sedation techniques prevent spontaneous movement and guide cooperative behavior, you can guarantee of a speedy dental treatment that generates best results.

To find out more about oral sedation process, contact Oyster Point Dentistry

Invisible Dental Fillings are Custom-Colored For You -- A Natural Blend with Existing Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, September 30, 2016

In years past, dentists used many different materials to fill cavities of patients such as amalgam (metal), silver and even gold. There are disadvantages (cost and health issues) to all three of these filling materials. What most people find distasteful about all three traditional filling products is the clearly viewable nature of the materials. That is why today almost all dental fillings invisible composite materials.

Composite fillings are widely known in the market as invisible dental fillings. This is because of their natural tooth color. So ones being used to fill cavities, the fillings will become less visible as they blend to the shade of your remaining natural tooth structure. For this reason, composite dental fillings are not only known in restorative dentistry but also in cosmetic dentistry.

Invisible dental fillings in Newport News, VA are aesthetically pleasing. Patients would not mind undergoing a dental treatment that involves this type of fillings because they will not be visible to the naked eye, unless one comes closer to the patient for a closer look.

The composite dental fillings are so durable; they are not just there to look pleasing. These invisible fillings provide solution that help prevent further damage in a tooth structure thereby making them as an ideal alternative treatment for tooth decay. "

To find out more about the newest dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care Measures Let You Prepare for The Upcoming Happy Holidays – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The happy holidays are fast approaching. During the season, you can expect party here, party there, and everywhere. And in every occasion, there is always great food and cold beverages that you might not be able to enjoy if you have dental problems. That is why our dental care professionals in Hampton, VA advise that you religiously follow preventative dental care measures.

It is still September and you have more or less the last quarter of the year to prepare for the holidays. One of the greatest gifts you could give to yourself for the entire holiday season is good dental health. If you have healthy teeth and gums, you will be less likely to have tooth decay and other dental problems.

When talking about preventative dental care measures, what often comes to mind is brushing and flossing. Actually these measures also include going to the clinic regularly in order to undergo dental cleaning. There may be some food particles that have adhered to the natural teeth and can be difficult to remove, and it is the job of your favorite dentist to do that and other dental-related things for you.

To find out more about the available dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

How BriteSmile Teeth Whitening System Helps Boost Self-Confidence – New Port News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, September 15, 2016

Having pearly white teeth is a confidence booster. Teeth whitening is not just for wedding planning and job interviews. The instant self-esteem gained by marked improvement in teeth coloration is beneficial to both health and mind. If you have discolored or stained teeth, call us about in-office whitening treatment that will safely and affordably turn your life around.

When treating discolored or stained teeth, Oyster Point Dentistry uses the ever-famous Britesmile teeth whitening system. Britesmile is widely used by many dentists all around the world because it is easy to conduct on patients, the results are achieved faster, and it is safe of course.

Not all teeth whitening solutions are equal. If you want to have faster results in just one visit to the dental clinic, you can actually you go for a professional teeth whitening in Newport News, VA. Instead of having patience using over-the-counter whitening gels, whitening strips, or whitening tooth pastes that has not so strong concentration of whitening ingredients, you can rely on the latest BriteSmile’s laser teeth whitening technology that will get you pearly whites that look more white than yellow.

To find out more about BriteSmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea – Custom-Fit Solutions End CPAP – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, September 08, 2016

Sleep apnea treatments for patients in Hampton, VA vary depending on the individual case of the patient. One viable treatment option that sometimes gets overlooked is the use of dental solutions to medically treat the disease. We recommend to all patients to openly discuss the dental treatment option with your medical doctor to see if wearing a simple dental device (similar to an athletic mouth guard) is a medical alternative for you. The ability to treat sleep apnea via a dental device (vice CPAP) is universally preferred by patients and their bed partners alike.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep. Some people who snore at night are more likely to also have this disorder that is why it is better to consult a sleep doctor.

Once you have underwent a check-up and the result shows that you have sleep apnea, your doctor may refer you to a dentist whom he will work with so you can avail of the dental solutions to treat sleep apnea. A custom-fit oral sleep appliance can help improve your sleep and you are less likely to snore while you rest at night. The oral appliance actually looks like a mouth guard that most athletes wear during game time. Because you are able to sleep soundly at night, your alertness during the day will be restored. Aside from that, you will also enjoy a multitude of benefits such as lower risks of heart problems and diabetes.

To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care – Take Minor Steps Regularly to Prevent Major Problems – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, September 02, 2016

Preventative dental care is just the same as any other kind of preventative measure. You simply take minor steps regularly (such as brushing and flossing) in order to prevent big problems with your teeth and gums that can cause great pain, stress, and avoidable financial burden.

Our dental care professionals share various tips on how to maximize the benefits that preventative dental care has to offer. Once you have gained knowledge about the different doable ways to take care of your dental health, take action to make preventative dental care a part of your life. Because when you do, you are less likely to have issues in your dental health and you will be able to flaunt that beautiful smile and be oozing with confidence each day knowing that you have perfectly white teeth and fresh breath.

All the things you do to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy fall under the umbrella of preventative dental care in Newport News, VA. So it does not only pertain to brushing and flossing daily nor just paying regular visits to your dentist for cleaning and check-up. It also includes replacing your toothbrush regularly, avoiding food and beverage that can cause tooth decay, not munching hard food, not opening a bottle of soft drink using your teeth, and so on.

To find out more about preventative dental care measures, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings – The Clear Benefits over Traditional Amalgam – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, August 26, 2016

A lot of people often ask why the invisible dental fillings are considered as a clear alternative to amalgams. Well, the answer is quite simple – they are more affordable, stronger, safer, and more aesthetically pleasing.

The newest dental fillings can be custom-colored so they match the natural tooth nearly identically. When applied to a tooth structure, the invisible dental filling provides support that helps prevent breakage while insulating it from sensitivity to temperature fluctuations.

Cavities are rather common dental problems experienced by most people at one time or another. In order to treat them, it is necessary to get filings. Prior to the existence of the invisible dental fillings in Hampton, VA, such treatment rather involved removing the decayed tooth matter and filling it with a metal amalgam material in order to restore structure to the tooth. But because the amalgam is unsightly, dentists have thought of something that will provide its purpose as a filling but not to the extent that the tooth will look awful. This is how the invisible dental fillings started to join the picture. Since then, it has become an awesome alternative to metal amalgams.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

BriteSmile Teeth Whitening System Delivers that Perfect Shade of White – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 18, 2016

When you wish to whiten your teeth and you seek immediate results,consider professional teeth whitening by Oyster Point Dentistry here in Newport News, VA. You will be able to get immediate results just by paying your dentist a visit once that you would not achieve if you have chosen to use over-the-counter whitening gels and tooth pastes instead.

Our professional in-office teeth whitening treatment of choice is the BriteSmile teeth whitening system. That is why you get perfectly white teeth at an instant. So if you are scheduled for an interview this week, to attend a special gathering, or just want to have a make-over, then you can go the BriteSmile route and whiten those severely stained teeth fast.

BriteSmile’s in-office whitening treatment uses a especially formulated gel whose whitening ingredients can be activated using a beam of light that is also approved for use in humans. Another good thing about BriteSmile is that you can be confident that the shade of white you get is the perfect fit to your face. You will not have white teeth that are too flashy to appreciate.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Solutions to Treat Sleep Apnea – Say Goodbye to CPAP – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sleep apnea is a common and potentially deadly disease. Many people are not aware that there is a medically approved dental solution for the treatment of the disease that is widely preferred over CPAP. With that said, dental solutions to treat sleep apnea is not a universal treatment option as some apnea cases are so severe that the only medical treatment option is CPAP. This purpose of this blog post is to educate you on the dental option and to encourage you to discuss the possibility of dental treatment with your medical doctor. Only a medical doctor can prescribe the dental treatment option.

Our sleep apnea treatments (for our patients in Hampton, VA) involve the use of a custom-fit mandibular advancement device that helps solve the recurrence or prevent the occurrence of sleep apnea. Such device is worn only during sleep. It fits like a sports mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer. As it pertains to patient comfort, there is no comparison to the dental device vs. CPAP. The dental device is as comfortable as wearing a simple athletic mouth guard.

Once again, regarding your hen treating treatment options for sleep apnea, you must first consult your medical doctor to see if he or she believes you are a dental treatment candidate. If yes, your medical and dental care teams will work together and develop a program based on your unique case. This life-changing treatment would not be possible or successful without their joint efforts. When you and your sleep doctor come to a conclusion that the custom-made oral appliance is the best treatment option for your case of sleep apnea, then your doctor will write a prescription along with a referral to a qualified dentist who can provide it for you.

To find out more about dental solutions to treat sleep apnea, visit your dentist atOyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Sedation -- Anxiety and Pain Free Dental Treatment For Kids and Adults – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 04, 2016

The dental sedation services we provide our clients in Newport News, VA offers multiple benefits. Dental sedation makes the patient feel drowsy yet empowers the patient to remain coherent and able to respond to the doctor's questions and instructions. Pain, however, is essentially non-existent.

The dental sedation techniques we employ often times are so effective that the patient does not even remember the treatment although they were in constant communication with the dental team during the procedure. Sometimes dental sedation is the only means by which we can treat children who are hypersensitive or completely uncooperative.

The oral sedation process is safe and effective. Some sedation simply requires the patient to medicate by mouth prior to treatment. This is especially welcome to those who fear needles required for IV sedation. The oral sedatives are all regulated by the FDA and administered under the care of a certified dental doctor. Side effects of any kind are extremely rare.

To find out more about the benefits of oral sedation process, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Achieve Perfectly White Teeth Faster with BriteSmile Teeth Whitening Technology – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 29, 2016
teeth whitening

There are multiple benefits to having a bright smile. Self-confidence and overall happiness are the obvious two. Today, large volume of our patients choose BriteSmile in-office whitening treatment as the treatment of choice.

If you want safe and effective teeth whitening solutions you should be cautious when choosing over-the-counter teeth whitening gels and tooth pastes. OTC products do not offer immediate results and misuse of the products can damage your teeth. It is highly advised to only trust the care of your teeth to a professional dental team and that includes getting professional teeth whitening treatment for our patients in Hampton, VA.

More and more people are now choosing the ever-famous Britesmile teeth whitening system to whiten their teeth in just one visit to the clinic. This system uses an especially formulated gel that comes with whitening agents that get activated when hit by the laser beam. Britesmile teeth whitening system provides immediate treatment to many different cases of discoloration so no one would ever be deprived of smiling and gaining confidence of having perfectly white teeth.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care -- How It Saves You Money – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, July 21, 2016

Brushing, flossing, as well as getting regular dental cleaning or checkups are preventative dental care practices that save you pain (and yes lots of money) over time. They contribute largely in preventing gum disease and minimize risk of tooth loss as well as other issues in your overall health. The promotion of healthy teeth and gums over the course of your entire lifetime is one of THE most important endeavors every single individual should pursue.

Taking care of your teeth and gums via active preventative dental health measures introduces other health benefits beside offering a beautiful smile. Maintaining good dental habits will reduce your risk for diabetes, heart disease, lung infection, kidney problems, stroke, and even cancer. If you do not exercise preventative dental health practices as recommended by your dentist bacteria from your mouth can make its way into your bloodstream thereby increasing your chances of having any of these health conditions.

Dental care professionals in Newport News, VA recommend preventative care measures because they make you save money. As always, prevention is better and is more cost-effective than cure. Brushing and flossing your teeth or paying regular visit to your dentist is not expensive at all, neglecting your teeth is.

To find out more about more reasons to take care of your dental health, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings – Natural-Looking Fillings Treat Cavities and Other Imperfections – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 15, 2016

People today are more aware and open to cosmetic dentistry practices. People today, more than ever, employ good preventative dental care measures such as brushing and flossing. They also are more open to take advantage of affordable modern dental technology to improve their smile. For this reason, natural-looking alternative dental treatments such as newest dental fillings are now growing increasingly in demand.

The invisible dental fillings we offer in Hampton, VA are the newest type of fillings offering a more natural-looking finish because they are made of composite resin that can be customized so that the fillings match the shade of the remaining natural tooth structure. With the use of this tooth-colored plastic mixture, this type of dental filling seems to blend with the tooth structure so it becomes virtually invisible.

The main advantage of the invisible dental fillings is their aesthetic appeal. Unlike amalgams, they do not blacken through time. That is why they are an ideal option if you need to address a cavity or any imperfection especially that of a front tooth. They also work great in repairing a broken filling or replace amalgam fillings as desired by the patients.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Britesmile Teeth Whitening Treatment – One Hour To Long Lasting Naturally White Teeth – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, July 07, 2016

With just an hour visit to your dentist, the BriteSmile teeth whitening system will bring back the naturally white shade of your teeth. You will have your brightest and healthiest smile and you will have long years of enjoying it.

The professional teeth whitening services we provide in Newport News, VA includes the BriteSmile Whitening System and is professionally administered by our trained dentist. The specially formulated whitening gel is activated by BriteSmile’s patented gentle blue light for 20 minutes in a completely pain-free relaxing environment.

Teeth darken for a number of lifestyle reasons such as smoking. drinking coffee, tea, or wine. The simple reality of aging causes discoloration to your teeth. Over-the-counter teeth whiteners can be dangerous and ultimately will disappoint. You should choose a whitening system that is clinically proven to be safe and effective, achieves the longest-lasting results, gives you the most naturally brilliant and uniform shade, uses a low concentration of active ingredient, and most of all, is administered by dental professionals. You can find all these things in an in-office whitening treatment that uses a BriteSmile teeth whitening system.

To find out more about Britesmile teeth whitening treatment, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Care Professionals Emphasize Mouthguards For Essentially All Youth Sports – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 01, 2016

Preventative dental care includes more than the obvious. Obviously brushing and flossing should be done everyday in order to prevent cavities and to promote gum health. Paying regular visits to the dentist for cleaning and check-up is also a must. With all that said, dentists across America witness increasingly high summer emergency dental services for sports-related dental injuries. And sadly, the vast majority of them could have been prevented.

Youth football, baseball, and basketball are the most common source of dental injury, but we find any racquet sport introduces a degree of dental injury risk. Racquetball is increasingly popular with youth and parents should take note of the dangers that swinging racquets introduce to both the eyes and teeth of your young athletes. Field hockey, soccer, softball, and bowling all introduce risk to the face and teeth. OK, maybe not bowling, but that got your attention, right? All kidding aside, there is nothing we'd rather see than fewer children and young adults being treated for avoidable dental emergencies.

The dental care professionals throughout Hampton, VA strongly encourage all young athletes (and the parents of athletes) to emphasize and prioritize wearing mouth guards when playing sports. Whether you are a serious athlete or “weekend” sports buff, make it a habit to wear mouthguards as this simple practice all but guarantees the safety of your teeth and gums.

For more tips on how to maintain healthy gums and strong teeth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisible Dental Fillings Render Traditional Amalgam Fillings Virtually Obsolete – Hampton, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 23, 2016

The newest invisible dental fillings offer a number of advantages over traditional amalgam dental fillings. These fillings are a restorative dental treatment alternative that is preferred by most (if not all) patients today because they offer the most natural looking mouth possible. They care custom-colored so that they match the natural shade of the remaining teeth making them nearly invisible to you and anyone else when applied on to the tooth structure.

Because of their many advantages and benefits, the invisible dental fillings are used as replacement for traditional silver or gold filling solutions. They do not only look beautiful but are as strong and durable as any dental filling solution ever offered. These fillings are actually specially formulated to be high-strength so that you can enjoy their benefits for life. They bond to the tooth structure strongly so they do not fall easily which is a common issue in amalgam fullings. They provide support that helps prevent breakage and insulating the tooth from excessive temperature changes.

To find out more about the benefits and advantages of newest dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Health – Take Care of Your Teeth -- They’ll Take Care of You – Newport News, VA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 16, 2016

Those with poor dental hygiene regiments not only runs the risk of having bad breath but also suffer poor overall dental health.

When you do not practice routine preventative dental care measures such as regular brushing and flossing, you allow food particles and bacteria to build up on the teeth. Plaque begins to develop and only bad things result from that. Bacteria within plaque release acids, which break down the enamel on your teeth. As this process continues over time, calculus, a hard substance can form on the teeth and irritate the surrounding gums. This will then worsen into gingivitis thereby leading to inflammation of the gums. And if this process goes on, you can suffer from gum disease that not only causes infection but also destroy your teeth eventually.

Dental care professionals recommend to always take care of your teeth and they will take care of you in return. In addition to brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, paying visits to your dentist to have cleaning and checkup is also vital to have a good dental health that is free from plaque, calculus, or any dental issues.

To find out more about preventative dental care, visit your dentist at Oyster Point Dentistry.

Newest Dental Fillings Bond Invisibly to Damaged Teeth – Hampton, VA

Darren Kincaid - Thursday, June 09, 2016

At some point in our lives, people develop cavities and most people today have them restored with invisible dental fillings. During this treatment, tooth-colored fillings are placed in the patient’s affected tooth. Aside from relatively inexpensive, these fillings can be completed in one dentist appointment usually in at least an hour so you enjoy their benefits faster than you would with other alternative dental treatments.

The newest dental fillings can be tooth-colored so they can match the natural shade of your teeth. Once put in place, they blend with the rest of the teeth while they fill in tooth structure that have been damaged by cavities. So while these fillings mask the imperfections of your teeth, you can smile with more confidence knowing that the fillings could not be seen by others as if you have not really underwent a treatment.

The use of invisible dental fillings in Hampton, VA consists of two stages. Your dentist will first clean out the infected tooth thereby removing all signs of decay and damage and preventing them from worsening or coming back. Your dentist will then bond the tooth-colored filling material to the affected area in order to providing additional strength and support to the structure.

To find out more about invisible dental fillings, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.