Oyster Point Dental Blog

Many Disadvantages to Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Everyone wants a bright white smile, but not everyone can afford the maintenance behind it.

The latest Do-It-Yourself trend is teeth whitening or dental bleaching. Over-the-counter teeth whitening products can often improve the shade of your teeth; the disadvantages of over-the-counter kits far outweigh the benefits.  For more effective and safer results, it’s recommended that you have your dentist perform in-office teeth-whitening.

Here are some potential risks and side effects of over-the-counter teeth whiteners that you should be aware of:

Harmful to the Gum Line - Over-the-counter teeth whitening kits contain peroxides. The peroxide can cause serious damage to your gum line. DIY whitening strips or gel trays can often be too big or small. Either scenario can lead to unnecessary contact with your gum line.

In a dentist’s office, teeth whitening trays are custom made for each mouth. With a lesser risk of gum contact, a higher concentration of peroxides in stronger gels can be used that ultimately yield better, whiter results.

Aggravate Dental Problems- Do-it-yourself teeth whitening kits can make pre-existing dental problems worse.  The bleach can get into any abscess of the mouth and cause immediate pain – or worse, an infection.

It is important to make an appointment with your dentist before considering teeth-whitening. They can check for any cavities or gum disease that could be aggravated by the bleach. If you have a severe cavity, the bleach can travel as far as the root and may lead to root-canal therapy.

In gums with pre-existing gum disease, the bleach from kits will burn the inflamed gums and can cause the loss of soft tissue. This can lead to serious illness as the bacteria from the gums can find its way to other parts of the body.

Poor Results- Over-the-Counter teeth whitening lead to ineffective  or uneven results. Most DIY treatments contain bleach concentrations between 10%-20% – somewhere in between is the safest bet for a bleaching agent. Most teeth whitening kits don’t list the concentration so customer cannot choose a strength that’s sensitive to their oral health.

Damage Tooth Enamel - Enamel is the protective layer around our teeth. It can be stained by foods like caffeine, tobacco and wine. This is why people opt to whiten their teeth.

DIY teeth whitening kits are known to contain sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide – two chemicals that, if not applied properly, can cause erosion of the tooth enamel. If the enamel wears away, the layer of yellow dentin underneath becomes exposed and extreme pain becomes inevitable.

If are interested in teeth whitening, we suggest in-office whitening. For an appointment or for more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

World Dental

Benefits of Dental Implants

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 26, 2013

Dental implants are one of the most common and  long lasting treatments for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants function similarly to a real tooth by replacing the missing tooth with an artificial tooth and root. In this process, the root of the tooth is replaced with a titanium screw. It is inserted into the jawbone and attached with an artificial tooth.

The natural appearance of dental implants is one of their greatest advantages. They look very similar to natural teeth and look and work better than bridges and dentures. Compared to other treatments for replacing missing teeth, dental implants have a significantly more natural appearance.
Dental implants are easy and a more convenient solution than other options for most patients. They can also be used as a support for dentures because the titanium root is securely screwed into the jaw. Today, most dentists are choosing implants to replace missing teeth and enhance overall appearance.

Though dental implants are more expensive than other treatment options, they last a lifetime when properly cared for making them very cost effective. For one or more missing teeth, consider dental implants for a younger, healthier more natural appearance. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA.

Care for Your Teeth, Care For Your Heart - Newport News

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 19, 2013

Periodontal disease and its treatment are predictors of stroke. Though the link between dental health and heart health is not completely clear, it is important to take care of both.

Caring for Teeth Protects Against Stroke

Paying attention to your dental hygiene and oral health, especially the health of your gums,  will certainly give you a healthy smile. It may also keep your heart healthy too. Cardiologists and periodontists, the dentists who treat gum disease, have long debated the link between dental health and heart disease.

A recent study showed the amount of dental care and periodontal disease is significantly correlated to incidents of stroke risk. People who have regular cleanings have a significantly lower risk of stroke.

Interestingly, in the study the highest risk of stroke was in the people who had untreated periodontal disease especially among the youngest age group who were 20 to 44. Poor dental health was also associated with first-time hospitalization for atrial fibrillation.

There are real reasons why dental health and heart health may be connected. While the link is still being studied, there is also confusion regarding periodontal disease and hearth health. Perhaps those who care better for their teeth care better for their bodies as well. However, a review of several studies by periodontists and cardiologists showed that gum disease is, by itself, a risk factor for coronary artery disease. Also, gum disease is an important risk factor for diseases of the blood vessels and the arteries that supply the brain, especially strokes involving insufficient blood or oxygen to the brain. A link has also found a direct link between clogged arteries in the legs and gum disease.

So, take care of your teeth, take care of your heart. To make an appointment or for more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Study details from medpagetoday.com

Dental Veneers are the Most Sought After Procedure

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, April 04, 2013

There are so many dental procedures available to people these days, and dental veneers are one of the most common and most-sought after.

As we are surrounded by media, we are also surrounded by beautiful smiles. We put quite a bit of emphasis on physical appearances. This is why people go to such great lengths to improve upon their appearance, particularly their smile. A smile is what most first impressions are based upon.

With such emphasis on physical appearance, there have been major advancements in dental technology over the years. People have many choices and options with which to create their perfect smile.

Of all the dental procedures, dental veneers are one of the most common and most-sought after. Dental veneers are extremely thin, custom-made shells made of tooth-colored porcelain that are designed to cover the front surface of your tooth to improve appearance, size, shape, length and color.

Porcelain dental veneers can fix many common dental problems; gaps between teeth, broken teeth, chipped and worn teeth, or discolored teeth.  Veneers can also fix teeth that are misaligned, misshapen or uneven dramatically improving the look of a smile.

Dental veneers are a great solution for long-lasting results and are a great investment for your confidence and your peace of mind. With proper care and maintenance, dental veneers can lost from 5-10 years. For more information on porcelain veneers, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Oral Health Can Affect Overall Health

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Did you know that there is a connection between oral health and your overall health?  Getting regular dental care and routine checkups is the first in caring for your teeth, mouth and gums. Bacteria forms in your mouth, most is good, some can be bad. Regular brushing and flossing helps to keep bacteria under control. Sometimes other factors can affect the normal balance of these bacteria. This can result in infections in the mouth, gum disease, or tooth decay.

Bad bacteria grows in the mouth when the mouth is “out of balance”. This happens when taking certain medications or as a result of other factors that reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth. This can lead bad bacteria from the mouth to enter the bloodstream, causing illness.

What health conditions can arise as a result of poor oral health? Gum disease has been linked to such cardiovascular disease. It is also possible that periodontitis, which is a more serious for of gum disease, may attribute to heart disease, stroke, and clogged arteries.

To keep your mouth healthy, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least two times per day and floss at every day. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes after you eat helps to keep you teeth clean. Also, be sure to have regular dental checkups for cleaning, exams, and x-rays.

Oral health is not just important to your mouth, but to your overall health in general. For oral health care and preventative care, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Silver or Invisible Fillings?

Joseph Coupal - Friday, March 08, 2013

With today’s technology, there are better ways for dentists to repair teeth. Now, there is no reason for you to endure silver fillings. In fact, recently concerns have arisen as to the safety of silver, otherwise known as amalgam, fillings.

Because amalgam fillings contain mercury, there are health concerns about illness, birth defects and mental disorders. However, it is unclear if and how much mercury gets into the body from silver fillings.

Amalgam fillings also cause teeth to crack which leads to root canals and tooth restorations. Oyster Point Dentistry offers “Invisible fillings". This is the latest technology in cavity repair and they allow you to completely mask dental fillings.

Invisible fillings blend with your teeth, and seal them against further decay. They also provide a superbly aesthetic effect, and seal the gap between the filling and your tooth better than the traditional silver fillings. Silver fillings can also be replaced with invisible fillings, also called ceramic composite fillings.

Invisible fillings allow your smile to be beautiful, no one needs to know you ever had a cavity. For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sleep Apnea Treatment - Oral Devices

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sleep Apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing while they are sleeping. It is estimated to affect over 20 million people in the US and 95% of cases go undiagnosed each year. If you are experiencing the symptoms of sleep apnea, it is imperative to see a specialist.

There are many options out there for sleep apnea treatment, but for those of you who are tired of  of CPAP and the unattractive mask and machine, you have the option of an oral device.

Dental appliances or oral devices are like a mouth guard and work similarly. They correct the position of the tongue and/or jaw which increases air flow while you sleep. Oral devices are less cumbersome than other sleep apnea treatments.

Oral appliance therapy is best for patients who are unable to tolerate CPAP or for those who suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea. If you are interested in alternative treatments for sleep apnea, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Instead of Traditional Braces

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 21, 2013

If you or your teen needs braces, consider Invisalign clear aligners instead. Traditional metal braces can make one self conscious and can inhibit proper tooth care.

Invisalign braces are clear, making them almost invisible allowing you to smile with confidence. People won’t even know you are wearing them.

Invisalign can correct most dental issues that call for braces including crowded teeth, underbites, jaw problems and crooked teeth. The staff at Oyster Point Dentistry can tell you if Invisalign will work for you.
With dental xrays Invisalign will create a digital 3-D image from which a series of clear aligners will be constructed, fitting your teeth perfectly. Smooth and much more comfortable than metal brackets, Invisalign aligners are worn throughout the day and allow your teeth to gradually straighten and shift.

The results with Invisalign are the same as traditional braces, but there are many more advantages. You can eat any foods; the aligners are removable so eating and tooth care is easier; and the plastic is easier on your mouth.

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to see if Invisalign is right for you.

Crowns and Bridges Restore Your Smile

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dental crowns and bridges are durable and aesthetic restorations. Crowns and bridges are used to restore badly damaged or missing teeth. We are all concerned about our appearance, and our appearance affects our self esteem, crowns and bridges will make your smile beautiful again.

While appearance is important, there is more to fixing a missing tooth than just appearance. Just one missing tooth can cause your other teeth to move and become crooked which can affect your affect your ability to eat and speak.

Crowns are used for aesthetics and to restore tooth function. When teeth have broken-down fillings, a dental crown can protect and preserve the remaining natural tooth. Crowns are placed over a tooth when fillings are not able to restore the tooth.

Bridges are perfect when there are missing teeth. Bridges may also provide a permanent, non-removable alternative to removable partial dentures.

At Oyster Point Dentistry we now have the ability to offer you crowns and bridges in a "same day/singe visit" experience! We have invested in an E4D Dentist system that enables us to provide you with the dental care you need and want in a single visit.

For more information on dental bridges and crowns, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Dental Veneers Bring Back Your Youthful Smile

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, February 07, 2013

A youthful smile is what we all long for. But as we age, our smile begins to show our years. One way of bringing back the youthfulness of your smile is with dental veneers. As we age, our teeth become more opaque lose their shine, teeth will also yellow over time due to our eating habits.

Porcelain veneers can lengthen teeth and bring back the natural looking translucent quality and can mask undesirable defects or discolored fillings in the front teeth.

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or plastic cemented over the front of your teeth to change their color and/or shape. Veneers are used on teeth that have uneven surfaces or are chipped, discolored, oddly shaped, or for teeth  that are unevenly spaced or crooked.

Veneers are very long lasting and are highly resistant to permanent staining from coffee, tea, or even cigarette smoking.

For more information on porcelain veneers to bring back your youthful smile, contact Dream Smile Dental.

Teeth Whitening for a Perfect Valentine's Day

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Are you getting ready for Valentine’s Day? If so, get completely ready by having a teeth whitening procedure. First impressions are really the only impression. If you have a much anticipated Valentine’s Day date, a teeth whitening appointment at Oyster Point Dentistry is a good idea.

White teeth give you the confidence and self esteem to be at your best while you are trying to impress.  Teeth whitening gives you the smile you desire. And in-office teeth whitening is the best, fastest and longest lasting whitening option.
Over the counter products are a lower strength and only whiten the front of your teeth. But teeth are opaque and in office procedures whiten the entire tooth including the back, making your teeth whiter and natural looking for a longer lasting result.

For a perfect valentine’s day, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening After Care

Joseph Coupal - Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beautiful, white teeth portray health and confidence. It is no wonder that more and more Americans are getting teeth whitening procedures. In fact, teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic procedure today.
However, after your teeth whitening procedure, how should you care for your teeth?

The most effective means of maintaining whitened teeth is avoiding or greatly reducing foods that causes teeth discoloration. Some types of food and drinks to avoid include pasta, gravy, berries, curry based sauces or dishes, soy sauce, ketchup, tomato based sauces, mustard, tea, sodas, coffee, and red wine. Basically, if a food or drink is likely to stain white clothing, it's likely to stain your teeth.

If you can't quit drinking tea or coffee immediately after teeth whitening, you can reduce the amount you drink and try to use a straw to prevent the liquid from having contact with your teeth. Avoiding smoking cigarettes will also greatly prolong your whitened teeth because nicotine causes yellowish stains.

Additionally, some cosmetics like lipstick can stain the teeth so be sure to be careful not to make contact with your teeth. For.

For more information on teeth whitening or after care, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Excerpts Ezine

No More Dental Anxiety or Fear

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 11, 2013

Many people suffer from dental anxiety. As a result their oral health suffers, as does their physical health. Dental issues that would have been minor turn into larger problems because those with dental anxiety put off going to the dentist.

Total sleep dentistry is the answer to this problem. Moving dental surgery out of the dental office and into the medical operating room allows for patients to be completely put to sleep during their dental procedures. Anyone with serious dental fear is a candidate for sleep sedation dentistry.

For dental anxiety that is concerning but not paralyzing, there is sedation dentistry where patients are awake during the procedure, but calm and often unaware of the procedure itself. and audio visual relaxation.  

At Oyster Point Dentistry we talk our “atmosphere seriously. To enhance and ensure a relaxing and rewarding dental experience, Oyster Point Dentistry offers soothing audio and visual technology services to our patients with general anxiety about dental care.

For more information on how we treat patients with dental anxiety or fear, contact us.

Satisfied Customers Tell Why they Love Oyster Point Dentistry

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, January 03, 2013

Have you heard what people are saying about Oyster Point Dentistry? If you need a dentist, or if you need or want cosmetic dental procedures, contact us. Make 2013 the year that you boost your self confidence and improve your smile along with your dental health.

Below are just two of our favorite reviews. To see more, visit OysterPointDentistry.com

For the first time in my life I went to a scheduled dentist appointment without an anxiety attack.

I actually got up in the morning and didn't feel like I was going to hyperventilate over the dental anxiety I used to experience when I knew it was time to sit in that dental chair. I've never felt this comfortable at a dentist, ever. Everyone in the office is so friendly and they make sure you're comfortable and relaxed every step of the way for every office visit.

I truly believe that a relaxed and comfortable patient is going to have less pain and a faster recovery time when having work done, and the staff at Oyster Point Dental cares enough to make sure everyone leaves with a smile.

-Patrick S.

I was very pleased with my experience at this office. The staff were very professional as well as personable. I felt comfortable and confident that the dentist would know what to do.

-Katrina F.

To make your appointment, contact us.

Bad Teeth Prevent Candidates from Getting Jobs

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 27, 2012

Studies show bad teeth prevent otherwise qualified candidates from getting jobs or promotions. Although the U.S. is on the cutting edge of innovations in dentistry, many Americans have poor oral health and crooked or missing teeth and don't go to the dentist.

Two of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are: “get a new job” and “have a more healthy lifestyle”. If either or both of these resolutions are on your list, understand that both are impacted by better oral health.

For help keeping your New Year’s Resolutions, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

No More Dental Anxiety

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The very thought of going to the dentist is enough to fill many people with fear and anxiety, but there is no reason to be afraid of going to the dentist thanks to in sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry allows for dental work to be painless and fast.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Dentists rely on three types of sedation to reduce anxiety during procedures. Some patients may receive laughing gas, or inhalation sedation, to reduce pain while others may take anti-anxiety medications to reduce their apprehensions before even stepping foot in the dentist’s office.

Intravenous (IV) sedation may be used on patients who are undergoing a complex procedure or suffer from extreme anxiety. These forms of anesthesia help patients feel comfortable and relaxed throughout their entire procedures.

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for Me?

Instead of avoiding necessary dental treatments out of fear or anxiety, you should talk to Oyster Point Dentistry about sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry may be right for you if you feel fearful about your dental treatment, have had trouble getting numb or experienced panic attacks during prior dental appointments, have a procedure-specific fear or feel you cannot tolerate a procedure without suffering from significant anxiety.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

World Dental

Braces do More than Just Straighten Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, December 13, 2012

The bite is a complex system that includes teeth, gums, upper and lower jaws, and facial muscles. A healthy bite has not just aesthetic impact but also functional benefits. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to tooth decay, wearing of tooth enamel, and even headaches and jaw joint pain.

Braces are not merely for straightening teeth. Teeth that are properly aligned can enhance your overall health – as well improving confidence and self-esteem. Patients from ages 7 to 70 are wearing braces as more and more adults are opting for orthodontic treatment. And, braces today range from metal braces to translucent to tooth-colored ceramic braces, clear aligners that can be worn at night, and other devices.

Q: What are the most common conditions that require braces?
A: Overbite, overjet, and buck teeth – are common. Hand-in-hand with these bite issues are crowded teeth, or teeth that twist and turn. There is largely a genetic component to these conditions, along with environmental factors.

Q: There have been reports of younger and younger kids getting braces. Is this ok?
A: There is cultural pressure to have that perfect celebrity smile, as seen in magazines and movies. Sometimes patients or their parents are eager to get started on orthodontic treatment. An initial evaluation should occur no later than age 7 or at the first signs of problems. But it’s important to understand that starting treatment early doesn’t necessarily mean finishing early. There is the certain age when treatment is most effective.

For information on braces or to see if Invisalign will be right for you or your child, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Dental Crowns in A Single Visit

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Patients need dental crowns for many different reasons some of which are to protect a weak tooth from breaking, to hold together a cracked tooth, to restore an already broken tooth, to make a cosmetic modification, to hold a dental bridge in place or to finish off a root canal.

But these procedures often mean several visits to the dentist office. And we know that taking up your time is inconvenient.

At Oyster Point Dentistry, we now offer patients E4D Dentist system which allows us to provide you with the dental care you need in a single visit. Instead of taking an impression, this technology allows us to take a clean and fast digital scan of your tooth.

Then, a custom tooth restoration is designed and milled. Your crown, filling, or veneer is created right in our dental office. The final restoration is placed in your mouth the same day.
What does this mean for you? You avoid the hassle of a temporary tooth and a second office visit! Your final crown, filling, or veneer can be seated in the same appointment.

For an unparalleled "same day/singe visit" dental experience, contact  Oyster Point Dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry Eliminates Fear of the Dentist

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 29, 2012

If the sounds of the dental office make you cringe or the thought of pain makes you nervous, sedation dentistry might be just what you are looking for.

Many people dislike the dentist office so much that they put off important dental work, including root canals.  In fact, 20% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of fear and anxiety.
Whether it is the sounds or the feelings you want to avoid, sedation dentistry can take care of both.  It's a great procedure for those who are fearful, for those who don't get numb, if you want to complete a large amount of treatment in one or two visits, it's a great way to do it.

There are two ways to administer the sedation: the first is orally, the second is through an IV drip.
It is a conscious sedation, meaning the patient breathes on his or her own and can respond verbally to commands - but there is no memory of the experience.

Sedation dentistry is the only dentistry those who fear the dentist can use now, helping them feel more comfortable about dental follow-ups and time in the dental chair.

For more information on sedation dentistry, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.


Teeth Whitening Treatments and Maintenance

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Having healthy looking, white teeth is the key to a confident smile.

How your diet can lead to tooth discoloration.

When dark foods and drinks sit on the teeth long enough, they can seep through the enamel and into the next layer called the dentin. The top teeth-staining foods are coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco, since these tend to be held in your mouth the longest. If you have to have a cup of coffee  in the morning, brush your teeth immediately afterward.

Find the treatment that's best for you.

Today, the terms "whitening" and "bleaching" seem to be used interchangeably, but there are major differences. "Bleaching refers to products that contain hydrogen peroxide to whiten the teeth further than their natural color. Whitening, on the other hand, restores the tooth's surface color by removing debris in the form of mouthwash or toothpaste.

In order for the inner layer of dark stains to be removed, the bleaching solution, in-office teeth whitening, needs to stay on teeth long enough for it to penetrate deeper into the teeth to break apart the molecules of the stain. Therefore, in office bleaching has longer-lasting effects than simple whitening systems and tends to be more expensive.

How to maintain your newly-whitened smile.

Avoid any teeth-staining foods and drinks, along with tobacco, for as long as possible. Snack on apples, pears, strawberries, celery, carrots, and any kind of raw veggie or fruit. These foods produce saliva that will help remove bacteria and clean your teeth. Chewing gum that contains Calprox can act as a detergent, stimulating saliva flow and fresh breath. After each meal, swish with water for 30 seconds to wash away stains and debris left behind from the food that you ate.

For your teeth whitening appointment, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Real Beauty Magazine

Teeth Whitening and Oral Care over the Holidays

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, November 15, 2012

The holiday season is not a time to ignore your oral health.  Not only do the sugary treats eat away at your precious pearly whites, but they cause staining and bad breath, too. Don’t grab a teeth whitening kit from the store, they often cause more harm than good. This is especially the case with people who already have sensitive teeth.

Teeth Whitening
White teeth boost your confidence greatly, but over the counter teeth whitening products can also increase the sensitivity of your teeth. However, dentist prescribed teeth whitening won’t cause this harm. Instead, it will get deep into the teeth to lift unsightly stains, while leaving your mouth pain free

Be nice to your mouth
When you’re running from place to place, sometimes oral hygiene can slip your mind. Make it priority! Think about it: brushing, flossing and rinsing doesn’t take too much time at all. Get rid of bad breath, keep your teeth sparkling white and eliminate any unwanted bacteria. Your mouth with love you for it - as well as all the people you may run into!


Teeth Whitening for the Holidays

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The holidays are fast approaching. If you are concerned about your holiday photos and the color of your teeth, consider teeth whitening. Teeth can become dark and stained from genetics or through habits like smoking, red wine, coffee and tea.
But teeth whitening can restore your smile to bright, natural white the way your teeth were intended. At Oyster Point Dentistry we fabricate custom tooth whitening trays and provide professional strength gel to brighten your smile.

Our teeth whitening procedure works better for most teeth than over-the-counter whitening strips and paint on teeth whiteners. Whiteners available in drug stores may be lower strength and may be appropriate for some people.  Your dentist can help you decide what is right for you.

Your smile can look great in your holiday photos. While you may start to see results in just a few days, whitening results often last up to 2 years assuming good hygiene and reasonable exposure to staining foods or beverages.

Make an appointment today for teeth whitening and have the best holidays in years. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Healthy Teeth at Halloween

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween from Oyster Point Dentistry! Tonight, your kids will be home with bags of candy to be eaten over the next few weeks.
Relax, Halloween only comes once a year, your kids can enjoy their candy without harm to their teeth. Just have them eat the candy sensibly. And, of course, continue to brush and floss regularly.

It is hard to believe, but candy doesn’t cause cavities any more than other foods. It is all in the way that you care for your teeth. Actually how often you (or your kids) eat is more concerning to healthy teeth than candy.  After you eat, the bacteria in the mouth produce acid. The acid remains for 20 minutes after you are done eating.  People who snack frequently have acid attacks on their teeth after each meal or snack. This acid can cause tooth decay.

Halloween candy eating tips for your kids:

Practice good oral hygiene, including brushing twice daily and flossing once daily.

Give kids a healthy meal before trick-or-treating. This way they are not hungry and the amount of candy they eat is limited.

Don’t allow them to store their candy in their bedroom, this makes it less tempting.
After meals, let them have a piece or two for dessert.  Acid is already being produced  increased saliva production from eating will help wash away sugary candy and reduce tooth decay risk.

Take kids for pediatric dental checkups. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for a dental appointment.

Invisalign Clear Braces Improve Dental Health

Joseph Coupal - Friday, October 26, 2012

Addressing misaligned teeth through cosmetic dentistry, including Invisalign clear retainers, promotes optimum oral hygiene.

Cavities and oral disease are better able to thrive in crooked teeth. Brushing and flossing is important, but in the case of crooked teeth, it may not be enough. Straightening your teeth with Invisalign clear braces can improve your dental health by making it easier to reach more surfaces, preventing gum disease, preventing cavities and improving overall mouth health.

And, with Invisalign clear aligners you can more easily take care of your teeth. The Aligners are removable, making brushing and flossing much more convenient. They are also removable, so during the holidays, you will be able to eat and drink what you want and take care of your teeth.

For more information on Invisalign clear braces, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Some Halloween Candy is Worse for Teeth Than Others

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween is fast approaching, and there are many parents who are concerned about the amount of sweets and candy that their children will be eating. Some parents may think dentists say all Halloween candy is bad for children's teeth but dentists say some sweets are much worse than others.

Cynthia Sherwood, a dentist and spokeswoman for the Academy of General Dentistry, said dentists want parents and children to know that there are both good and bad candy options.

"We want to clarify for parents which treats are better for their kids' teeth and which ones may increase the risk of developing cavities," Sherwood said in a statement.

Chewy/sticky sweets, such as gummy candies, taffy, and even dried fruit are a serious source of tooth decay, particularly when they get stuck in the crevices between teeth, making it nearly impossible for saliva to wash them away.

Sour candies are highly acidic and can break down tooth enamel quickly, but saliva slowly helps to restore the natural balance of the acid in the mouth."

it is recommended that people wait 30 minutes to brush their teeth after consuming sour/acidic candies. Brushing too early will spread the acid onto more tooth surfaces and increase the risk of enamel erosion.

Candy corn, cookies and cake all contain high amounts of sugar, which can also cause tooth decay, but dark chocolate helps prevent tooth decay by reducing the growth of plaque because the oxalic acid in chocolate appears to lower acid production.

A sugar-free lollipop and hard candy stimulate saliva can help prevent dry mouth.

"A dry mouth allows plaque to build up on teeth faster, leading to an increased risk of cavities," Sherwood said.
For your general dental appointments, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Hispanic Business

A Cure for Dental Fear

Joseph Coupal - Friday, October 12, 2012

Does your heart race at the mere mention of a dentist appointment? Then you are probably a sufferer of dental phobia. If it helps easing your apprehensions, know that you’re not alone.

Moderate to high dental fear is common in up to 17.5% of US adults. In fact, some people are so scared of the dentist that they prefer to neglect their dental health. This means many people are not getting the dental care they need.

Dental fear is more common than you think, and the dentists at Oyster Point Dentistry use dental sedation or oral sedation dentistry to help ease your fears.

Our Dentists are trained and equipped to make sure that people have the most comfortable dentist experience possible. We respect this natural fear that some patients have for dentists and dental care procedures.

For this reason we offer oral sedation services to put aside this very natural anxiety that many people associate with the dental care process. The oral sedation procedure itself is safe and painless as it does not require the use of needles.

If fear has kept you away from the dentist’s office for too long, now is the best time to return and get the proper dental care you need. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more information.

Excerpts from World Dental

Fix Gaps in Teeth with Dental Bridges

Joseph Coupal - Friday, October 05, 2012

Nothing affects your self confidence like missing teeth in your smile. Genetics or accidents can cause missing teeth, and there are ways to fix the problem. One of those dental procedures are dental bridges.

They are called bridges for a reason; dental bridges bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth.

How is the bridge made? Two crowns are placed on either side of the missing tooth or teeth. A false tooth/teeth is then placed in between. These are false teeth that can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination. Bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.

Bridges can:

  • Restore your smile
  • Restore the ability to properly chew and speak
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position

Contact Oyster Point Dentistry for more information or to find out if dental bridges are right for you.

Dental Implants fix Damaged or Missing Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do you have severely damaged or missing teeth? If you’re looking to create a younger smile and suffer from these dental problems, dental implants can dramatically improve your smile and your teeth. Implants can be used for single or multiple tooth restorations.

Veneers are noninvasive and glued to the fronts of teeth to mask imperfections. Dental implants are a permanent surgical solution for patients who are missing teeth and would otherwise need dentures.

Implants can be used for people who have missing or severely cracked or broken teeth or for those suffering from advanced periodontal disease. In these cases, the tooth needs to be extracted and then replaced with a dental implant.
Your smile affects your self confidence, and dental implants to restore a patient’s confidence in smiling. They also allow you to once again eat with comfort which will last a lifetime when properly cared for.

For information on Dental Implants, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

New Beauty Magazine

See the Dentist without the Fear

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, September 20, 2012

Many people are afraid of going to the dentist. As a result they put off making that dental appointment and their dental care suffers as a result. However, avoiding preventative and corrective dental care is a proven health risk as well.

Oyster Point Dentistry respects this natural fear that some patients have for dentists and dental care procedures. For those who are afraid of the sounds and sights of dental procedures there is sedation dentistry. Oral sedation “speeds up the process” from a patient’s point of view. Dental treatments that are an hour or longer seem to take only minutes. Dental research has proven that oral sedation is the key to motivating a regular dental health care regiment for the anxiety-prone patient.

Oral sedation dentistry services put aside this anxiety that many people associate with the dentists office.  The oral sedation procedure itself is safe and painless as it does not require the use of needles.

For more information on oral sedation dentistry and if this procedure is right for you, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Straight Teeth are Important to Oral Health

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Many people might assume that having straight teeth is solely an aesthetic concern, but might not be aware of the positive impact straight teeth can have on oral health. Although teeth alignment procedures are typically associated with dental aesthetics, dentists say other than appearance, straight teeth have a substantial influence on overall oral health.
There are a variety of procedures to resolve common issues such as crooked teeth, crowding, or gaps in between teeth, which can all improve oral hygiene while helping patients achieve a smile they are confident in.

Two specific advantages of having straight teeth is that they are naturally self-cleansing and support healthy gums. When teeth are straight, they will function as they are supposed to with less stress on the jaw.

One of the procedures to correct teeth structure is Invisalign. Many patients are interested in Invisalign because of the lack of brackets and wires, and because they are removable and virtually invisible. Invisalign can also alter bite classifications and offer a more comprehensive orthodontic treatment than other orthodontic procedures.
Oyster Point Dentistry works with each patient to develop a customized treatment plan to help create a natural, beautiful smile.

The importance of straight teeth cannot be stressed enough concerning oral hygiene. Maintain a healthy smile through routine check-ups. Contact us.

Wall Street Journal

Back-to-School is the Time for Invisalign

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Now that school has started again, your teen is stressed about crooked teeth and the prospect of braces. You can give your teen straight teeth without metal braces. Invisalign invisibly straightens your teeth with clear aligners that are custom made.

There is no worse news for a teen than “you need braces?” But now, your teen can have the teeth they have always wanted without brackets and wires. Invisalign for teens can help. Through clear, removable aligners, Invisalign straightens your teeth.

Invisalign Teen takes a better approach to straightening teeth for teens. Clear aligners gradually straighten your teen’s teeth. Invisalign is comfortable, affordable and effective. By using clear aligners, that are removable, your teen can brush and floss the way they normally do.

To help your teen keep track, each aligner comes with a small Blue Dot Wear Indicator, that tells them they are ready for their next set of aligners. And don’t worry, you get up to six free replacement aligners.

For information on Invisalign Teen, Contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Professional Teeth Whitening vs Over-the-Counter Strips

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stand in the checkout aisle at the grocery and you can’t help but want whiter teeth. Today we are inundated with celebrities, ads and tv shows that star glistening white teeth. In fact, teeth whitening is the fastest growing and most performed cosmetic dentistry procedure today.

But do you choose over-the-counter products or in-office whitening? Over-the-counter whitening products take longer, don’t last as long and may not get your teeth as white as you want. Also, if you have had any type of dental work, your teeth may not all respond to over-the-counter whiteners the same.

In-Office or Professional Teeth Whitening

In-office whitening treatments performed by Oyster Point Dentistry means you will have custom trays made for your teeth for at-home bleaching.

Professional Trays are custom-made to fit your teeth and penetrate deeper to whiten both the front and back of your teeth. This way the teeth whitening last longer because your teeth are translucent. The results also last longer than those from over-the-counter whitening strips.  With in-office whitening you can expect your teeth to be 4-8 shades lighter in a week or two while still looking natural.  These results will last from six months to two years depending on your lifestyle.

For more information, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Get that Perfect Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You may not have been born with a perfect smile, but don’t let genetics stop you. Today, there is more focus on our teeth and smiles than every before. In fact, cosmetic dentistry is the fastest growing “cosmetic” procedure.
How do you get the perfect smile you are after? Dental veneers. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are permanently glued to the front of your teeth to enhance your teeth and give you that perfect smile.

Veneers have revolutionized cosmetic dentistry. As far as cosmetic procedure for your teeth, veneers are the moves conservative treatment out there.

You are a candidate for veneers if you want the appearance of straighter teeth, gaps in teeth, small chips, slightly discolored, improve your teeth shape and size, and improve your smile.

Are you interested in improving your smile? Contact Oyster Point Dentistry to see if porcelain veneers are right for you.

Dental Implants Replace Cracked or Missing Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Because people are living longer and more stressful lives, they are exposing their teeth to many more years of crack inducing habits like clenching, grinding, and chewing on hard objects. These habits make our teeth more susceptible to cracks.

Cracked teeth show a variety of symptoms, including pain when chewing or with temperature extremes.

The tooth hurts because when you chew or move your jaw, the pieces of the tooth move. Irritation is caused by chewing. Eventually the pulp becomes damaged enough that it can no longer repair itself.

For cracks that run underneath the gum and cannot be restored, you may need a dental implant—a tooth that’s surgically anchored into the jaw. Dental implants do wonders in restoring a patient’s confidence and in easing pain while eating. The implant and its results should last a lifetime.

If a tooth is missing or broken to a point that the root is damaged, a titanium artificial root can be implanted in the jaw. After the dental implant bonds with your bone, a crown can be placed over the implant.

For more information on relieving your cracked tooth pain with implants, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Invisalign Clear Braces for Adults

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 02, 2012

As an adult, you need to feel confident that you look your best. If you need a confident smile with straighter teeth, Invisalign is the solution for adults. While you seek a youthful look, you don’t want to achieve that “youthful” look through metal braces.

Adults and parents need a more subtle approach to straightening crooked teeth. Invisalign aligners provide this.  They are virtually invisible when you're wearing them, and removable when you need them to be. This is why Invisalign is perfect for you. Invisalign has the flexibility and convenience to fit just about every aspect of your life.

Often adults feel that teeth-straightening is too much trouble, too embarrassing or too disruptive. Making the decision to get Invisalign treatment will give you straightened teeth and a beautiful smile without the self-consciousness of metal braces.
Straight teeth and a proper bite is not just for cosmetics.  Straight teeth can be good for the  overall health of your teeth and gums. A perfect smile goes far beyond good looks.

For more information on Invisalign for adults, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Preventative Dental Care

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, July 26, 2012

Preventive dental care is everything you should do to take care of your teeth and gums: brushing, flossing, eating a healthy diet, and seeing your dentist regularly for cleaning and checkups.

When it comes to a healthy body and healthy teeth and gums, preventive dental care is important. Healthy teeth directly relate to your physical health and well being.

Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly helps remove plaque from on and between your teeth. A healthy, low sugar diet helps keep your body, including your teeth in shape.

Regular dental exams and dental cleanings can help prevent tooth problems. Through regular checkups, you can detect and prevent larger tooth issues faster and for less.

You should see your dentist once or twice a year. The amount of yearly visits necessary depends on your dental health, your dental history, and your risk of dental disease. At Oyster Point Dentistry, we will help you determine the frequency of dental visits that's right for you.

Dental Implants will Restore Confidence in Your Smile

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A dental implant is used in cosmetic dentistry. It is usually made of titanium, to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth to replace missing teeth.

All dental implants are similar to an actual tooth root in that they are placed within the bone. The dental implants will then fuse with bone creating a natural looking and a natural feeling tooth. With dental implants, the person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat whatever they want and they can smile with confidence knowing that  their teeth appear natural.

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They can be used to support a number of dental prostheses, including crowns,  bridges or dentures.

Dental implants change the way people who have lost teeth live.  They help renew self-confidence and the ability to confidently eat, speak, laugh with a full open smile. Contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

No One Needs to See Your Fillings with Invisible Fillings

Joseph Coupal - Friday, July 06, 2012

No one has to see your fillings anymore, not even you! “Invisible fillings" are the latest in cosmetic dentistry technique.

Bonded composite restorations have become the filling material of choice for small to moderate size fillings.  The filling “bonds” with your teeth, and because it comes in a variety of tooth-colored shades, it closely matches the appearance of your natural teeth.

This newer material used in these "invisible fillings" seal the gap between the dental restoration and your tooth better than the silver fillings. Therefore, invisible fillings are stronger, and they are also less likely to decay or break down.

“Invisible fillings" provide a superbly aesthetic effect, they mask dental fillings, and they are as beautiful as they are sturdy.

Oyster Point Dentistry’s physicians can blend any and all fillings into an absolute natural look and feel to match any teeth. Contact us.

Make the Right First Impression with Straight Teeth

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First impressions are important, and a straight smile plays a big role in the impression that you make. Often the first feature people notice is another person’s teeth. For many ,the smile is what they remember most after meeting someone new.

In a survey, 1,047 Americans were asked to give their opinions about images of people with both crooked and straight teeth. Here are some of the results:

People with straight teeth were perceived to be more successful, have a better social life and a better personality. In fact, the study revealed that 45% of the people surveyed thought those with straight teeth were more likely to get a job they were competing for. Plus, they were perceived to likely be more wealthy, intelligent and healthy. Additionally, 73% of people were more likely trust someone with straight teeth. (Kelton Research)

Teeth can be straightened in a number of ways, from traditional metal braces to plastic, clear aligners (like Invisalign). Veneers can also address mildly crooked teeth.

Additionally,  porcelain veneers can mask undesirable defects, such stained teeth, and they are ideal for masking discolored fillings in the front teeth.  Porcelain veneers can also be considered by patients with gaps between their front teeth or teeth that are chipped or worn.

For help creating your new smile, contact Oyster Point Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening for a Natural, Beautiful Smile

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Look around the media and all you will see are bright, white smiles staring back at you. We have become a nation obsessed with white teeth. But as you know, real life is different. Years of consuming coffee, tea, soda, juices and just natural aging have gradually caused your white teeth to discolor.  

Oyster Point Dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth and teeth whitening has proven to be very effective in reinventing our patients smiles. Through our teeth whitening procedure we fabricate custom tooth whitening trays and provide professional strength gel to brighten your smile.
We all need a self confident smile that brings with it a lasting first impression. Increasing your confidence and creating a radiant smile can be done through teeth whitening at Oyster Point Dentistry, contact us so we can help you decide if teeth whitening is right for you.

A Sleep Apnea Cure through Dental Treatment - VA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, June 13, 2012

There is a dental treatment to common snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnea. For those of you using CPAP, that unattractive tight mask and bulky, loud machine, there is an alternative.
For mild-to-moderate sleep apnea patients fed up with their CPAP, there is a solution. Dentally treat snoring and cure sleep apnea. Oral appliances are placed in the mouth when sleeping and are worn much like an orthodontic appliance or sports mouth protector.

Rather than CPAP, moderate sleep apnea can be treated using a much more comfortable alternative.  

At Oyster Point Dentistry, our sleep apnea oral appliance is a clinically proven treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea. This appliance treats cases of sleep apnea by preventing the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat so that the airway stays open during sleep. This customized night guard actually opens up your airway during sleep allowing more oxygen to enter your body and preventing or minimizing symptoms of sleep apnea.
For those who are self-conscious or whose snoring disrupts a loved one....we have a solution for you, contact us.

Porcelain Veneers Put Your Best Smile Forward

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 31, 2012

Your smile is very important. It plays a role in your self confidence and it makes your first impression, presenting your face to the world. When your teeth are stained, uneven or chipped your smile suffers.

In some cases, teeth whitening is the solution for stained or discolored teeth. But teeth whitening is not the solution for many. In many cases the best option is porcelain veneers.

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are cemented over the front of your teeth to change their color or shape. Veneers are used on teeth with uneven surfaces or for teeth that are chipped, discolored, oddly shaped, unevenly spaced or crooked.
Veneers have a longer life expectancy and color stability than bonding, and highly resist permanent staining from coffee, tea, or even cigarette smoking.

If teeth whitening is not an option for you, or to repair chipped, uneven or gapped teeth, contact Oyster Point Dentistry in Newport News, VA.

No Braces for Your Teen, Try Invisalign

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 24, 2012

If your teen needs braces, Invisalign might be the perfect solution. Invisalign is a comfortable, affordable and effective alternative to braces. Best of all, Invisalign is invisible, so your teen doesn’t have to worry about ugly braces. Using clear aligners, Invisalign is removable so your teen can take care of their teeth the way they have learned.

While Invisalign is not right for everyone, Oyster Point Dentistry can help determine if they are right for your teen. Invisalign can help with crowded teeth, spaced or crowded teeth and misaligned teeth. Similar to braces in cost, there are many advantages to Invisallign over braces.

Because there are no brackets or wires, your teen will have the self confidence they need from a healthy smile. With invisalign the aligners are removable. You can eat any foods and brushing and flossing are easier as well. The smooth plastic is more comfortable on your cheeks and gums than metal braces. And there are less office visits than with braces.

Contact Oyster Point Dental to see if Invisalign is right for your teen.

Welcome to Oyster Point Dentistry

Darren Kincaid - Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oyster Point Dentistry teams with Board Certified Medical Doctors (Anesthesiologists) to treat dental patients under total sedation. Our total sleep dentistry services are performed outside our Newport News office, in a nearby operating room. For those with paranoid fear of the dentist, we treat patients under complete sedation (general anesthesia) and are proud to be one of a very select few with the skill and training to provide this service.

A General Family Dentistry Clinic in Hampton Roads VA

At Oyster Point Dentistry we strive to perform high quality, comfortable dental care in a relaxing, state-of-the-art environment. We provide comprehensive cosmetic, restorative and preventive care to all members of the family. Our office has always served the Hampton Roads area with a commitment to service and value.

Our goal is to give you the healthy, beautiful smile you desire with the caring, personal service you deserve. We use the most modern dental technologies and practices available today to include the patented IMTEC mini implant system which has proven to reduce surgical risk, reduce procedural pain and volume of anesthesia, shorten surgical and recovery time, and all at significant cost savings to the patient.

We look forward to assisting you with any of your dental needs. Please contact us to set up your initial consultation.